16 research outputs found

    Monitoring permafrost environments with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors

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    Permafrost occupies approximately 24% of the exposed land area in the Northern Hemisphere. It is an important element of the cryosphere and has strong impacts on hydrology, biological processes, land surface energy budget, and infrastructure. For several decades, surface air temperatures in the high northern latitudes have warmed at approximately twice the global rate. Permafrost temperatures have increased in most regions since the early 1980s, the averaged warming north of 60°N has been 1-2°C. In-situ measurements are essential to understanding physical processes in permafrost terrain, but they have several limitations, ranging from difficulties in drilling to the representativeness of limited single point measurements. Remote sensing is urgently needed to supplement ground-based measurements and extend the point observations to a broader spatial domain. This thesis concentrates on the sub-arctic permafrost environment monitoring with SAR datasets. The study site is selected in a typical discontinuous permafrost region in the eastern Canadian sub-Arctic. Inuit communities in Nunavik and Nunatsiavut in the Canadian eastern sub-arctic are amongst the groups most affected by the impacts of climate change and permafrost degradation. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) datasets have advantages for permafrost monitoring in the Arctic and sub-arctic regions because of its high resolution and independence of cloud cover and solar illumination. To date, permafrost environment monitoring methods and strategies with SAR datasets are still under development. The variability of active layer thickness is a direct indication of permafrost thermal state changes. The Differential SAR Interferometry (D-InSAR) technique is applied in the study site to derive ground deformation, which is introduced by the thawing/freezing depth of active layer and underlying permafrost. The D-InSAR technique has been used for the mapping of ground surface deformation over large areas by interpreting the phase difference between two signals acquired at different times as ground motion information. It shows the ability to detect freeze/thaw-related ground motion over permafrost regions. However, to date, accuracy and value assessments of D-InSAR applications have focused mostly on the continuous permafrost region where the vegetation is less developed and causes fewer complicating factors for the D-InSAR application, less attention is laid on the discontinuous permafrost terrain. In this thesis, the influencing factors and application conditions for D-InSAR in the discontinuous permafrost environment are evaluated by using X- band and L-band data. Then, benefit from by the high-temporal resolution of C-band Sentinel-1 time series, the seasonal displacement is derived from small baseline subsets (SBAS)-InSAR. Landforms are indicative of permafrost presence, with their changes inferring modifications to permafrost conditions. A permafrost landscape mapping method was developed which uses multi-temporal TerraSAR-X backscatter intensity and interferometric coherence information. The land cover map is generated through the combined use of object-based image analysis (OBIA) and classification and regression tree analysis (CART). An overall accuracy of 98% is achieved when classifying rock and water bodies, and an accuracy of 79% is achieved when discriminating between different vegetation types with one year of single-polarized acquisitions. This classification strategy can be transferred to other time-series SAR datasets, e.g., Sentinel-1, and other heterogeneous environments. One predominant change in the landscape tied to the thaw of permafrost is the dynamics of thermokarst lakes. Dynamics of thermokarst lakes are developed through their lateral extent and vertical depth changes. Due to different water depth, ice cover over shallow thermokarst ponds/lakes can freeze completely to the lake bed in winter, resulting in grounded ice; while ice cover over deep thermokarst ponds/lakes cannot, which have liquid water persisting under the