1 research outputs found

    Non-Determinism Analysis in a Parallel-Functional Language

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    . The paper presents several analyses to detect non-deterministic expressions in the parallel-functional language Eden. First, the need for the analysis is motivated, and then each one is presented. The first one is type-based, while the other two are based on abstract interpretation. Their power and efficiency is discussed, and an example is used to illustrate the differences. Two interesting functions to adapt abstract values to types appear, and they happen to be a Galois connection. 1 Introduction The paper presents several analyses to determine when an Eden [BLOMP96] expression is sure to be deterministic, and when it may be non-deterministic. The parallel-functional language Eden extends the lazy functional language Haskell by constructs to explicitly define and communicate processes. The three main new concepts are process abstractions, process instantiations and the nondeterministic process abstraction merge. Process abstractions of type Process a b can be compared to ..