168 research outputs found

    APPLICATIONS: Financial risk and financial Risk Management Technology (RMT): Issues and advances

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    Methods for sound risk management are of increasing interest among Wall Street investment banking and brokerage firms in the aftermath of the October 1987 crash of the stock market. As the knowledge of advanced technology applications in risk management increases, financial firms are finding innovative ways to use them practically, in order to insulate themselves. The recent development in models, the software and hardware, and the market data to track risk are all considered advances in Risk Management Technology (RMT). -. These advances have affected all three stages of risk management: the identification, the measurement, and the formulation of strategies to control financial risk. This article discusses the advances made in five areas of RMT: communication software, object-oriented programming, parallel processing, neural nets and artificial intelligence. Systems based on any of these areas may be used to add value to the business of a firm. A business value linkage analysis shows how the utility of advanced systems can be measured to justify their costs.Information Systems Working Papers Serie


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    Methods for sound risk management are of increasing interest among Wall Street investment banking and brokerage firms in the aftermath of the October 1987 crash of the stock market. As the knowledge of advanced technology applications in risk management increases, financial firms are finding innovative ways to use them practically, in order to insulate themselves. The recent development in models, the software and hardware, and the market data to track risk are all considered advances in Risk Management Technology (RMT). These advances have affected all three stages of risk management: the identification, the measurement, and the formulation of strategies to control financial risk. This article discusses the advances made in five areas of RMT: communication software, object-oriented programming, parallel processing, neural nets and artificial intelligence. Systems based on any of these areas may be used to add value to the business of a firm. A business value linkage analysis shows how the utility of advanced systems can be measured to justify their costs.Information Systems Working Papers Serie


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    Methods for sound risk management are of increasing interest among Wall Street investment banking and brokerage firms in the aftermath of the October 1987 crash of the stock market. We present an overview of the basic definitions and issues related to risk, and the management of financial risk and financial risk management technology (RMT) for information systems (IS) technology professionals. We discuss of the content of risk management technology, including the models, the software and hardware, and the market data required to track risk. We also discuss the identification of risky events, alternative approaches to the measurement of risk, and how investment firms go about formulating strategies to control financial risk. We next show how changes in the information technologies supporting these tasks have led to improvements in the control of risk and in the design of products which involve financial risk. Advances in five areas that are of interest are: communications software, object-oriented programming, the use of parallel processors and supercomputers, and the application of artificial intelligence and neural nets. Although these new information technologies create significant opportunities to improve global and departmental risk management, a basic question that must be addressed involves the costs associated with their implementation. Thus, a third contribution of this paper is to analyze the extent to which the implementation of these technologies will affect firm costs. To this end, we evaluate the components of the cost function for risk management, and consider some ways that the new technologies can be applied to reduce overall costs.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Forecasting foreign exchange rates with adaptive neural networks using radial basis functions and particle swarm optimization

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    The motivation for this paper is to introduce a hybrid Neural Network architecture of Particle Swarm Optimization and Adaptive Radial Basis Function (ARBF-PSO), a time varying leverage trading strategy based on Glosten, Jagannathan and Runkle (GJR) volatility forecasts and a Neural Network fitness function for financial forecasting purposes. This is done by benchmarking the ARBF-PSO results with those of three different Neural Networks architectures, a Nearest Neighbors algorithm (k-NN), an autoregressive moving average model (ARMA), a moving average convergence/divergence model (MACD) plus a naïve strategy. More specifically, the trading and statistical performance of all models is investigated in a forecast simulation of the EUR/USD, EUR/GBP and EUR/JPY ECB exchange rate fixing time series over the period January 1999 to March 2011 using the last two years for out-of-sample testing

    Support Vector Regression Based GARCH Model with Application to Forecasting Volatility of Financial Returns