ice cover all winter, resulting in floating ice. Winter ice cover regimes are related to water depths and ice thickness. In the lakes having floating ice, the liquid water induces additional heat in the remaining permafrost underneath and surroundings, which contributes to further intensified permafrost thawing. SAR datasets are utilized to detect winter ice cover regimes based on the character that liquid water has a remarkably high dielectric constant, whereas pure ice has a low value. Patterns in the spatial distribution of ice-cover regimes of thermokarst ponds in a typical discontinuous permafrost region are first revealed. Then, the correlations of these ice-cover regimes with the permafrost degradation states and thermokarst pond development in two historical phases (Sheldrake catchment in the year 1957 and 2009, Tasiapik Valley 1994 and 2010) were explored. The results indicate that the ice-cover regimes of thermokarst ponds are affected by soil texture, permafrost degradation stage and permafrost depth. Permafrost degradation is difficult to directly assess from the coverage area of floating-ice ponds and the percentage of all thermokarst ponds consisting of such floating-ice ponds in a single year. Continuous monitoring of ice-cover regimes and surface areas is recommended to elucidate the hydrological trajectory of the thermokarst process. Several operational monitoring methods have been developed in this thesis work. In the meanwhile, the spatial distribution of seasonal ground thaw subsidence, permafrost landscape, thermokarst ponds and their winter ice cover regimes are first revealed in the study area. The outcomes help understand the state and dynamics of permafrost environment.Der Permafrostboden bedeckt etwa 24% der exponierten LandflĂ€che in der nördlichen HemisphĂ€re. Es ist ein wichtiges Element der KryosphĂ€re und hat starke Auswirkungen auf die Hydrologie, die biologischen Prozesse, das Energie-Budget der LandoberflĂ€che und die Infrastruktur. Seit mehreren Jahrzehnten erhöhen sich die OberflĂ€chenlufttemperaturen in den nördlichen hohen Breitengraden etwa doppelt so stark wie die globale Rate. Die Temperaturen der Permafrostböden sind in den meisten Regionen seit den frĂŒhen 1980er Jahren gestiegen. Die durchschnittliche ErwĂ€rmung nördlich von 60° N betrĂ€gt 1-2°C. In-situ-Messungen sind essentiell fĂŒr das VerstĂ€ndnis der physischen Prozesse im PermafrostgelĂ€nde. Es gibt jedoch mehrere EinschrĂ€nkungen, die von Schwierigkeiten beim Bohren bis hin zur ReprĂ€sentativitĂ€t begrenzter Einzelpunktmessungen reichen. Fernerkundung ist dringend benötigt, um bodenbasierte Messungen zu ergĂ€nzen und punktuelle Beobachtungen auf einen breiteren rĂ€umlichen Bereich auszudehnen. Diese Dissertation konzentriert sich auf die Umweltbeobachtung der subarktischen Permafrostböden mit SAR-DatensĂ€tzen. Das Untersuchungsgebiet wurde in einer typischen diskontinuierlichen Permafrostzone in der kanadischen östlichen Sub-Arktis ausgewĂ€hlt. Die Inuit-Gemeinschaften in den Regionen Nunavik und Nunatsiavut in der kanadischen östlichen Sub-Arktis gehören zu den Gruppen, die am stĂ€rksten von den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels und Permafrostdegradation betroffen sind. Synthetische Apertur Radar (SAR) DatensĂ€tze haben Vorteile fĂŒr das Permafrostmonitoring in den arktischen und subarktischen Regionen aufgrund der hohen Auflösung und der UnabhĂ€ngigkeit von Wolkendeckung und Sonnenstrahlung. Bis heute sind die Methoden und Strategien mit SAR-DatensĂ€tzen fĂŒr Umweltbeobachtung der Permafrostböden noch in der Entwicklung. Die VariabilitĂ€t der Auftautiefe der aktiven Schicht ist eine direkte Indikation der VerĂ€nderung des thermischen Zustands der Permafrostböden. Die Differential-SAR-Interferometrie(D-Insar)-Technik wird im Untersuchungsgebiet zur Ableitung der Bodendeformation, die durch Auftau- / und Gefriertiefe der aktiven Schicht und des unterliegenden Permafrostbodens eingefĂŒhrt wird, eingesetzt. Die D-InSAR-Technik wurde fĂŒr Kartierung der LandoberflĂ€chendeformation ĂŒber große FlĂ€chen verwendet, indem der Phasenunterschied zwischen zwei zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten als Bodenbewegungsinformation erfassten Signalen interpretiert