6 research outputs found

    Molecular dynamics and machine learning in catalysts

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    Given the importance of catalysts in the chemical industry, they have been extensively investigated by experimental and numerical methods. With the development of computational algorithms and computer hardware, large-scale simulations have enabled influential studies with more atomic details reflecting microscopic mechanisms. This review provides a comprehensive summary of recent developments in molecular dynamics, including ab initio molecular dynamics and reaction force-field molecular dynamics. Recent research on both approaches to catalyst calculations is reviewed, including growth, dehydrogenation, hydrogenation, oxidation reactions, bias, and recombination of carbon materials that can guide catalyst calculations. Machine learning has attracted increasing interest in recent years, and its combination with the field of catalysts has inspired promising development approaches. Its applications in machine learning potential, catalyst design, performance prediction, structure optimization, and classification have been summarized in detail. This review hopes to shed light and perspective on ML approaches in catalysts

    Nuclear Quantum Effects in Water and Aqueous Systems: Experiment, Theory, and Current Challenges

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    Nuclear quantum effects influence the structure and dynamics of hydrogen-bonded systems, such as water, which impacts their observed properties with widely varying magnitudes. This review highlights the recent significant developments in the experiment, theory, and simulation of nuclear quantum effects in water. Novel experimental techniques, such as deep inelastic neutron scattering, now provide a detailed view of the role of nuclear quantum effects in water's properties. These have been combined with theoretical developments such as the introduction of the principle of competing quantum effects that allows the subtle interplay of water's quantum effects and their manifestation in experimental observables to be explained. We discuss how this principle has recently been used to explain the apparent dichotomy in water's isotope effects, which can range from very large to almost nonexistent depending on the property and conditions. We then review the latest major developments in simulation algorithms and theory that have enabled the efficient inclusion of nuclear quantum effects in molecular simulations, permitting their combination with on-the-fly evaluation of the potential energy surface using electronic structure theory. Finally, we identify current challenges and future opportunities in this area of research

    Modelling charge transport in organic semiconducting materials

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    Forming the active layers of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), organic photovoltaics (OPVs) and organic field-effect transistors (OFETs), Organic semiconductors (OSs) have revolutionized the microelectronics industry. Compared with commonly used inorganic semiconductors, OSs combine many desirable properties: light-weight, flexible and relatively easy to produce from renewable resources. However, a drawback of OSs compared to inorganic semiconductors is their limited conductivity of electrical charges. In this thesis, I study charge transport properties of OSs in order to aid their material and structure design and to improve device efficiency. In this work, I evaluate the performance of a systematic and sophisticated computational tool for the prediction of charge mobilities in OSs. The method is based on the assumption that the charge carrier is localized, i.e. forms a small polaron that hops from one molecule to the next. Molecular dynamics simulation and first- principle calculations are used to calculate rate constants for each polaron hopping step and kinetic Monte Carlo simulations are carried out to compute the mobility from the set of hopping rate constants. The methodology is applied to hole hopping in single crystalline benzene, rubrene, pentacene, anthracene and electron hopping in C60. To find structure - property relations linking the morphology with the bulk charge carrier mobility, the methodology is further applied in few-layer thinfilm pentacene and amorphous pentacene

    Investigations of the non-adiabatic photophysics of Cu(I)-phenanthroline complexes

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    Cu(I)-phenanthrolines are an important class of metal-organic molecules that exhibits much promise for solar energy harvesting and solar-driven catalysis applications. Although many experimental studies have been performed calling for high-level simulations to elucidate their photophysics, a complete picture is still missing. This is the goal of the present thesis. On the ultrafast (femtosecond) timescale we studied the non-adiabatic relaxation of a prototypical Cu(I)-phenanthroline, [Cu(dmp)2]+, by performing excited state simulations using two approaches: quantum dynamics and trajectory surface hopping. These simulations help to identify several mechanisms, internal conversion, pseudo Jahn-Teller distortion, intersystem crossing, occurring in the subpicosecond time scale. Surprisingly, we have found that intersystem crossing does not take place between the lowest singlet and triplet excited states, as previously proposed, but between the lowest singlet and higher triplet states. Moreover, we observed the initial stages (< 100 fs) of the solvent reorganization due to the electronic density changes in the excited state. This leads to an energy stabilization of the excited states that is associated with an increase of the non-radiative decay rate. The quantum dynamics simulations allowed us to provide indications for performing additional spectroscopy measurements by using the recently developed X-ray Free Electron Lasers (X-FELs). This technology can monitor both electronic and structural changes with an unprecedented time resolution of tens of femtoseconds and, therefore, is capable of revealing the aforementioned processes. In addition, we questioned the feasibility of such experiments and calculated the signal strengths for XAS and XES transient spectra. Finally, we analyzed the luminescence quenching, which has been observed for all Cu(I)-phenanthroline complexes when they are dissolved in strongly donating solvents. By performing Molecular Dynamics calculations we showed that, in contrast with the previously accepted model based on the formation of an exciplex (a species formed by two molecules, one in the excited state and one in the ground state), no stable exciplex is formed and that quenching is due to electrostatic solute-solvent interactions. In addition, we investigated how the geometry configuration can affect the luminescence lifetime in these molecules. We found a correlation between rigidity of the copper complex - inhibition of the pseudo Jahn-Teller distortion - and lifetime of the emission. The more the metal complex retains the ground state structure (large substituents), the longer its lifetime. This effect is attributed to a higher energy gap (excited state minus ground state energy) due to the reduction of relaxation. Our research reveals important insights into the relaxation mechanism and the complex interplay between geometry and electronic structure in Cu(I)-phenanthroline. These results can be exploited for guiding the synthesis of complexes with the desired physical properties