2,771 research outputs found

    Scalable partitioning for parallel position based dynamics

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    We introduce a practical partitioning technique designed for parallelizing Position Based Dynamics, and exploiting the ubiquitous multi-core processors present in current commodity GPUs. The input is a set of particles whose dynamics is influenced by spatial constraints. In the initialization phase, we build a graph in which each node corresponds to a constraint and two constraints are connected by an edge if they influence at least one common particle. We introduce a novel greedy algorithm for inserting additional constraints (phantoms) in the graph such that the resulting topology is q-colourable, where ˆ qˆ ≥ 2 is an arbitrary number. We color the graph, and the constraints with the same color are assigned to the same partition. Then, the set of constraints belonging to each partition is solved in parallel during the animation phase. We demonstrate this by using our partitioning technique; the performance hit caused by the GPU kernel calls is significantly decreased, leaving unaffected the visual quality, robustness and speed of serial position based dynamics

    A local lattice Boltzmann method for multiple immiscible fluids and dense suspensions of drops

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    The lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) for computational fluid dynamics benefits from a simple, explicit, completely local computational algorithm making it highly efficient. We extend LBM to recover hydrodynamics of multi-component immiscible fluids, whilst retaining a completely local, explicit and simple algorithm. Hence, no computationally expensive lattice gradients, interaction potentials or curvatures, that use information from neighbouring lattice sites, need be calculated, which makes the method highly scalable and suitable for high performance parallel computing. The method is analytic and is shown to recover correct continuum hydrodynamic equations of motion and interfacial boundary conditions. This LBM may be further extended to situations containing a high number (O(100)) of individually immiscible drops. We make comparisons of the emergent non-Newtonian behaviour with a power-law fluid model. We anticipate our method will have a range applications in engineering, industrial and biological sciences

    A simplified particulate model for coarse-grained hemodynamics simulations

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    Human blood flow is a multi-scale problem: in first approximation, blood is a dense suspension of plasma and deformable red cells. Physiological vessel diameters range from about one to thousands of cell radii. Current computational models either involve a homogeneous fluid and cannot track particulate effects or describe a relatively small number of cells with high resolution, but are incapable to reach relevant time and length scales. Our approach is to simplify much further than existing particulate models. We combine well established methods from other areas of physics in order to find the essential ingredients for a minimalist description that still recovers hemorheology. These ingredients are a lattice Boltzmann method describing rigid particle suspensions to account for hydrodynamic long range interactions and---in order to describe the more complex short-range behavior of cells---anisotropic model potentials known from molecular dynamics simulations. Paying detailedness, we achieve an efficient and scalable implementation which is crucial for our ultimate goal: establishing a link between the collective behavior of millions of cells and the macroscopic properties of blood in realistic flow situations. In this paper we present our model and demonstrate its applicability to conditions typical for the microvasculature.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Bridging the computational gap between mesoscopic and continuum modeling of red blood cells for fully resolved blood flow

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    We present a computational framework for the simulation of blood flow with fully resolved red blood cells (RBCs) using a modular approach that consists of a lattice Boltzmann solver for the blood plasma, a novel finite element based solver for the deformable bodies and an immersed boundary method for the fluid-solid interaction. For the RBCs, we propose a nodal projective FEM (npFEM) solver which has theoretical advantages over the more commonly used mass-spring systems (mesoscopic modeling), such as an unconditional stability, versatile material expressivity, and one set of parameters to fully describe the behavior of the body at any mesh resolution. At the same time, the method is substantially faster than other FEM solvers proposed in this field, and has an efficiency that is comparable to the one of mesoscopic models. At its core, the solver uses specially defined potential energies, and builds upon them a fast iterative procedure based on quasi-Newton techniques. For a known material, our solver has only one free parameter that demands tuning, related to the body viscoelasticity. In contrast, state-of-the-art solvers for deformable bodies have more free parameters, and the calibration of the models demands special assumptions regarding the mesh topology, which restrict their generality and mesh independence. We propose as well a modification to the potential energy proposed by Skalak et al. 1973 for the red blood cell membrane, which enhances the strain hardening behavior at higher deformations. Our viscoelastic model for the red blood cell, while simple enough and applicable to any kind of solver as a post-convergence step, can capture accurately the characteristic recovery time and tank-treading frequencies. The framework is validated using experimental data, and it proves to be scalable for multiple deformable bodies

    A Survey of Ocean Simulation and Rendering Techniques in Computer Graphics

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    This paper presents a survey of ocean simulation and rendering methods in computer graphics. To model and animate the ocean's surface, these methods mainly rely on two main approaches: on the one hand, those which approximate ocean dynamics with parametric, spectral or hybrid models and use empirical laws from oceanographic research. We will see that this type of methods essentially allows the simulation of ocean scenes in the deep water domain, without breaking waves. On the other hand, physically-based methods use Navier-Stokes Equations (NSE) to represent breaking waves and more generally ocean surface near the shore. We also describe ocean rendering methods in computer graphics, with a special interest in the simulation of phenomena such as foam and spray, and light's interaction with the ocean surface
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