wurde. Es zeigt die FĂ€higkeit, tau- und gefrierprozessbedingte Bodenbewegungen ĂŒber Permafrostregionen zu detektieren. Jedoch fokussiert sich die Genauigkeit und WertschĂ€tzung der D-InSAR-Anwendung bis heute hauptsĂ€chlich auf kontinuierliche Permafrostregion, wo die Vegetation wenig entwickelt ist und weniger komplizierte Faktoren fĂŒr D-InSAR-Anwendung verursacht. Das diskontinuierliche PermafrostgelĂ€nde wurde nur weniger berĂŒcksichtigt. In dieser Dissertation wurden die Einflussfaktoren und Anwendungsbedingungen fĂŒr D-InSAR im diskontinuierlichen Permafrostgebiet mittels X-Band und L-Band Daten ausgewertet. Dann wurde die saisonale Verschiebung dank der hohen Auflösung der C-Band Sentinel-1 Zeitreihe von „Small Baseline Subsets (SBAS)-InSAR“ abgeleitet. Landformen weisen auf die PrĂ€senz des Permafrosts hin, wobei deren VerĂ€nderungen auf die Modifikation der Permafrostbedingungen schließen. Eine Kartierungsmethode der Permafrostlandschaft wurde entwickelt, dabei wurde Multi-temporal TerraSAR-X RĂŒckstreuungsintensitĂ€t und interferometrische KohĂ€renzinformationen verwendet. Die Landbedeckungskarte wurde durch kombinierte Anwendung objektbasierter Bildanalyse (OBIA) und Klassifikations- und Regressionsbaum Analyse (CART) generiert. Eine Gesamtgenauigkeit in Höhe von 98% wurde bei Klassifikation der Gesteine und Wasserkörper erreicht. Bei Unterscheidung zwischen verschiedenen Vegetationstypen mit einem Jahr einzelpolarisierte Akquisitionen wurde eine Genauigkeit von 79% erreicht. Diese Klassifikationsstrategie kann auf andere Zeitreihen der SAR-DatensĂ€tzen, z.B. Sentinel-1, und auch anderen heterogenen Umwelten ĂŒbertragen werden. Eine vorherrschende VerĂ€nderung in der Landschaft, die mit dem Auftauen des Permafrosts verbunden ist, ist die Dynamik der Thermokarstseen. Die Dynamik der Thermokarstseen ist durch VerĂ€nderungen der seitlichen Ausdehnung und der vertikalen Tiefe entwickelt. Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Wassertiefen kann die Eisdecke ĂŒber den flachen Thermokarstteichen/-seen im Winter bis auf den Wasserboden vollstĂ€ndig gefroren sein, was zum geerdeten Eis fĂŒhrt, wĂ€hrend die Eisdecke ĂŒber den tiefen Thermokarstteichen/-seen es nicht kann. In den tiefen Thermokarstteichen/-seen bleibt den ganzen Winter flĂŒssiges Wasser unter der Eisdecke bestehen, was zum Treibeis fĂŒhrt. Das Wintereisdeckenregime bezieht sich auf die Wassertiefe und die Eisdicke. In den Seen mit Treibeis leitet das flĂŒssige Wasser zusĂ€tzliche WĂ€rme in den restlichen Permafrost darunter oder in der Umgebung, was zur weiteren VerstĂ€rkung des Permafrostauftauen beitrĂ€gt. Basiert auf den Charakter, dass das flĂŒssige Wasser eine bemerkenswert hohe DielektrizitĂ€tskonstante besitzt, wĂ€hrend reines Eis einen niedrigen Wert hat, wurden die SAR DatensĂ€tzen zur Erkennung des Wintereisdeckenregimes verwendet. ZunĂ€chst wurden Schemen in der rĂ€umlichen Verteilung der Eisdeckenregimes der Thermokarstteiche in einer typischen diskontinuierlichen Permafrostregion abgeleitet. Dann wurden die ZusammenhĂ€nge dieser Eisdeckenregimes mit dem Degradationszustand des Permafrosts und der Entwicklung der Thermokarstteiche in zwei historischen Phasen (Sheldrake Einzugsgebiet in 1957 und 2009, Tasiapik Tal in 1994 und 2010) erforscht. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf, dass die Eisdeckenregimes der Thermokarstteiche von der Bodenart, dem Degradationszustand des Permafrosts und der Permafrosttiefe beeinflusst werden. Es ist schwer, die Permafrostdegradation in einem einzelnen Jahr direkt durch den Abdeckungsbereich der Treibeis-Teiche und die Prozentzahl aller aus solchen Treibeis-Teichen bestehenden Thermokarstteiche abzuschĂ€tzen. Ein kontinuierliches Monitoring der Eisdeckenregimes und -oberflĂ€chen ist empfehlenswert, um den hydrologischen Verlauf des Thermokarstprozesses zu erlĂ€utern. In dieser Dissertation wurden mehrere operativen Monitoringsmethoden entwickelt. In der Zwischenzeit wurden die rĂ€umliche Verteilung der saisonalen Bodentauabsenkung, die Permafrostlandschaft, die Thermokarstteiche und ihre Wintereisdeckenregimes erstmals in diesem Untersuchungsgebiet aufgedeckt. Die Ergebnisse tragen dazu bei, den Zustand und die Dynamik der Permafrostumwelt zu verstehen

