3,476 research outputs found

    Graphs in machine learning: an introduction

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    Graphs are commonly used to characterise interactions between objects of interest. Because they are based on a straightforward formalism, they are used in many scientific fields from computer science to historical sciences. In this paper, we give an introduction to some methods relying on graphs for learning. This includes both unsupervised and supervised methods. Unsupervised learning algorithms usually aim at visualising graphs in latent spaces and/or clustering the nodes. Both focus on extracting knowledge from graph topologies. While most existing techniques are only applicable to static graphs, where edges do not evolve through time, recent developments have shown that they could be extended to deal with evolving networks. In a supervised context, one generally aims at inferring labels or numerical values attached to nodes using both the graph and, when they are available, node characteristics. Balancing the two sources of information can be challenging, especially as they can disagree locally or globally. In both contexts, supervised and un-supervised, data can be relational (augmented with one or several global graphs) as described above, or graph valued. In this latter case, each object of interest is given as a full graph (possibly completed by other characteristics). In this context, natural tasks include graph clustering (as in producing clusters of graphs rather than clusters of nodes in a single graph), graph classification, etc. 1 Real networks One of the first practical studies on graphs can be dated back to the original work of Moreno [51] in the 30s. Since then, there has been a growing interest in graph analysis associated with strong developments in the modelling and the processing of these data. Graphs are now used in many scientific fields. In Biology [54, 2, 7], for instance, metabolic networks can describe pathways of biochemical reactions [41], while in social sciences networks are used to represent relation ties between actors [66, 56, 36, 34]. Other examples include powergrids [71] and the web [75]. Recently, networks have also been considered in other areas such as geography [22] and history [59, 39]. In machine learning, networks are seen as powerful tools to model problems in order to extract information from data and for prediction purposes. This is the object of this paper. For more complete surveys, we refer to [28, 62, 49, 45]. In this section, we introduce notations and highlight properties shared by most real networks. In Section 2, we then consider methods aiming at extracting information from a unique network. We will particularly focus on clustering methods where the goal is to find clusters of vertices. Finally, in Section 3, techniques that take a series of networks into account, where each network i

    Two-Stage Bagging Pruning for Reducing the Ensemble Size and Improving the Classification Performance

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    Ensemble methods, such as the traditional bagging algorithm, can usually improve the performance of a single classifier. However, they usually require large storage space as well as relatively time-consuming predictions. Many approaches were developed to reduce the ensemble size and improve the classification performance by pruning the traditional bagging algorithms. In this article, we proposed a two-stage strategy to prune the traditional bagging algorithm by combining two simple approaches: accuracy-based pruning (AP) and distance-based pruning (DP). These two methods, as well as their two combinations, “AP+DP” and “DP+AP” as the two-stage pruning strategy, were all examined. Comparing with the single pruning methods, we found that the two-stage pruning methods can furthermore reduce the ensemble size and improve the classification. “AP+DP” method generally performs better than the “DP+AP” method when using four base classifiers: decision tree, Gaussian naive Bayes, K-nearest neighbor, and logistic regression. Moreover, as compared to the traditional bagging, the two-stage method “AP+DP” improved the classification accuracy by 0.88%, 4.06%, 1.26%, and 0.96%, respectively, averaged over 28 datasets under the four base classifiers. It was also observed that “AP+DP” outperformed other three existing algorithms Brag, Nice, and TB assessed on 8 common datasets. In summary, the proposed two-stage pruning methods are simple and promising approaches, which can both reduce the ensemble size and improve the classification accuracy

    A novel mechanical analogy based battery model for SoC estimation using a multi-cell EKF

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    The future evolution of technological systems dedicated to improve energy efficiency will strongly depend on effective and reliable Energy Storage Systems, as key components for Smart Grids, microgrids and electric mobility. Besides possible improvements in chemical materials and cells design, the Battery Management System is the most important electronic device that improves the reliability of a battery pack. In fact, a precise State of Charge (SoC) estimation allows the energy flows controller to exploit better the full capacity of each cell. In this paper, we propose an alternative definition for the SoC, explaining the rationales by a mechanical analogy. We introduce a novel cell model, conceived as a series of three electric dipoles, together with a procedure for parameters estimation relying only on voltage measures and a given current profile. The three dipoles represent the quasi-stationary, the dynamics and the istantaneous components of voltage measures. An Extended Kalman Filer (EKF) is adopted as a nonlinear state estimator. Moreover, we propose a multi-cell EKF system based on a round-robin approach to allow the same processing block to keep track of many cells at the same time. Performance tests with a prototype battery pack composed by 18 A123 cells connected in series show encouraging results.Comment: 8 page, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    An empirical learning-based validation procedure for simulation workflow

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    Simulation workflow is a top-level model for the design and control of simulation process. It connects multiple simulation components with time and interaction restrictions to form a complete simulation system. Before the construction and evaluation of the component models, the validation of upper-layer simulation workflow is of the most importance in a simulation system. However, the methods especially for validating simulation workflow is very limit. Many of the existing validation techniques are domain-dependent with cumbersome questionnaire design and expert scoring. Therefore, this paper present an empirical learning-based validation procedure to implement a semi-automated evaluation for simulation workflow. First, representative features of general simulation workflow and their relations with validation indices are proposed. The calculation process of workflow credibility based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is then introduced. In order to make full use of the historical data and implement more efficient validation, four learning algorithms, including back propagation neural network (BPNN), extreme learning machine (ELM), evolving new-neuron (eNFN) and fast incremental gaussian mixture model (FIGMN), are introduced for constructing the empirical relation between the workflow credibility and its features. A case study on a landing-process simulation workflow is established to test the feasibility of the proposed procedure. The experimental results also provide some useful overview of the state-of-the-art learning algorithms on the credibility evaluation of simulation models

    Spatial Pattern Learning, Catastophic Forgetting and Optimal Rules of Synaptic Transmission

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    It is a neural network truth universally acknowledged, that the signal transmitted to a target node must be equal to the product of the path signal times a weight. Analysis of catastrophic forgetting by distributed codes leads to the unexpected conclusion that this universal synaptic transmission rule may not be optimal in certain neural networks. The distributed outstar, a network designed to support stable codes with fast or slow learning, generalizes the outstar network for spatial pattern learning. In the outstar, signals from a source node cause weights to learn and recall arbitrary patterns across a target field of nodes. The distributed outstar replaces the outstar source node with a source field, of arbitrarily many nodes, where the activity pattern may be arbitrarily distributed or compressed. Learning proceeds according to a principle of atrophy due to disuse whereby a path weight decreases in joint proportion to the transmittcd path signal and the degree of disuse of the target node. During learning, the total signal to a target node converges toward that node's activity level. Weight changes at a node are apportioned according to the distributed pattern of converging signals three types of synaptic transmission, a product rule, a capacity rule, and a threshold rule, are examined for this system. The three rules are computationally equivalent when source field activity is maximally compressed, or winner-take-all when source field activity is distributed, catastrophic forgetting may occur. Only the threshold rule solves this problem. Analysis of spatial pattern learning by distributed codes thereby leads to the conjecture that the optimal unit of long-term memory in such a system is a subtractive threshold, rather than a multiplicative weight.Advanced Research Projects Agency (ONR N00014-92-J-4015); Office of Naval Research (N00014-91-J-4100, N00014-92-J-1309