19 research outputs found

    New Classes of Permutation Binomials and Permutation Trinomials over Finite Fields

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    Permutation polynomials over finite fields play important roles in finite fields theory. They also have wide applications in many areas of science and engineering such as coding theory, cryptography, combinatorial design, communication theory and so on. Permutation binomials and trinomials attract people's interest due to their simple algebraic form and additional extraordinary properties. In this paper, several new classes of permutation binomials and permutation trinomials are constructed. Some of these permutation polynomials are generalizations of known ones.Comment: 18 pages. Submitted to a journal on Aug. 15t

    A conjecture on permutation trinomials over finite fields of characteristic two

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    In this paper, by analyzing the quadratic factors of an 1111-th degree polynomial over the finite field \ftwon, a conjecture on permutation trinomials over \ftwon[x] proposed very recently by Deng and Zheng is settled, where n=2mn=2m and mm is a positive integer with gcd⁑(m,5)=1\gcd(m,5)=1

    New Permutation Trinomials From Niho Exponents over Finite Fields with Even Characteristic

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    In this paper, a class of permutation trinomials of Niho type over finite fields with even characteristic is further investigated. New permutation trinomials from Niho exponents are obtained from linear fractional polynomials over finite fields, and it is shown that the presented results are the generalizations of some earlier works

    On a Class of Permutation Trinomials in Characteristic 2

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    Recently, Tu, Zeng, Li, and Helleseth considered trinomials of the form f(X)=X+aXq(qβˆ’1)+1+bX2(qβˆ’1)+1∈Fq2[X]f(X)=X+aX^{q(q-1)+1}+bX^{2(q-1)+1}\in\Bbb F_{q^2}[X], where qq is even and a,b∈Fq2βˆ—a,b\in\Bbb F_{q^2}^*. They found sufficient conditions on a,ba,b for ff to be a permutation polynomial (PP) of Fq2\Bbb F_{q^2} and they conjectured that the sufficient conditions are also necessary. The conjecture has been confirmed by Bartoli using the Hasse-Weil bound. In this paper, we give an alternative solution to the question. We also use the Hasse-Weil bound, but in a different way. Moreover, the necessity and sufficiency of the conditions are proved by the same approach

    Further results on complete permutation monomials over finite fields

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    In this paper, we construct some new classes of complete permutation monomials with exponent d=qnβˆ’1qβˆ’1d=\frac{q^n-1}{q-1} using AGW criterion (a special case). This proves two recent conjectures in [Wuetal2] and extends some of these recent results to more general nn's

    Permutation Polynomials with Carlitz Rank 2

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    Let Fq\mathbb{F}_q denote the finite field with qq elements. The Carlitz rank of a permutation polynomial is a important measure of complexity of the polynomial. In this paper we find the sharp lower bound for the weight of any permutation polynomial with Carlitz rank 22, improving the bound found by G\'omez-P\'erez, Ostafe and Topuzo\u{g}lu in that case.Comment: 10 pages, comments are welcom

    Permutation trinomials over Fq3\mathbb{F}_{q^3}

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    We consider four classes of polynomials over the fields Fq3\mathbb{F}_{q^3}, q=phq=p^h, p>3p>3, f1(x)=xq2+qβˆ’1+Axq2βˆ’q+1+Bxf_1(x)=x^{q^2+q-1}+Ax^{q^2-q+1}+Bx, f2(x)=xq2+qβˆ’1+Axq3βˆ’q2+q+Bxf_2(x)=x^{q^2+q-1}+Ax^{q^3-q^2+q}+Bx, f3(x)=xq2+qβˆ’1+Axq2βˆ’Bxf_3(x)=x^{q^2+q-1}+Ax^{q^2}-Bx, f4(x)=xq2+qβˆ’1+Axqβˆ’Bxf_4(x)=x^{q^2+q-1}+Ax^{q}-Bx, where A,B∈FqA,B \in \mathbb{F}_q. We determine conditions on the pairs (A,B)(A,B) and we give lower bounds on the number of pairs (A,B)(A,B) for which these polynomials permute Fq3\mathbb{F}_{q^3}

    A new class of permutation trinomials constructed from Niho exponents

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    Permutation polynomials over finite fields are an interesting subject due to their important applications in the areas of mathematics and engineering. In this paper we investigate the trinomial f(x)=x(pβˆ’1)q+1+xpqβˆ’xq+(pβˆ’1)f(x)=x^{(p-1)q+1}+x^{pq}-x^{q+(p-1)} over the finite field Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2}, where pp is an odd prime and q=pkq=p^k with kk being a positive integer. It is shown that when p=3p=3 or 55, f(x)f(x) is a permutation trinomial of Fq2\mathbb{F}_{q^2} if and only if kk is even. This property is also true for more general class of polynomials g(x)=x(q+1)l+(pβˆ’1)q+1+x(q+1)l+pqβˆ’x(q+1)l+q+(pβˆ’1)g(x)=x^{(q+1)l+(p-1)q+1}+x^{(q+1)l+pq}-x^{(q+1)l+q+(p-1)}, where ll is a nonnegative integer and gcd⁑(2l+p,qβˆ’1)=1\gcd(2l+p,q-1)=1. Moreover, we also show that for p=5p=5 the permutation trinomials f(x)f(x) proposed here are new in the sense that they are not multiplicative equivalent to previously known ones of similar form.Comment: 17 pages, three table

    Constructions and necessities of some permutation polynomials

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    Permutation polynomials over finite fields have important applications in many areas of science and engineering such as coding theory, cryptography, combinatorial design, etc. In this paper, we construct several new classes of permutation polynomials, and the necessities of some permutation polynomials are studied.Comment: 1

    New Permutation Trinomials Constructed from Fractional Polynomials

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    Permutation trinomials over finite fields consititute an active research due to their simple algebraic form, additional extraordinary properties and their wide applications in many areas of science and engineering. In the present paper, six new classes of permutation trinomials over finite fields of even characteristic are constructed from six fractional polynomials. Further, three classes of permutation trinomials over finite fields of characteristic three are raised. Distinct from most of the known permutation trinomials which are with fixed exponents, our results are some general classes of permutation trinomials with one parameter in the exponents. Finally, we propose a few conjectures