    Monitoring permafrost environments with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors

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    Permafrost occupies approximately 24% of the exposed land area in the Northern Hemisphere. It is an important element of the cryosphere and has strong impacts on hydrology, biological processes, land surface energy budget, and infrastructure. For several decades, surface air temperatures in the high northern latitudes have warmed at approximately twice the global rate. Permafrost temperatures have increased in most regions since the early 1980s, the averaged warming north of 60°N has been 1-2°C. In-situ measurements are essential to understanding physical processes in permafrost terrain, but they have several limitations, ranging from difficulties in drilling to the representativeness of limited single point measurements. Remote sensing is urgently needed to supplement ground-based measurements and extend the point observations to a broader spatial domain. This thesis concentrates on the sub-arctic permafrost environment monitoring with SAR datasets. The study site is selected in a typical discontinuous permafrost region in the eastern Canadian sub-Arctic. Inuit communities in Nunavik and Nunatsiavut in the Canadian eastern sub-arctic are amongst the groups most affected by the impacts of climate change and permafrost degradation. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) datasets have advantages for permafrost monitoring in the Arctic and sub-arctic regions because of its high resolution and independence of cloud cover and solar illumination. To date, permafrost environment monitoring methods and strategies with SAR datasets are still under development. The variability of active layer thickness is a direct indication of permafrost thermal state changes. The Differential SAR Interferometry (D-InSAR) technique is applied in the study site to derive ground deformation, which is introduced by the thawing/freezing depth of active layer and underlying permafrost. The D-InSAR technique has been used for the mapping of ground surface deformation over large areas by interpreting the phase difference between two signals acquired at different times as ground motion information. It shows the ability to detect freeze/thaw-related ground motion over permafrost regions. However, to date, accuracy and value assessments of D-InSAR applications have focused mostly on the continuous permafrost region where the vegetation is less developed and causes fewer complicating factors for the D-InSAR application, less attention is laid on the discontinuous permafrost terrain. In this thesis, the influencing factors and application conditions for D-InSAR in the discontinuous permafrost environment are evaluated by using X- band and L-band data. Then, benefit from by the high-temporal resolution of C-band Sentinel-1 time series, the seasonal displacement is derived from small baseline subsets (SBAS)-InSAR. Landforms are indicative of permafrost presence, with their changes inferring modifications to permafrost conditions. A permafrost landscape mapping method was developed which uses multi-temporal TerraSAR-X backscatter intensity and interferometric coherence information. The land cover map is generated through the combined use of object-based image analysis (OBIA) and classification and regression tree analysis (CART). An overall accuracy of 98% is achieved when classifying rock and water bodies, and an accuracy of 79% is achieved when discriminating between different vegetation types with one year of single-polarized acquisitions. This classification strategy can be transferred to other time-series SAR datasets, e.g., Sentinel-1, and other heterogeneous environments. One predominant change in the landscape tied to the thaw of permafrost is the dynamics of thermokarst lakes. Dynamics of thermokarst lakes are developed through their lateral extent and vertical depth changes. Due to different water depth, ice cover over shallow thermokarst ponds/lakes can freeze completely to the lake bed in winter, resulting in grounded ice; while ice cover over deep thermokarst ponds/lakes cannot, which have liquid water persisting under the ice cover all winter, resulting in floating ice. Winter ice cover regimes are related to water depths and ice thickness. In the lakes having floating ice, the liquid water induces additional heat in the remaining permafrost underneath and surroundings, which contributes to further intensified permafrost thawing. SAR datasets are utilized to detect winter ice cover regimes based on the character that liquid water has a remarkably high dielectric constant, whereas pure ice has a low value. Patterns in the spatial distribution of ice-cover regimes of thermokarst ponds in a typical discontinuous permafrost region are first revealed. Then, the correlations of these ice-cover regimes with the permafrost degradation states and thermokarst pond development in two historical phases (Sheldrake catchment in the year 1957 and 2009, Tasiapik Valley 1994 and 2010) were explored. The results indicate that the ice-cover regimes of thermokarst ponds are affected by soil texture, permafrost degradation stage and permafrost depth. Permafrost degradation is difficult to directly assess from the coverage area of floating-ice ponds and the percentage of all thermokarst ponds consisting of such floating-ice ponds in a single year. Continuous monitoring of ice-cover regimes and surface areas is recommended to elucidate the hydrological trajectory of the thermokarst process. Several operational monitoring methods have been developed in this thesis work. In the meanwhile, the spatial distribution of seasonal ground thaw subsidence, permafrost landscape, thermokarst ponds and their winter ice cover regimes are first revealed in the study area. The outcomes help understand the state and dynamics of permafrost environment.Der Permafrostboden bedeckt etwa 24% der exponierten LandflĂ€che in der nördlichen HemisphĂ€re. Es ist ein wichtiges Element der KryosphĂ€re und hat starke Auswirkungen auf die Hydrologie, die biologischen Prozesse, das Energie-Budget der LandoberflĂ€che und die Infrastruktur. Seit mehreren Jahrzehnten erhöhen sich die OberflĂ€chenlufttemperaturen in den nördlichen hohen Breitengraden etwa doppelt so stark wie die globale