3 research outputs found

    Neural Program Synthesis By Self-Learning

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    Neural inductive program synthesis is a task generating instructions that can produce desired outputs from given inputs. In this paper, we focus on the generation of a chunk of assembly code that can be executed to match a state change inside the CPU and RAM. We develop a neural program synthesis algorithm, AutoAssemblet, learned via self-learning reinforcement learning that explores the large code space efficiently. Policy networks and value networks are learned to reduce the breadth and depth of the Monte Carlo Tree Search, resulting in better synthesis performance. We also propose an effective multi-entropy policy sampling technique to alleviate online update correlations. We apply AutoAssemblet to basic programming tasks and show significant higher success rates compared to several competing baselines

    Rethinking Exposure Bias In Language Modeling

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    Exposure bias describes the phenomenon that a language model trained under the teacher forcing schema may perform poorly at the inference stage when its predictions are conditioned on its previous predictions unseen from the training corpus. Recently, several generative adversarial networks (GANs) and reinforcement learning (RL) methods have been introduced to alleviate this problem. Nonetheless, a common issue in RL and GANs training is the sparsity of reward signals. In this paper, we adopt two simple strategies, multi-range reinforcing, and multi-entropy sampling, to amplify and denoise the reward signal. Our model produces an improvement over competing models with regards to BLEU scores and road exam, a new metric we designed to measure the robustness against exposure bias in language models

    Type-driven Neural Programming by Example

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    In this thesis we look into programming by example (PBE), which is about finding a program mapping given inputs to given outputs. PBE has traditionally seen a split between formal versus neural approaches, where formal approaches typically involve deductive techniques such as SAT solvers and types, while the neural approaches involve training on sample input-outputs with their corresponding program, typically using sequence-based machine learning techniques such as LSTMs [41]. As a result of this split, programming types had yet to be used in neural program synthesis techniques. We propose a way to incorporate programming types into a neural program synthesis approach for PBE. We introduce the Typed Neuro-Symbolic Program Synthesis (TNSPS) method based on this idea, and test it in the functional programming context to empirically verify type information may help improve generalization in neural synthesizers on limited-size datasets. Our TNSPS model builds upon the existing Neuro-Symbolic Program Synthesis (NSPS), a tree-based neural synthesizer combining info from input-output examples plus the current program, by further exposing information on types of those input-output examples, of the grammar production rules, as well as of the hole that we wish to expand in the program. We further explain how we generated a dataset within our domain, which uses a limited subset of Haskell as the synthesis language. Finally we discuss several topics of interest that may help take these ideas further. For reproducibility, we release our code publicly