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    In recent years, support vector regression (SVR), a novel neural network (NN) technique, has been successfully used for financial forecasting. This paper deals with the application of SVR in volatility forecasting. Based on a recurrent SVR, a GARCH method is proposed and is compared with a moving average (MA), a recurrent NN and a parametric GACH in terms of their ability to forecast financial markets volatility. The real data in this study uses British Pound-US Dollar (GBP) daily exchange rates from July 2, 2003 to June 30, 2005 and New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) daily composite index from July 3, 2003 to June 30, 2005. The experiment shows that, under both varying and fixed forecasting schemes, the SVR-based GARCH outperforms the MA, the recurrent NN and the parametric GARCH based on the criteria of mean absolute error (MAE) and directional accuracy (DA). No structured way being available to choose the free parameters of SVR, the sensitivity of performance is also examined to the free parameters.recurrent support vector regression, GARCH model, volatility forecasting

    Alternate Models for Forecasting Hedge Fund Returns

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    Alternate Models for Forecasting Hedge Fund Returns Michael Holden Faculty Sponsor: Gordon Dash, Finance and Decision Sciences Investors have always wanted to improve the efficiency of modeling realized volatility to maximize directional trading returns and substantially improve profitability. As proposed, this honors project will provide evidence from hedge fund returns that a Radial-Basis Function (RBF) artificial neural network (ANN), specifically the Kajiji-4 RBF-ANN dominates other forecast methods in producing one-period ahead change-of-direction when forecasting the expected returns of various hedge fund indexes. I began this project by collecting historical economic data in monthly increments to serve as the dependent variables. The primary independent variable used in this study are two types of Treasury securities (short-term and long-term) to represent interest rates as well as the Volatility Index (VIX). The VIX index serves as a proxy for options implied volatility in the equity markets. These independent variables are used to predict the returns of multiple hedge fund indexes which serve as the dependent variables. The data was plugged into the RBF-ANN in order to solve the economic models. The ANN first took time to train using 33% of the data, and then it validated the remaining 67% of the data to measure the fitness. The study proceeded to calculate the residual by taking the difference of the actual data and the RBF-ANN predicted data. The RBF-ANN showed that the data was very fit as the mean square error (MSE) was relatively small. Overall, I have found that the RBF-ANN has done quite well in predicting the returns of various hedge fund indexes. The scope of the project will examine three well-known hedge fund styles

    Deep learning for trading and hedging in financial markets

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    Deep learning has achieved remarkable results in many areas, from image classification, language translation to question answering. Deep neural network models have proved to be good at processing large amounts of data and capturing complex relationships embedded in the data. In this thesis, we use deep learning methods to solve trading and hedging problems in the financial markets. We show that our solutions, which consist of various deep neural network models, could achieve better accuracies and efficiencies than many conventional mathematical-based methods. We use Technical Analysis Neural Network (TANN) to process high-frequency tick data from the foreign exchange market. Various technical indicators are calculated from the market data and fed into the neural network model. The model generates a classification label, which indicates the future movement direction of the FX rate in the short term. Our solution can surpass many well-known machine learning algorithms on classification accuracies. Deep Hedging models the relationship between the underlying asset and the prices of option contracts. We upgrade the pipeline by removing the restriction on trading frequency. With different levels of risk tolerances, the modified deep hedging model can propose various hedging solutions. These solutions form the Efficient Hedging Frontier (EHF), where their associated risk levels and returns are directly observable. We also show that combining a Deep Hedging model with a prediction algorithm ultimately increases the hedging performances. Implied volatility is the critical parameter for evaluating many financial derivatives. We propose a novel PCA Variational Auto-Enocder model to encode three independent features of implied volatility surfaces from the European stock markets. This novel encoding brings various benefits to generating and extrapolating implied volatility surfaces. It also enables the transformation of implied volatility surfaces from a stock index to a single stock, significantly improving the efficiency of derivatives pricing