Rate. Die Temperaturen der Permafrostböden sind in den meisten Regionen seit den frĂŒhen 1980er Jahren gestiegen. Die durchschnittliche ErwĂ€rmung nördlich von 60° N betrĂ€gt 1-2°C. In-situ-Messungen sind essentiell fĂŒr das VerstĂ€ndnis der physischen Prozesse im PermafrostgelĂ€nde. Es gibt jedoch mehrere EinschrĂ€nkungen, die von Schwierigkeiten beim Bohren bis hin zur ReprĂ€sentativitĂ€t begrenzter Einzelpunktmessungen reichen. Fernerkundung ist dringend benötigt, um bodenbasierte Messungen zu ergĂ€nzen und punktuelle Beobachtungen auf einen breiteren rĂ€umlichen Bereich auszudehnen. Diese Dissertation konzentriert sich auf die Umweltbeobachtung der subarktischen Permafrostböden mit SAR-DatensĂ€tzen. Das Untersuchungsgebiet wurde in einer typischen diskontinuierlichen Permafrostzone in der kanadischen östlichen Sub-Arktis ausgewĂ€hlt. Die Inuit-Gemeinschaften in den Regionen Nunavik und Nunatsiavut in der kanadischen östlichen Sub-Arktis gehören zu den Gruppen, die am stĂ€rksten von den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels und Permafrostdegradation betroffen sind. Synthetische Apertur Radar (SAR) DatensĂ€tze haben Vorteile fĂŒr das Permafrostmonitoring in den arktischen und subarktischen Regionen aufgrund der hohen Auflösung und der UnabhĂ€ngigkeit von Wolkendeckung und Sonnenstrahlung. Bis heute sind die Methoden und Strategien mit SAR-DatensĂ€tzen fĂŒr Umweltbeobachtung der Permafrostböden noch in der Entwicklung. Die VariabilitĂ€t der Auftautiefe der aktiven Schicht ist eine direkte Indikation der VerĂ€nderung des thermischen Zustands der Permafrostböden. Die Differential-SAR-Interferometrie(D-Insar)-Technik wird im Untersuchungsgebiet zur Ableitung der Bodendeformation, die durch Auftau- / und Gefriertiefe der aktiven Schicht und des unterliegenden Permafrostbodens eingefĂŒhrt wird, eingesetzt. Die D-InSAR-Technik wurde fĂŒr Kartierung der LandoberflĂ€chendeformation ĂŒber große FlĂ€chen verwendet, indem der Phasenunterschied zwischen zwei zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten als Bodenbewegungsinformation erfassten Signalen interpretiert wurde. Es zeigt die FĂ€higkeit, tau- und gefrierprozessbedingte Bodenbewegungen ĂŒber Permafrostregionen zu detektieren. Jedoch fokussiert sich die Genauigkeit und WertschĂ€tzung der D-InSAR-Anwendung bis heute hauptsĂ€chlich auf kontinuierliche Permafrostregion, wo die Vegetation wenig entwickelt ist und weniger komplizierte Faktoren fĂŒr D-InSAR-Anwendung verursacht. Das diskontinuierliche PermafrostgelĂ€nde wurde nur weniger berĂŒcksichtigt. In dieser Dissertation wurden die Einflussfaktoren und Anwendungsbedingungen fĂŒr D-InSAR im diskontinuierlichen Permafrostgebiet mittels X-Band und L-Band Daten ausgewertet. Dann wurde die saisonale Verschiebung dank der hohen Auflösung der C-Band Sentinel-1 Zeitreihe von „Small Baseline Subsets (SBAS)-InSAR“ abgeleitet. Landformen weisen auf die PrĂ€senz des Permafrosts hin, wobei deren VerĂ€nderungen auf die Modifikation der Permafrostbedingungen schließen. Eine Kartierungsmethode der Permafrostlandschaft wurde entwickelt, dabei wurde Multi-temporal TerraSAR-X RĂŒckstreuungsintensitĂ€t und interferometrische KohĂ€renzinformationen verwendet. Die Landbedeckungskarte wurde durch kombinierte Anwendung objektbasierter Bildanalyse (OBIA) und Klassifikations- und Regressionsbaum Analyse (CART) generiert. Eine Gesamtgenauigkeit in Höhe von 98% wurde bei Klassifikation der Gesteine und Wasserkörper erreicht. Bei Unterscheidung zwischen verschiedenen Vegetationstypen mit einem Jahr einzelpolarisierte Akquisitionen wurde eine Genauigkeit von 79% erreicht. Diese Klassifikationsstrategie kann auf andere Zeitreihen der SAR-DatensĂ€tzen, z.B. Sentinel-1, und auch anderen heterogenen Umwelten ĂŒbertragen werden. Eine vorherrschende VerĂ€nderung in der Landschaft, die mit dem Auftauen des Permafrosts verbunden ist, ist die Dynamik der Thermokarstseen. Die Dynamik der Thermokarstseen ist durch VerĂ€nderungen der seitlichen Ausdehnung und der vertikalen Tiefe entwickelt. Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Wassertiefen kann die Eisdecke ĂŒber den flachen Thermokarstteichen/-seen im Winter bis auf den Wasserboden vollstĂ€ndig gefroren sein, was zum geerdeten Eis fĂŒhrt, wĂ€hrend die Eisdecke ĂŒber den tiefen Thermokarstteichen/-seen es nicht kann. In den tiefen Thermokarstteichen/-seen bleibt den ganzen Winter flĂŒssiges Wasser unter der Eisdecke bestehen, was zum Treibeis fĂŒhrt. Das Wintereisdeckenregime bezieht sich auf die Wassertiefe und die Eisdicke. In den Seen mit Treibeis leitet das flĂŒssige Wasser zusĂ€tzliche WĂ€rme in den restlichen Permafrost darunter oder in der Umgebung, was zur weiteren VerstĂ€rkung des Permafrostauftauen beitrĂ€gt. Basiert auf den Charakter, dass das flĂŒssige Wasser eine bemerkenswert hohe DielektrizitĂ€tskonstante besitzt, wĂ€hrend reines Eis einen niedrigen Wert hat, wurden die SAR DatensĂ€tzen zur Erkennung des Wintereisdeckenregimes verwendet. ZunĂ€chst wurden Schemen in der rĂ€umlichen Verteilung der Eisdeckenregimes der Thermokarstteiche in einer typischen diskontinuierlichen Permafrostregion abgeleitet. Dann wurden die ZusammenhĂ€nge dieser Eisdeckenregimes mit dem Degradationszustand des Permafrosts und der Entwicklung der Thermokarstteiche in zwei historischen Phasen (Sheldrake Einzugsgebiet in 1957 und 2009, Tasiapik Tal in 1994 und 2010) erforscht. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf, dass die Eisdeckenregimes der Thermokarstteiche von der Bodenart, dem Degradationszustand des Permafrosts und der Permafrosttiefe beeinflusst werden. Es ist schwer, die Permafrostdegradation in einem einzelnen Jahr direkt durch den Abdeckungsbereich der Treibeis-Teiche und die Prozentzahl aller aus solchen Treibeis-Teichen bestehenden Thermokarstteiche abzuschĂ€tzen. Ein kontinuierliches Monitoring der Eisdeckenregimes und -oberflĂ€chen ist empfehlenswert, um den hydrologischen Verlauf des Thermokarstprozesses zu erlĂ€utern. In dieser Dissertation wurden mehrere operativen Monitoringsmethoden entwickelt. In der Zwischenzeit wurden die rĂ€umliche Verteilung der saisonalen Bodentauabsenkung, die Permafrostlandschaft, die Thermokarstteiche und ihre Wintereisdeckenregimes erstmals in diesem Untersuchungsgebiet aufgedeckt. Die Ergebnisse tragen dazu bei, den Zustand und die Dynamik der Permafrostumwelt zu verstehen

