4 research outputs found

    Cuffless Single-Site Photoplethysmography for Blood Pressure Monitoring

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    One in three adults worldwide has hypertension, which is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Consequently, there is a global demand for continuous and non-invasive blood pressure (BP) measurements that are convenient, easy to use, and more accurate than the currently available methods for detecting hypertension. This could easily be achieved through the integration of single-site photoplethysmography (PPG) readings into wearable devices, although improved reliability and an understanding of BP estimation accuracy are essential. This review paper focuses on understanding the features of PPG associated with BP and examines the development of this technology over the 2010-2019 period in terms of validation, sample size, diversity of subjects, and datasets used. Challenges and opportunities to move single-site PPG forward are also discussed

    Non-Invasive Continuous-Time Blood Pressure Estimation from a Single Channel PPG Signal using Regularized ARX Models

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    Continuous blood pressure (BP) monitoring can help in preventing hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. In principle, an indirect non-invasive continuous-time measurement of BP is possible by exploiting the photoplethysmography (PPG) signal, which can be obtained through wearable optical sensor devices. However, a model of the PPG-to-BP dynamical system is needed. In this study, we investigate if autoregressive with exogenous input (ARX) models with kernel-based regularization are suited for the scope. We analyzed 10 PPG time-series acquired on different individuals by a wearable optical sensor and correspondent BP reference values to evaluate feasibility of continuous BP estimation from a single PPG source. This first proof-of-concept study shows promising results in continuous BP estimation during resting states

    Abstracts of 51st EASD Annual Meeting

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    Background and aims: Presence and frequency of beta cell (BC) dysfunction(BCD) and insulin resistance (IR) in patients with newly diagnosedtype 2 diabetes mellitus (NDT2D) are imperfectly known, becauseprevious studies used small cohorts and/or only surrogate indexes of BCfunction and IR.We sought to assess BC function and IR with state-of-artmethods in the VNDS.Materials and methods: In 712 GADA-negative, drug naïve, consecutiveItalian NDT2D patients we assessed: 1. standard parameters; 2. insulinsensitivity (IS) by the euglycaemic insulin clamp); 3. BC functionby state-of-art modeling of prolonged (5 hours) OGTT-derived glucose/C-peptide curves. Thresholds for BCD and IR were the 25th percentilesof BC function and IS assessed with the same methods of the VNDS inItalian subjects with normal glucose regulation of the GENFIEV (n=340)and GISIR (n=386) studies, respectively.Results: In the VNDS, 89.8% [95% C.I.: 87.6 - 92.0%] and87.8% [85.4 - 90.2] patients had BCD and IR, respectively. Patientswith only one defect were 19.7% [16.8 - 22.6]. IsolatedBCD and isolated IR were present in 10.9% [8.6 - 13.2] and8.9% [6.8 - 11.0] patients, respectively. Coexistence of BCDand IR was observed in 78.9% [75.9 - 81.9] of the patients.1.4% [0.5 - 2.3] of the patients had no detectable alterations inBC function and IS. Patients (19.7%) with only one metabolicdefect had lower BMI, fasting glucose, HbA1c, triglycerides andBC function, and higher HDL-cholesterol and IS than patientswith both BCD and IR (p<0.01 or less after Bonferroni’scorrection).Conclusion: In conclusion, in NDT2DM patients: 1. at least 75.9% haveboth BCD and IR; 2. At least 87.6% and 85.4% have BCD and IR,respectively; 3. At least 16.8% have only one defect and a significantlydifferent (milder) metabolic phenotype compared to patients with bothdefects. These findings may be relevant to therapeutic strategies centeredon the metabolic phenotype of the patient.Clinical Trial Registration Number: NCT00879801; NCT01526720Supported by: University of Veron