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    Methods for sound risk management are of increasing interest among Wall Street investment banking and brokerage firms in the aftermath of the October 1987 crash of the stock market. As the knowledge of advanced technology applications in risk management increases, financial firms are finding innovative ways to use them practically, in order to insulate themselves. The recent development in models, the software and hardware, and the market data to track risk are all considered advances in Risk Management Technology (RMT). These advances have affected all three stages of risk management: the identification, the measurement, and the formulation of strategies to control financial risk. This article discusses the advances made in five areas of RMT: communication software, object-oriented programming, parallel processing, neural nets and artificial intelligence. Systems based on any of these areas may be used to add value to the business of a firm. A business value linkage analysis shows how the utility of advanced systems can be measured to justify their costs.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Applications of artificial neural networks in financial market forecasting

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    This thesis evaluates the utility of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) applied to financial market and macroeconomic forecasting. In application, ANNs are evaluated in comparison to traditional forecasting models to evaluate if their nonlinear and adaptive properties yield superior forecasting performance in terms of robustness and accuracy. Furthermore, as ANNs are data-driven models, an emphasis is placed on the data collection stage by compiling extensive candidate input variable pools, a task frequently underperformed by prior research. In evaluating their performance, ANNs are applied to the domains of: exchange rate forecasting, volatility forecasting, and macroeconomic forecasting. Regarding exchange rate forecasting, ANNs are applied to forecast the daily logarithmic returns of the EUR/USD over a short-term forecast horizon of one period. Initially, the analytic method of Technical Analysis (TA) and its sub-section of technical indicators are utilized to compile an extensive candidate input variable pool featuring standard and advanced technical indicators measuring all technical aspects of the EUR/USD time series. The candidate input variable pool is then subjected to a two-stage Input Variable Selection (IVS) process, producing an informative subset of technical indicators to serve as inputs to the ANNs. A collection of ANNs is then trained and tested on the EUR/USD time series data with their performance evaluated over a 5-year sample period (2012 to 2016), reserving the last two years for out of sample testing. A Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) model serves as a benchmark with the in-sample and out-of-sample empirical results demonstrating the MACD is a superior forecasting model across most forecast evaluation metrics. For volatility forecasting, ANNs are applied to forecast the volatility of the Nikkei 225 Index over a short-term forecast horizon of one period. Initially, an extensive candidate input variable pool is compiled consisting of implied volatility models and historical volatility models. The candidate input variable pool is then subjected to a two-stage IVS process. A collection of ANNs is then trained and tested on the Nikkei 225 Index time series data with their performance evaluated over a 4-year sample period (2014 to 2017), reserving the last year for out-of-sample testing. A GARCH (1,1) model serves as a benchmark with the out-of-sample empirical results finding the GARCH (1,1) model to be the superior volatility forecasting model. The research concludes with ANNs applied to macroeconomic forecasting, where ANNs are applied to forecast the monthly per cent-change in U.S. civilian unemployment and the quarterly per cent-change in U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP). For both studies, an extensive candidate input variable pool is compiled using relevant macroeconomic indicator data sourced from the Federal Bank of St Louis. The candidate input variable pools are then subjected to a two-stage IVS process. A collection of ANNs is trained and tested on the U.S. unemployment time series data (UNEMPLOY) and U.S. GDP time series data. The sample periods are (1972 to 2017) and (1960 to 2016) respectively, reserving the last 20% of data for out of sample testing. In both studies, the performance of the ANNs is benchmarked against a Support Vector Regression (SVR) model and a Naïve forecast. In both studies, the ANNs outperform the SVR benchmark model. The empirical results demonstrate that ANNs are superior forecasting models in the domain of macroeconomic forecasting, with the Modular Neural Network performing notably well. However, the empirical results question the utility of ANNs in the domains of exchange rate forecasting and volatility forecasting. A MACD model outperforms ANNs in exchange rate forecasting both in-sample and out-of-sample, and a GARCH (1,1) model outperforms ANNs in volatility forecasting
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