    LT-1 SAR Satellite Constellation for Permafrost Deformation Monitoring Along the Tibetan Plateau Engineering Corridor

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    The Tibetan Plateau stands as one of China's largest middle and low latitude permafrost regions. However, the effects of global warming and human activities have led to permafrost thawing, inducing surface instability and posing significant threats to infrastructure and indigenous communities. The deployment of Lu Tan-1 (LT-1), China's premier L-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite constellation, offers a novel opportunity to assess these changes. This paper evaluates the deformation of critical engineering corridors, such as the Qinghai-Tibet Railway (QTR) and the Qinghai-Tibet Highway (QTH), utilizing time-series InSAR techniques with LT-1 SAR constellation data. We introduce both Stacking InSAR and a multi-baseline persistent scatterer multitemporal (MT-InSAR) method to enhance permafrost and engineering corridor deformation detection capabilities. Results obtained through the MT-InSAR approach reveal line-of-sight (LOS) deformation velocities of permafrost in the Beiluhe region ranging from -90 mm/y to approximately 70 mm/y, with an average velocity amplitude of 0.06 m/y. Differential displacement between alpine meadows and alpine deserts across the Beiluhe region is successfully discerned using LT-1 SAR data. Deformation velocities of QTR, QTH were found to be lower than that of permafrost, with average velocities of 0.027 m/y. These findings underscore the LT-1 SAR constellation's potential to serve as a valuable SAR data source for monitoring engineering corridor deformation within the Tibetan Plateau permafrost region

    ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 Calibration, Validation, Science and Applications

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    Twelve edited original papers on the latest and state-of-art results of topics ranging from calibration, validation, and science to a wide range of applications using ALOS-2/PALSAR-2. We hope you will find them useful for your future research

