944 research outputs found

    Bell's Theorem from Moore's Theorem

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    It is shown that the restrictions of what can be inferred from classically-recorded observational outcomes that are imposed by the no-cloning theorem, the Kochen-Specker theorem and Bell's theorem also follow from restrictions on inferences from observations formulated within classical automata theory. Similarities between the assumptions underlying classical automata theory and those underlying universally-unitary quantum theory are discussed.Comment: 12 pages; to appear in Int. J. General System

    Extremal covariant quantum operations and POVM's

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    We consider the convex sets of QO's (quantum operations) and POVM's (positive operator valued measures) which are covariant under a general finite-dimensional unitary representation of a group. We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for extremality, and give general bounds for ranks of the extremal POVM's and QO's. Results are illustrated on the basis of simple examples.Comment: 18 pages, to appear on J. Math. Phy

    Quantum Cloning and Distributed Measurements

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    We study measurements on various subsystems of the output of a universal 1 to 2 cloning machine, and establish a correspondence between these measurements at the output and effective measurements on the original input. We show that one can implement sharp effective measurement elements by measuring only two out of the three output systems. Additionally, certain complete sets of sharp measurements on the input can be realised by measurements on the two clones. Furthermore, we introduce a scheme that allows to restore the original input in one of the output bits, by using measurements and classical communication -- a protocol that resembles teleportation.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Tight informationally complete quantum measurements

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    We introduce a class of informationally complete positive-operator-valued measures which are, in analogy with a tight frame, "as close as possible" to orthonormal bases for the space of quantum states. These measures are distinguished by an exceptionally simple state-reconstruction formula which allows "painless" quantum state tomography. Complete sets of mutually unbiased bases and symmetric informationally complete positive-operator-valued measures are both members of this class, the latter being the unique minimal rank-one members. Recast as ensembles of pure quantum states, the rank-one members are in fact equivalent to weighted 2-designs in complex projective space. These measures are shown to be optimal for quantum cloning and linear quantum state tomography.Comment: 20 pages. Final versio

    Compatibility of quantum measurements and inclusion constants for the matrix jewel

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    In this work, we establish the connection between the study of free spectrahedra and the compatibility of quantum measurements with an arbitrary number of outcomes. This generalizes previous results by the authors for measurements with two outcomes. Free spectrahedra arise from matricial relaxations of linear matrix inequalities. A particular free spectrahedron which we define in this work is the matrix jewel. We find that the compatibility of arbitrary measurements corresponds to the inclusion of the matrix jewel into a free spectrahedron defined by the effect operators of the measurements under study. We subsequently use this connection to bound the set of (asymmetric) inclusion constants for the matrix jewel using results from quantum information theory and symmetrization. The latter translate to new lower bounds on the compatibility of quantum measurements. Among the techniques we employ are approximate quantum cloning and mutually unbiased bases.Comment: v5: section 3.3 has been expanded significantly to incorporate the generalization of the Cartesian product and the direct sum to matrix convex sets. Many other minor modifications. Closed to the published versio

    Quantum state restoration and single-copy tomography

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    Given a single copy of an n qubit quantum state |psi>, the no-cloning theorem greatly limits the amount of information which can be extracted from it. Moreover, given only a procedure which verifies the state, for example a procedure which measures the operator |psi> in time polynomial in n . In this paper, we consider the scenario in which we are given both a single copy of |psi> and the ability to verify it. We show that in this setting, we can do several novel things efficiently. We present a new algorithm that we call quantum state restoration which allows us to extend a large subsystem of |psi> to the full state, and in turn this allows us to copy small subsystems of |psi>. In addition, we present algorithms that can perform tomography on small subsystems of |psi>, and we show how to use these algorithms to estimate the statistics of any efficiently implementable POVM acting on |psi> in time polynomial in the number of outcomes of the POVM.Comment: edited for clarity; 13 pages, 1 figur