3 research outputs found

    Two coloring problems on matrix graphs

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    In this paper, we propose a new family of graphs, matrix graphs, whose vertex set FqNΓ—n\mathbb{F}^{N\times n}_q is the set of all NΓ—nN\times n matrices over a finite field Fq\mathbb{F}_q for any positive integers NN and nn. And any two matrices share an edge if the rank of their difference is 11. Next, we give some basic properties of such graphs and also consider two coloring problems on them. Let Ο‡dβ€²(NΓ—n,q)\chi'_d(N\times n, q) (resp. Ο‡d(NΓ—n,q)\chi_d(N\times n, q)) denote the minimum number of colors necessary to color the above matrix graph so that no two vertices that are at a distance at most dd (resp. exactly dd) get the same color. These two problems were proposed in the study of scalability of optical networks. In this paper, we determine the exact value of Ο‡dβ€²(NΓ—n,q)\chi'_d(N\times n,q) and give some upper and lower bounds on Ο‡d(NΓ—n,q)\chi_d(N\times n,q).Comment: 9 page

    New Results on Two Hypercube Coloring Problems

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    In this paper, we study the following two hypercube coloring problems: Given nn and dd, find the minimum number of colors, denoted as Ο‡dβ€²(n){\chi}'_{d}(n) (resp. Ο‡d(n){\chi}_{d}(n)), needed to color the vertices of the nn-cube such that any two vertices with Hamming distance at most dd (resp. exactly dd) have different colors. These problems originally arose in the study of the scalability of optical networks. Using methods in coding theory, we show that Ο‡4β€²(2r+1βˆ’1)=22r+1{\chi}'_{4}(2^{r+1}-1)=2^{2r+1}, Ο‡5β€²(2r+1)=4r+1{\chi}'_{5}(2^{r+1})=4^{r+1} for any odd number rβ‰₯3r\geq3, and give two upper bounds on Ο‡d(n){\chi}_{d}(n). The first upper bound improves on that of Kim, Du and Pardalos. The second upper bound improves on the first one for small nn. Furthermore, we derive an inequality on Ο‡d(n){\chi}_{d}(n) and Ο‡dβ€²(n){\chi}'_{d}(n).Comment: The material in this paper was presented at The Fifth Shanghai Conference on Combinatorics, May 14-18, 2005, Shanghai, China. This paper has been submitted for publicatio

    New bounds on a hypercube coloring problem and linear codes

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    In studying the scalability of optical networks, one problem arising involves coloring the vertices of the n-dimensional hypercube with as few colors as possible such that any two vertices whose Hamming distance is at most k are colored differently. Determining the exact value of O/_k(n), the minimum number of colors needed, appears tobe a difficult problem. In this paper, we improve the known An n-cube (or n-dimensional hypercube) is a graph whose vertices are the vectors of th