    Book of Abstracts, ACOP2017 : 2nd Asian Conference on Permafrost

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    Spatial variability of aircraft-measured surface energy fluxes in permafrost landscapes

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    Arctic ecosystems are undergoing a very rapid change due to global warming and their response to climate change has important implications for the global energy budget. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how energy fluxes in the Arctic will respond to any changes in climate related parameters. However, attribution of these responses is challenging because measured fluxes are the sum of multiple processes that respond differently to environmental factors. Here, we present the potential of environmental response functions for quantitatively linking energy flux observations over high latitude permafrost wetlands to environmental drivers in the flux footprints. We used the research aircraft POLAR 5 equipped with a turbulence probe and fast temperature and humidity sensors to measure turbulent energy fluxes along flight tracks across the Alaskan North Slope with the aim to extrapolate the airborne eddy covariance flux measurements from their specific footprint to the entire North Slope. After thorough data pre-processing, wavelet transforms are used to improve spatial discretization of flux observations in order to relate them to biophysically relevant surface properties in the flux footprint. Boosted regression trees are then employed to extract and quantify the functional relationships between the energy fluxes and environmental drivers. Finally, the resulting environmental response functions are used to extrapolate the sensible heat and water vapor exchange over spatio-temporally explicit grids of the Alaskan North Slope. Additionally, simulations from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model were used to explore the dynamics of the atmospheric boundary layer and to examine results of our extrapolation

    AnĂĄlise de subsidĂȘncia em ĂĄreas urbanas : um estudo envolvendo a interferometria diferencial de imagens SAR em uma abordagem multitemporal

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    Orientadora: ProfÂȘ. DrÂȘ. Regiane DalazoanaCoorientadoras: ProfÂȘ. DrÂȘ. ClĂĄudia Pereira Krueger e ProfÂș. DrÂș. Laurent PolidoriTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ, Setor de CiĂȘncias da Terra, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em CiĂȘncias GeodĂ©sicas. Defesa : Curitiba, 14/08/2023Inclui referĂȘncias: p. 111-124Resumo: Para compreender e monitorar adequadamente os riscos decorrentes de processos deformantes, como a subsidĂȘncia, Ă© fundamental identificĂĄ-los e avaliar sua magnitude de forma precisa. O uso difundido do GNSS permite uma avaliação geral dessas instabilidades por meio de posiçÔes absolutas ou mediçÔes contĂ­nuas dos pontos dentro das ĂĄreas afetadas. AlĂ©m disso, a abordagem interferomĂ©trica de abordagem multi-temporal (MT-InSAR), como a tĂ©cnica PSInSAR, possibilita o monitoramento e a detecção de pequenas variaçÔes no terreno causadas por movimentos da superfĂ­cie, como deslizamentos de terra ou subsidĂȘncia. Neste trabalho, os resultados do processamento interferomĂ©trico empregando a tĂ©cnica PSInSAR foram analisados. Inicialmente, um estudo foi realizado em uma ĂĄrea com histĂłrico de subsidĂȘncia no bairro Pinheiro, em MaceiĂł, Brasil, para verificar o processo de subsidĂȘncia apĂłs um terremoto em 2018. Foram utilizados pacotes de processamento gratuito, como a integração SNAP-StaMPS. Em um segundo estudo, complementamos os resultados de uma anĂĄlise de subsidĂȘncia por meio de observaçÔes GPS realizadas no bairro Guabirotuba, em Curitiba (PR). O processamento PSInSAR foi aplicado a 77 imagens SAR da missĂŁo Sentinel-1A, adquiridas no modo descendente no perĂ­odo de 2016 a 2019. Os resultados obtidos no primeiro teste permitiram a detecção e mensuração da taxa de deslocamento na ĂĄrea estudada. No bairro Pinheiro, os processamentos foram capazes de identificar a subsidĂȘncia de forma precisa durante e apĂłs o terremoto. A velocidade mĂ©dia de subsidĂȘncia na direção Line-of-Sight foi classificada como lenta, enquanto nas ĂĄreas circundantes foi classificada como extremamente lenta. No bairro Guabirotuba, a subsidĂȘncia detectada apresentou uma velocidade extremamente lenta, possivelmente devido Ă s caracterĂ­sticas geolĂłgicas do terreno ou a um deslocamento sazonal da regiĂŁo. Em suma, o uso da tĂ©cnica PSInSAR revelou-se eficaz na detecção e monitoramento da subsidĂȘncia em ambas as ĂĄreas de estudo. Os resultados obtidos contribuem para o entendimento dos processos deformantes e fornecem informaçÔes valiosas para a avaliação e o gerenciamento dos riscos associados. Com a continuidade desse tipo de pesquisa, serĂĄ possĂ­vel aprimorar ainda mais as tĂ©cnicas de monitoramento e compreender melhor os fenĂŽmenos que afetam o terreno, possibilitando uma tomada de decisĂŁo mais informada e uma mitigação eficaz dos riscos.Abstract: To properly understand and monitor the risks arising from deformative processes such as subsidence, it is essential to identify them and assess their magnitude accurately. The widespread use of GNSS allows for a general evaluation of these instabilities through absolute positioning or continuous measurements of points within the affected areas. Additionally, the multi-temporal interferometric approaches (MT-InSAR), such as the PSInSAR technique, enable monitoring and detection of small variations in the terrain caused by surface movements, such as landslides or subsidence. In this study, the results of interferometric processing using the PSInSAR technique were analyzed. Initially, a study was conducted in an area with a history of subsidence in the Pinheiro neighborhood, MaceiĂł, Brazil, to investigate the subsidence process following an earthquake in 2018. Free processing packages like SNAP-StaMPS were used. In a second study, we complemented the results of a subsidence analysis with GPS observations conducted in the Guabirotuba neighborhood, Curitiba (PR). The PSInSAR processing was applied to 77 SAR images from the Sentinel-1A mission, acquired in descending mode from 2016 to 2019. The obtained results allowed for the detection and measurement of the subsidence rate in the studied area. In the Pinheiro neighborhood, the processing was able to accurately identify subsidence during and after the earthquake. The average subsidence velocity in the Line-of- Sight direction was classified as slow, while in the surrounding areas, it was classified as extremely slow. In the Guabirotuba neighborhood, the detected subsidence exhibited an extremely slow velocity, possibly due to the geological characteristics of the terrain or seasonal displacement in the region. In summary, the use of the PSInSAR technique proved effective in detecting and monitoring subsidence in both study areas. The obtained results contribute to the understanding of deformative processes and provide valuable information for risk assessment and management. With the continuation of this type of research, it will be possible to further improve monitoring techniques and gain a better understanding of the phenomena affecting the terrain, enabling informed decision-making and effective risk mitigation

