871 research outputs found

    Symposium Internationale Quartum Anatomiae Clinicae

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    Proceedings from the Symposium

    Molecular gas and a new young stellar cluster in the far outer Galaxy

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    We investigate the star-formation ocurring in the region towards IRAS07527-3446 in the molecular cloud [MAB97]250.63-3.63, in the far outer Galaxy. We report the discovery of a new young stellar cluster, and describe its properties and those of its parent molecular cloud. Near-infrared JHKS images were obtained with VLT/ISAAC, and millimetre line CO spectra were obtained with the SEST telescope. VLA archive date were also used. The cloud and cluster are located at a distance of 10.3 kpc and a Galactocentric distance of 15.4 kpc, in the far outer Galaxy. Morphologically, IRAS 07527-3446 appears as a young embedded cluster of a few hundred stars seen towards the position of the IRAS source, extending for about 2-4 pc and exhibiting sub-clustering. The cluster contains low and intermediate-mass young reddened stars, a large fraction having cleared the inner regions of their circumstellar discs responsible for (H-Ks) colour excess. The observations are compatible with a < 5 Myr cluster with variable spatial extinction of between Av = 5 and Av = 11. Decomposition of CO emission in clumps, reveals a clump clearly associated with the cluster position, of mass 3.3 x 10^3 M(solar). Estimates of the slopes of the Ks-band luminosity function and of the star-formation efficiency yield values similar to those seen in nearby star-formation sites. These findings reinforce previous results that the distant outer Galaxy continues to be active in the production of new and rich stellar clusters, with the physical conditions required for the formation of rich clusters continuing to be met in the very distant environment of the outer Galactic disc.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure

    New Type of sub-THz Oscillator and Amplifier Systems Based on Helical-Type Gyro-TWTs

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    This work presents the development of a new sub-THz source for the generation of trains of coherent high-power ultra-short pulses at 263 GHz via passive mode-locking of two coupled helical gyro-TWTs. For the first time, it is shown that the operation of such passive mode-locked helical gyro-TWTs in the hard excitation regime is of particular importance to reach the optimal coherency of the generated pulses. This could be of particular interest for some new time-domain DNP-NMR methods

    Complete periodicity of Prym eigenforms

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    This paper deals with Prym eigenforms which are introduced previously by McMullen. We prove several results on the directional flow on those surfaces, related to complete periodicity (introduced by Calta). More precisely we show that any homological direction is algebraically periodic, and any direction of a regular closed geodesic is a completely periodic direction. As a consequence we draw that the limit set of the Veech group of every Prym eigenform in some Prym loci of genus 3,4, and 5 is either empty, one point, or the full circle at infinity. We also construct new examples of translation surfaces satisfying the topological Veech dichotomy. As a corollary we obtain new translation surfaces whose Veech group is infinitely generated and of the first kind.Comment: 35 page

    Colliding Interfaces in Old and New Diffuse-interface Approximations of Willmore-flow

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    This paper is concerned with diffuse-interface approximations of the Willmore flow. We first present numerical results of standard diffuse-interface models for colliding one dimensional interfaces. In such a scenario evolutions towards interfaces with corners can occur that do not necessarily describe the adequate sharp-interface dynamics. We therefore propose and investigate alternative diffuse-interface approximations that lead to a different and more regular behavior if interfaces collide. These dynamics are derived from approximate energies that converge to the L1L^1-lower-semicontinuous envelope of the Willmore energy, which is in general not true for the more standard Willmore approximation

    Approximation Algorithm for Line Segment Coverage for Wireless Sensor Network

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    The coverage problem in wireless sensor networks deals with the problem of covering a region or parts of it with sensors. In this paper, we address the problem of covering a set of line segments in sensor networks. A line segment ` is said to be covered if it intersects the sensing regions of at least one sensor distributed in that region. We show that the problem of finding the minimum number of sensors needed to cover each member in a given set of line segments in a rectangular area is NP-hard. Next, we propose a constant factor approximation algorithm for the problem of covering a set of axis-parallel line segments. We also show that a PTAS exists for this problem.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures