7 research outputs found

    Leading strategies in competitive on-line prediction

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    We start from a simple asymptotic result for the problem of on-line regression with the quadratic loss function: the class of continuous limited-memory prediction strategies admits a "leading prediction strategy", which not only asymptotically performs at least as well as any continuous limited-memory strategy but also satisfies the property that the excess loss of any continuous limited-memory strategy is determined by how closely it imitates the leading strategy. More specifically, for any class of prediction strategies constituting a reproducing kernel Hilbert space we construct a leading strategy, in the sense that the loss of any prediction strategy whose norm is not too large is determined by how closely it imitates the leading strategy. This result is extended to the loss functions given by Bregman divergences and by strictly proper scoring rules.Comment: 20 pages; a conference version is to appear in the ALT'2006 proceeding

    Competitive on-line learning with a convex loss function

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    We consider the problem of sequential decision making under uncertainty in which the loss caused by a decision depends on the following binary observation. In competitive on-line learning, the goal is to design decision algorithms that are almost as good as the best decision rules in a wide benchmark class, without making any assumptions about the way the observations are generated. However, standard algorithms in this area can only deal with finite-dimensional (often countable) benchmark classes. In this paper we give similar results for decision rules ranging over an arbitrary reproducing kernel Hilbert space. For example, it is shown that for a wide class of loss functions (including the standard square, absolute, and log loss functions) the average loss of the master algorithm, over the first NN observations, does not exceed the average loss of the best decision rule with a bounded norm plus O(N−1/2)O(N^{-1/2}). Our proof technique is very different from the standard ones and is based on recent results about defensive forecasting. Given the probabilities produced by a defensive forecasting algorithm, which are known to be well calibrated and to have good resolution in the long run, we use the expected loss minimization principle to find a suitable decision.Comment: 26 page

    Calibration and Internal no-Regret with Partial Monitoring

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    Calibrated strategies can be obtained by performing strategies that have no internal regret in some auxiliary game. Such strategies can be constructed explicitly with the use of Blackwell's approachability theorem, in an other auxiliary game. We establish the converse: a strategy that approaches a convex BB-set can be derived from the construction of a calibrated strategy. We develop these tools in the framework of a game with partial monitoring, where players do not observe the actions of their opponents but receive random signals, to define a notion of internal regret and construct strategies that have no such regret

    On-line regression competitive with reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces

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    We consider the problem of on-line prediction of real-valued labels, assumed bounded in absolute value by a known constant, of new objects from known labeled objects. The prediction algorithm's performance is measured by the squared deviation of the predictions from the actual labels. No stochastic assumptions are made about the way the labels and objects are generated. Instead, we are given a benchmark class of prediction rules some of which are hoped to produce good predictions. We show that for a wide range of infinite-dimensional benchmark classes one can construct a prediction algorithm whose cumulative loss over the first N examples does not exceed the cumulative loss of any prediction rule in the class plus O(sqrt(N)); the main differences from the known results are that we do not impose any upper bound on the norm of the considered prediction rules and that we achieve an optimal leading term in the excess loss of our algorithm. If the benchmark class is "universal" (dense in the class of continuous functions on each compact set), this provides an on-line non-stochastic analogue of universally consistent prediction in non-parametric statistics. We use two proof techniques: one is based on the Aggregating Algorithm and the other on the recently developed method of defensive forecasting.Comment: 37 pages, 1 figur

    Stronger Calibration Lower Bounds via Sidestepping

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    We consider an online binary prediction setting where a forecaster observes a sequence of TT bits one by one. Before each bit is revealed, the forecaster predicts the probability that the bit is 11. The forecaster is called well-calibrated if for each p∈[0,1]p \in [0, 1], among the npn_p bits for which the forecaster predicts probability pp, the actual number of ones, mpm_p, is indeed equal to p⋅npp \cdot n_p. The calibration error, defined as ∑p∣mp−pnp∣\sum_p |m_p - p n_p|, quantifies the extent to which the forecaster deviates from being well-calibrated. It has long been known that an O(T2/3)O(T^{2/3}) calibration error is achievable even when the bits are chosen adversarially, and possibly based on the previous predictions. However, little is known on the lower bound side, except an Ω(T)\Omega(\sqrt{T}) bound that follows from the trivial example of independent fair coin flips. In this paper, we prove an Ω(T0.528)\Omega(T^{0.528}) bound on the calibration error, which is the first super-T\sqrt{T} lower bound for this setting to the best of our knowledge. The technical contributions of our work include two lower bound techniques, early stopping and sidestepping, which circumvent the obstacles that have previously hindered strong calibration lower bounds. We also propose an abstraction of the prediction setting, termed the Sign-Preservation game, which may be of independent interest. This game has a much smaller state space than the full prediction setting and allows simpler analyses. The Ω(T0.528)\Omega(T^{0.528}) lower bound follows from a general reduction theorem that translates lower bounds on the game value of Sign-Preservation into lower bounds on the calibration error.Comment: To appear in STOC 202