    Urban Deformation Monitoring using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and SAR tomography

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    This book focuses on remote sensing for urban deformation monitoring. In particular, it highlights how deformation monitoring in urban areas can be carried out using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Tomography (TomoSAR). Several contributions show the capabilities of Interferometric SAR (InSAR) and PSI techniques for urban deformation monitoring. Some of them show the advantages of TomoSAR in un-mixing multiple scatterers for urban mapping and monitoring. This book is dedicated to the technical and scientific community interested in urban applications. It is useful for choosing the appropriate technique and gaining an assessment of the expected performance. The book will also be useful to researchers, as it provides information on the state-of-the-art and new trends in this fiel

    An investigation of ongoing displacements of active faults in the Gobi desert using persistent scatterer interferometric synthetic aperture radar technique to support the permanent disposal of high-level waste in Beishan, China

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    This research demonstrated the application of PSInSAR method in identifying and characterising the micro-displacements along active faults in Beishan to support the selection of GDF host rock. This research first distinguishes and separates the tectonic induced and non-tectonic induced deformation within three study areas at Suanjingzi, Jiujing and Xinchang. Through the application of coherence change detection, it found the granite outcrop areas characterised by high coherence provide more robust results of tectonic activity. The Quaternary sediments covered areas which are characterised by low coherence usually show higher deformation rates due to the impacts of erosion and deposition. The tectonic induced displacements generally range from -0.4 to 0.4 mma-1 and are dominated by fault bound tectonic movements. As a part of wrench faut zone, Beishan is impacted by a NE-SW trended maximum in situ compressive stress field (σ1). To correlate the visible valleys, gullies, or cracks in Google Earth imagery with the SAR image deformation discontinuities, this study mapped and characterised more than 40 active faults in the three study areas, these include (1) the NE-SW trended sinistral strike-slip faults triggered by extension and (2) the NW-SE/W-E trended reverse faults triggered by maximum compression. The fault activity is characterised by subtle (minor) displacement rate value difference between the two sides of the fault plane. This research successfully improved the understanding of local structural geology and provided moderate guidance for the selection of HLW disposal sites in China. It was indicated that Xinchang has the highest tectonic stability, and this is then followed by Jiujing and Suanjingzi. This kind of displacement rate difference is possible due to the angle difference towards the Sanweishan Fault Zone. To trace and characterise the undiscovered active fault planes, the PSInSAR approach also benefits the prediction of earthquake by improving the positioning of the potential epicentres.Open Acces