25,073 research outputs found

    Optimal local identifying and local locating-dominating codes

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    We introduce two new classes of covering codes in graphs for every positive integer rr. These new codes are called local rr-identifying and local rr-locating-dominating codes and they are derived from rr-identifying and rr-locating-dominating codes, respectively. We study the sizes of optimal local 1-identifying codes in binary hypercubes. We obtain lower and upper bounds that are asymptotically tight. Together the bounds show that the cost of changing covering codes into local 1-identifying codes is negligible. For some small nn optimal constructions are obtained. Moreover, the upper bound is obtained by a linear code construction. Also, we study the densities of optimal local 1-identifying codes and local 1-locating-dominating codes in the infinite square grid, the hexagonal grid, the triangular grid, and the king grid. We prove that seven out of eight of our constructions have optimal densities

    On the Peak-to-Mean Envelope Power Ratio of Phase-Shifted Binary Codes

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    The peak-to-mean envelope power ratio (PMEPR) of a code employed in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems can be reduced by permuting its coordinates and by rotating each coordinate by a fixed phase shift. Motivated by some previous designs of phase shifts using suboptimal methods, the following question is considered in this paper. For a given binary code, how much PMEPR reduction can be achieved when the phase shifts are taken from a 2^h-ary phase-shift keying (2^h-PSK) constellation? A lower bound on the achievable PMEPR is established, which is related to the covering radius of the binary code. Generally speaking, the achievable region of the PMEPR shrinks as the covering radius of the binary code decreases. The bound is then applied to some well understood codes, including nonredundant BPSK signaling, BCH codes and their duals, Reed-Muller codes, and convolutional codes. It is demonstrated that most (presumably not optimal) phase-shift designs from the literature attain or approach our bound.Comment: minor revisions, accepted for IEEE Trans. Commun

    Asymmetric binary covering codes

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    An asymmetric binary covering code of length n and radius R is a subset C of the n-cube Q_n such that every vector x in Q_n can be obtained from some vector c in C by changing at most R 1's of c to 0's, where R is as small as possible. K^+(n,R) is defined as the smallest size of such a code. We show K^+(n,R) is of order 2^n/n^R for constant R, using an asymmetric sphere-covering bound and probabilistic methods. We show K^+(n,n-R')=R'+1 for constant coradius R' iff n>=R'(R'+1)/2. These two results are extended to near-constant R and R', respectively. Various bounds on K^+ are given in terms of the total number of 0's or 1's in a minimal code. The dimension of a minimal asymmetric linear binary code ([n,R]^+ code) is determined to be min(0,n-R). We conclude by discussing open problems and techniques to compute explicit values for K^+, giving a table of best known bounds.Comment: 16 page

    Rewriting Codes for Joint Information Storage in Flash Memories

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    Memories whose storage cells transit irreversibly between states have been common since the start of the data storage technology. In recent years, flash memories have become a very important family of such memories. A flash memory cell has q states—state 0.1.....q-1 - and can only transit from a lower state to a higher state before the expensive erasure operation takes place. We study rewriting codes that enable the data stored in a group of cells to be rewritten by only shifting the cells to higher states. Since the considered state transitions are irreversible, the number of rewrites is bounded. Our objective is to maximize the number of times the data can be rewritten. We focus on the joint storage of data in flash memories, and study two rewriting codes for two different scenarios. The first code, called floating code, is for the joint storage of multiple variables, where every rewrite changes one variable. The second code, called buffer code, is for remembering the most recent data in a data stream. Many of the codes presented here are either optimal or asymptotically optimal. We also present bounds to the performance of general codes. The results show that rewriting codes can integrate a flash memory’s rewriting capabilities for different variables to a high degree

    Problems on q-Analogs in Coding Theory

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    The interest in qq-analogs of codes and designs has been increased in the last few years as a consequence of their new application in error-correction for random network coding. There are many interesting theoretical, algebraic, and combinatorial coding problems concerning these q-analogs which remained unsolved. The first goal of this paper is to make a short summary of the large amount of research which was done in the area mainly in the last few years and to provide most of the relevant references. The second goal of this paper is to present one hundred open questions and problems for future research, whose solution will advance the knowledge in this area. The third goal of this paper is to present and start some directions in solving some of these problems.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0805.3528 by other author

    Bounds on Binary Locally Repairable Codes Tolerating Multiple Erasures

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    Recently, locally repairable codes has gained significant interest for their potential applications in distributed storage systems. However, most constructions in existence are over fields with size that grows with the number of servers, which makes the systems computationally expensive and difficult to maintain. Here, we study linear locally repairable codes over the binary field, tolerating multiple local erasures. We derive bounds on the minimum distance on such codes, and give examples of LRCs achieving these bounds. Our main technical tools come from matroid theory, and as a byproduct of our proofs, we show that the lattice of cyclic flats of a simple binary matroid is atomic.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. Parts of this paper were presented at IZS 2018. This extended arxiv version includes corrected versions of Theorem 1.4 and Proposition 6 that appeared in the IZS 2018 proceeding
