387 research outputs found

    European Capitals of Culture as a tool of enhancing economic development and urban branding, a proposal for Tbilisi, Georgia

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    Se analiza el desarrollo económico producido por ser capitales culturales, el impacto urbano y socioeconómico que conlleva. Se propone Tbilisi como ejemplo para apreciar el impacto económico de la cultura.Grado en Comerci

    Pengembangan Berbasis Budaya Untuk Keberlanjutan UKM: Industri dan Manajemen Warisan Pusaka di Indonesia dan Brunei Darussalam

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    This paper focus on the Culture-Led Development (CLD) role on the exploration of industrial and personal heritage management that encourages the development of SMEs as it has been implemented in Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam. This qualitative research with an antrophology approach was conducted with semi-structured interviews beside the observation and documentation involving 13 SMEs entrepreneurs, who have produced traditional or handicraft items, in 2018.  The empirical data was used to illustrate the implementation of culture in business development. The term heritage has been identical with the sustainability of SMEs. The CLD helps change the entrepreneurs' way of thinking as it promotes innovative products that are environmentally friendly and are able to elevate cultural values and tradition. This research finds that culture and heritage-based management have strong implications for the SMEs development.Paper ini fokus pada peran Culture-Led Development (CLD) dalam rangka mendorong pengembangan UKM di Indonesia dan Brunei Darussalam. Penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan antropology diterapkan dengan menggunakan wawancara semi terstruktur, observasi dan dokumentasi terhadap 13 pengusaha UKM yang memproduksi barang kerajinan tradisional, pada tahun 2018. Data empiris mengilustrasikan implementasi budaya pada pengembangan bisnis. Term warisan pusaka identik dengan keberlanjutan UKM. Culture-Led Development (CLD) membantu mengubah pola pikir pengusaha untuk lebih inovatif memproduksi barang ramah lingkungan untuk mengangkat nilai-nilai budaya dan tradisi. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa budaya dan manajemen berbasis warisan pusaka memiliki pengaruh yang kuat bagi pengembangan UKM

    The future of the public library:reimagining the moral economy of the 'people's university'

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    New media technologies, the digitisation of information, learning archives and heritage resources are changing the nature of the public library and museums services across the globe, and, in so doing, changing the way present and future users of these services interact with these institutions in real and virtual spaces. New digital technologies are rewriting the nature of participation, learning and engagement with the public library, and fashioning a new paradigm where virtual and physical spaces and educative and temporal environments operate symbiotically. It is with such a creatively disruptive paradigm that the £193 million Library of Birmingham project in the United Kingdom is being developed. New and old media forms and platforms are helping to fashion new public places and spaces that reaffirm the importance of public libraries as conceived in the nineteenth century. As people’s universities, the public library service offers a web of connective learning opportunities and affordances. This article considers the importance of community libraries as sites of intercultural understanding and practical social democracy. Their significance is reaffirmed through the initial findings in the first of a series of community interventions forming part of a long-term project, ‘Connecting Spaces and Places’, funded by the Royal Society of Arts

    Monitor Newsletter March 12, 1990

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    Official Publication of Bowling Green State University for Faculty and Staffhttps://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/monitor/2006/thumbnail.jp

    The Summer B-G News July 31, 1957

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    The BGSU campus student newspaper July 31, 1957. Volume 41 - Issue 57https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2373/thumbnail.jp

    Multifunctional facilities – from primary functions to spatial landmarks (study of two cases in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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    Through case studies, this paper presents a comparative overview of the implementation of two similar individual investments in Serbia and BiH - from initial ideas, through programming, urban and architectural design, to preparation and construction of specific facilities at specific locations. A comparative overview of specific activities indicates the options for improvement of overall process efficiency through transfer of best practice examples from one country or another, i.e. through delivery of specific conclusion which can improve similar endeavours. More precisely, we focus on secondary educational facilities, scientific and teaching bases or field laboratories which in both cases represent branches- field offices or stations for practical training provided by Faculties of Forestry in both countries. Apart from the academic educational activities, these spaces are also intended to provide accommodation and potential tourist-oriented facilities for a wider circle of users. From the aspect of programming, these investments required designing of multifunctional spaces which were supposed to provide not only practical training and accommodation for students, but also accommodation and animation services for tourists in the mountainous tourist regions in which they are located. This paper also reviews the issue of rehabilitation, reconstruction, adaptation and expansion of already existing facilities, as well as the design and implementation of completely new functions. From the aspect of location, we consider the issues of adaptable designing of open and closed spaces at higher altitudes (1,000 meters above the sea level) in mountainous regions with thick forests and severe winter weather conditions. These stations are primarily intended for the required/mandatory activities, or their specific basic purpose, but they can also be especially functional from the aspect of tourist network elements development in a specific wider area, and as marketing and promotional markers for popularization and attractiveness, i.e. “new recognisability”of specific sites in a more narrow spatial sense. As modern landmarks, they could use their functionality and symbolism of their form to generate considerable development and increase the number of visits to rural areas, where the sites which interest the wider circle of users are usually located

    The Parthenon, March 5, 1986

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