329 research outputs found

    Non-Convex Phase Retrieval from STFT Measurements

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    The problem of recovering a one-dimensional signal from its Fourier transform magnitude, called Fourier phase retrieval, is ill-posed in most cases. We consider the closely-related problem of recovering a signal from its phaseless short-time Fourier transform (STFT) measurements. This problem arises naturally in several applications, such as ultra-short laser pulse characterization and ptychography. The redundancy offered by the STFT enables unique recovery under mild conditions. We show that in some cases the unique solution can be obtained by the principal eigenvector of a matrix, constructed as the solution of a simple least-squares problem. When these conditions are not met, we suggest using the principal eigenvector of this matrix to initialize non-convex local optimization algorithms and propose two such methods. The first is based on minimizing the empirical risk loss function, while the second maximizes a quadratic function on the manifold of phases. We prove that under appropriate conditions, the proposed initialization is close to the underlying signal. We then analyze the geometry of the empirical risk loss function and show numerically that both gradient algorithms converge to the underlying signal even with small redundancy in the measurements. In addition, the algorithms are robust to noise

    STFT Phase Retrieval: Uniqueness Guarantees and Recovery Algorithms

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    The problem of recovering a signal from its Fourier magnitude is of paramount importance in various fields of engineering and applied physics. Due to the absence of Fourier phase information, some form of additional information is required in order to be able to uniquely, efficiently, and robustly identify the underlying signal. Inspired by practical methods in optical imaging, we consider the problem of signal reconstruction from the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) magnitude. We first develop conditions under, which the STFT magnitude is an almost surely unique signal representation. We then consider a semidefinite relaxation-based algorithm (STliFT) and provide recovery guarantees. Numerical simulations complement our theoretical analysis and provide directions for future work
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