1 research outputs found

    Non-Interactive Secure 2PC in the Offline/Online and Batch Settings

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    In cut-and-choose protocols for two-party secure computation (2PC) the main overhead is the number of garbled circuits that must be sent. Recent work (Lindell, Riva; Huang et al., Crypto 2014) has shown that in a batched setting, when the parties plan to evaluate the same function NN times, the number of garbled circuits per execution can be reduced by a O(logN)O(\log N) factor compared to the single-execution setting. This improvement is significant in practice: an order of magnitude for NN as low as one thousand. % Besides the number of garbled circuits, communication round trips are another significant performance bottleneck. Afshar et al. (Eurocrypt 2014) proposed an efficient cut-and-choose 2PC that is round-optimal (one message from each party), but in the single-execution setting. In this work we present new malicious-secure 2PC protocols that are round-optimal and also take advantage of batching to reduce cost. Our contributions include: \begin{itemize} \item A 2-message protocol for batch secure computation (NN instances of the same function). The number of garbled circuits is reduced by a O(logN)O(\log N) factor over the single-execution case. However, other aspects of the protocol that depend on the input/output size of the function do not benefit from the same O(logN)O(\log N)-factor savings. \item A 2-message protocol for batch secure computation, in the random oracle model. All aspects of this protocol benefit from the O(logN)O(\log N)-factor improvement, except for small terms that do not depend on the function being evaluated. \item A protocol in the offline/online setting. After an offline preprocessing phase that depends only on the function ff and NN, the parties can securely evaluate ff, NN times (not necessarily all at once). Our protocol\u27s online phase is only 2 messages, and the total online communication is only +O(κ)\ell + O(\kappa) bits, where \ell is the input length of ff and κ\kappa is a computational security parameter. This is only O(κ)O(\kappa) bits more than the information-theoretic lower bound for malicious 2PC