283 research outputs found

    Black Box White Arrow

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    The present paper proposes a new and systematic approach to the so-called black box group methods in computational group theory. Instead of a single black box, we consider categories of black boxes and their morphisms. This makes new classes of black box problems accessible. For example, we can enrich black box groups by actions of outer automorphisms. As an example of application of this technique, we construct Frobenius maps on black box groups of untwisted Lie type in odd characteristic (Section 6) and inverse-transpose automorphisms on black box groups encrypting (P)SLn(Fq){\rm (P)SL}_n(\mathbb{F}_q). One of the advantages of our approach is that it allows us to work in black box groups over finite fields of big characteristic. Another advantage is explanatory power of our methods; as an example, we explain Kantor's and Kassabov's construction of an involution in black box groups encrypting SL2(2n){\rm SL}_2(2^n). Due to the nature of our work we also have to discuss a few methodological issues of the black box group theory. The paper is further development of our text "Fifty shades of black" [arXiv:1308.2487], and repeats parts of it, but under a weaker axioms for black box groups.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1308.248

    Positive trace polynomials and the universal Procesi-Schacher conjecture

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    Positivstellensatz is a fundamental result in real algebraic geometry providing algebraic certificates for positivity of polynomials on semialgebraic sets. In this article Positivstellens\"atze for trace polynomials positive on semialgebraic sets of n×nn\times n matrices are provided. A Krivine-Stengle-type Positivstellensatz is proved characterizing trace polynomials nonnegative on a general semialgebraic set KK using weighted sums of hermitian squares with denominators. The weights in these certificates are obtained from generators of KK and traces of hermitian squares. For compact semialgebraic sets KK Schm\"udgen- and Putinar-type Positivstellens\"atze are obtained: every trace polynomial positive on KK has a sum of hermitian squares decomposition with weights and without denominators. The methods employed are inspired by invariant theory, classical real algebraic geometry and functional analysis. Procesi and Schacher in 1976 developed a theory of orderings and positivity on central simple algebras with involution and posed a Hilbert's 17th problem for a universal central simple algebra of degree nn: is every totally positive element a sum of hermitian squares? They gave an affirmative answer for n=2n=2. In this paper a negative answer for n=3n=3 is presented. Consequently, including traces of hermitian squares as weights in the Positivstellens\"atze is indispensable

    Integral forms of Kac-Moody groups and Eisenstein series in low dimensional supergravity theories

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    Kac-Moody groups GG over R\mathbb{R} have been conjectured to occur as symmetry groups of supergravities in dimensions less than 3, and their integer forms G(Z)G(\mathbb{Z}) are conjecturally U-duality groups. Mathematical descriptions of G(Z)G(\mathbb{Z}), due to Tits, are functorial and not amenable to computation or applications. We construct Kac-Moody groups over R\mathbb{R} and Z\mathbb{Z} using an analog of Chevalley's constructions in finite dimensions and Garland's constructions in the affine case. We extend a construction of Eisenstein series on finite dimensional semisimple algebraic groups using representation theory, which appeared in the context of superstring theory, to general Kac-Moody groups. This coincides with a generalization of Garland's Eisenstein series on affine Kac-Moody groups to general Kac-Moody groups and includes Eisenstein series on E10E_{10} and E11E_{11}. For finite dimensional groups, Eisenstein series encode the quantum corrections in string theory and supergravity theories. Their Kac-Moody analogs will likely also play an important part in string theory, though their roles are not yet understood

    Pointed Hopf algebra (co)actions on rational functions

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    This article studies the construction of Hopf algebras HH acting on a given algebra KK in terms of algebra morphisms σ ⁣:KMn(K) \sigma \colon K \rightarrow \mathrm{M}_n(K). The approach is particularly suited for controlling whether these actions restrict to a given subalgebra BB of KK, whether HH is pointed, and whether these actions are compatible with a given *-structure on KK. The theory is applied to the field K=k(t)K=k(t) of rational functions containing the coordinate ring B=k[t2,t3]B=k[t^2,t^3] of the cusp. An explicit example is described in detail and shown to define a quantum homogeneous space structure on the cusp, which, unlike the previously known one, extends from regular to rational functions.Comment: 34 page