32 research outputs found

    Exact Hybrid Covariance Thresholding for Joint Graphical Lasso

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    This paper considers the problem of estimating multiple related Gaussian graphical models from a pp-dimensional dataset consisting of different classes. Our work is based upon the formulation of this problem as group graphical lasso. This paper proposes a novel hybrid covariance thresholding algorithm that can effectively identify zero entries in the precision matrices and split a large joint graphical lasso problem into small subproblems. Our hybrid covariance thresholding method is superior to existing uniform thresholding methods in that our method can split the precision matrix of each individual class using different partition schemes and thus split group graphical lasso into much smaller subproblems, each of which can be solved very fast. In addition, this paper establishes necessary and sufficient conditions for our hybrid covariance thresholding algorithm. The superior performance of our thresholding method is thoroughly analyzed and illustrated by a few experiments on simulated data and real gene expression data

    An Inexact Successive Quadratic Approximation Method for Convex L-1 Regularized Optimization

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    We study a Newton-like method for the minimization of an objective function that is the sum of a smooth convex function and an l-1 regularization term. This method, which is sometimes referred to in the literature as a proximal Newton method, computes a step by minimizing a piecewise quadratic model of the objective function. In order to make this approach efficient in practice, it is imperative to perform this inner minimization inexactly. In this paper, we give inexactness conditions that guarantee global convergence and that can be used to control the local rate of convergence of the iteration. Our inexactness conditions are based on a semi-smooth function that represents a (continuous) measure of the optimality conditions of the problem, and that embodies the soft-thresholding iteration. We give careful consideration to the algorithm employed for the inner minimization, and report numerical results on two test sets originating in machine learning

    Learning Sparse Gaussian Graphical Model with l0-regularization

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    For the problem of learning sparse Gaussian graphical models, it is desirable to obtain both sparse structures as well as good parameter estimates. Classical techniques, such as optimizing the l1-regularized maximum likelihood or Chow-Liu algorithm, either focus on parameter estimation or constrain to speci c structure. This paper proposes an alternative that is based on l0-regularized maximum likelihood and employs a greedy algorithm to solve the optimization problem. We show that, when the graph is acyclic, the greedy solution finds the optimal acyclic graph. We also show it can update the parameters in constant time when connecting two sub-components, thus work efficiently on sparse graphs. Empirical results are provided to demonstrate this new algorithm can learn sparse structures with cycles efficiently and that it dominates l1-regularized approach on graph likelihood.ARO MURI grant W911NF-11-1-0391

    L0 Sparse Inverse Covariance Estimation

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    Recently, there has been focus on penalized log-likelihood covariance estimation for sparse inverse covariance (precision) matrices. The penalty is responsible for inducing sparsity, and a very common choice is the convex l1l_1 norm. However, the best estimator performance is not always achieved with this penalty. The most natural sparsity promoting "norm" is the non-convex l0l_0 penalty but its lack of convexity has deterred its use in sparse maximum likelihood estimation. In this paper we consider non-convex l0l_0 penalized log-likelihood inverse covariance estimation and present a novel cyclic descent algorithm for its optimization. Convergence to a local minimizer is proved, which is highly non-trivial, and we demonstrate via simulations the reduced bias and superior quality of the l0l_0 penalty as compared to the l1l_1 penalty