1,568 research outputs found

    End-to-end Trained CNN Encode-Decoder Networks for Image Steganography

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    All the existing image steganography methods use manually crafted features to hide binary payloads into cover images. This leads to small payload capacity and image distortion. Here we propose a convolutional neural network based encoder-decoder architecture for embedding of images as payload. To this end, we make following three major contributions: (i) we propose a deep learning based generic encoder-decoder architecture for image steganography; (ii) we introduce a new loss function that ensures joint end-to-end training of encoder-decoder networks; (iii) we perform extensive empirical evaluation of proposed architecture on a range of challenging publicly available datasets (MNIST, CIFAR10, PASCAL-VOC12, ImageNet, LFW) and report state-of-the-art payload capacity at high PSNR and SSIM values

    New Classification Methods for Hiding Information into Two Parts: Multimedia Files and Non Multimedia Files

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    With the rapid development of various multimedia technologies, more and more multimedia data are generated and transmitted in the medical, commercial, and military fields, which may include some sensitive information which should not be accessed by or can only be partially exposed to the general users. Therefore, security and privacy has become an important, Another problem with digital document and video is that undetectable modifications can be made with very simple and widely available equipment, which put the digital material for evidential purposes under question .With the large flood of information and the development of the digital format Information hiding considers one of the techniques which used to protect the important information. The main goals for this paper, provides a general overview of the New Classification Methods for Hiding Information into Two Parts: Multimedia Files and Non Multimedia Files

    Invisible Steganography via Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Nowadays, there are plenty of works introducing convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to the steganalysis and exceeding conventional steganalysis algorithms. These works have shown the improving potential of deep learning in information hiding domain. There are also several works based on deep learning to do image steganography, but these works still have problems in capacity, invisibility and security. In this paper, we propose a novel CNN architecture named as \isgan to conceal a secret gray image into a color cover image on the sender side and exactly extract the secret image out on the receiver side. There are three contributions in our work: (i) we improve the invisibility by hiding the secret image only in the Y channel of the cover image; (ii) We introduce the generative adversarial networks to strengthen the security by minimizing the divergence between the empirical probability distributions of stego images and natural images. (iii) In order to associate with the human visual system better, we construct a mixed loss function which is more appropriate for steganography to generate more realistic stego images and reveal out more better secret images. Experiment results show that ISGAN can achieve start-of-art performances on LFW, Pascal VOC2012 and ImageNet datasets.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Deep Learning in steganography and steganalysis from 2015 to 2018

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    For almost 10 years, the detection of a hidden message in an image has been mainly carried out by the computation of Rich Models (RM), followed by classification using an Ensemble Classifier (EC). In 2015, the first study using a convolutional neural network (CNN) obtained the first results of steganalysis by Deep Learning approaching the performances of the two-step approach (EC + RM). Between 2015-2018, numerous publications have shown that it is possible to obtain improved performances, notably in spatial steganalysis, JPEG steganalysis, Selection-Channel-Aware steganalysis, and in quantitative steganalysis. This chapter deals with deep learning in steganalysis from the point of view of current methods, by presenting different neural networks from the period 2015-2018, that have been evaluated with a methodology specific to the discipline of steganalysis. The chapter is not intended to repeat the basic concepts of machine learning or deep learning. So, we will present the structure of a deep neural network, in a generic way and present the networks proposed in existing literature for the different scenarios of steganalysis, and finally, we will discuss steganography by deep learning.Comment: Book chapter, final version (October 2019). This chapter will appear in 2020 in the book titled: "Digital Media Steganography: Principles, Algorithms, Advances", Book Editor: M. Hassaballah. 46 page

    HiDDeN: Hiding Data With Deep Networks

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    Recent work has shown that deep neural networks are highly sensitive to tiny perturbations of input images, giving rise to adversarial examples. Though this property is usually considered a weakness of learned models, we explore whether it can be beneficial. We find that neural networks can learn to use invisible perturbations to encode a rich amount of useful information. In fact, one can exploit this capability for the task of data hiding. We jointly train encoder and decoder networks, where given an input message and cover image, the encoder produces a visually indistinguishable encoded image, from which the decoder can recover the original message. We show that these encodings are competitive with existing data hiding algorithms, and further that they can be made robust to noise: our models learn to reconstruct hidden information in an encoded image despite the presence of Gaussian blurring, pixel-wise dropout, cropping, and JPEG compression. Even though JPEG is non-differentiable, we show that a robust model can be trained using differentiable approximations. Finally, we demonstrate that adversarial training improves the visual quality of encoded images

    EncryptGAN: Image Steganography with Domain Transform

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    We propose an image steganographic algorithm called EncryptGAN, which disguises private image communication in an open communication channel. The insight is that content transform between two very different domains (e.g., face to flower) allows one to hide image messages in one domain (face) and communicate using its counterpart in another domain (flower). The key ingredient in our method, unlike related approaches, is a specially trained network to extract transformed images from both domains and use them as the public and private keys. We ensure the image communication remain secret except for the intended recipient even when the content transformation networks are exposed. To communicate, one directly pastes the `message' image onto a larger public key image (face). Depending on the location and content of the message image, the `disguise' image (flower) alters its appearance and shape while maintaining its overall objectiveness (flower). The recipient decodes the alternated image to uncover the original image message using its message image key. We implement the entire procedure as a constrained Cycle-GAN, where the public and the private key generating network is used as an additional constraint to the cycle consistency. Comprehensive experimental results show our EncryptGAN outperforms the state-of-arts in terms of both encryption and security measures.Comment: 11pages, 6 figure

    Real-Time Steganalysis for Stream Media Based on Multi-channel Convolutional Sliding Windows

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    Previous VoIP steganalysis methods face great challenges in detecting speech signals at low embedding rates, and they are also generally difficult to perform real-time detection, making them hard to truly maintain cyberspace security. To solve these two challenges, in this paper, combined with the sliding window detection algorithm and Convolution Neural Network we propose a real-time VoIP steganalysis method which based on multi-channel convolution sliding windows. In order to analyze the correlations between frames and different neighborhood frames in a VoIP signal, we define multi channel sliding detection windows. Within each sliding window, we design two feature extraction channels which contain multiple convolution layers with multiple convolution kernels each layer to extract correlation features of the input signal. Then based on these extracted features, we use a forward fully connected network for feature fusion. Finally, by analyzing the statistical distribution of these features, the discriminator will determine whether the input speech signal contains covert information or not.We designed several experiments to test the proposed model's detection ability under various conditions, including different embedding rates, different speech length, etc. Experimental results showed that the proposed model outperforms all the previous methods, especially in the case of low embedding rate, which showed state-of-the-art performance. In addition, we also tested the detection efficiency of the proposed model, and the results showed that it can achieve almost real-time detection of VoIP speech signals.Comment: 13 pages, summit to ieee transactions on information forensics and security (tifs

    Digital Cardan Grille: A Modern Approach for Information Hiding

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    In this paper, a new framework for construction of Cardan grille for information hiding is proposed. Based on the semantic image inpainting technique, the stego image are driven by secret messages directly. A mask called Digital Cardan Grille (DCG) for determining the hidden location is introduced to hide the message. The message is written to the corrupted region that needs to be filled in the corrupted image in advance. Then the corrupted image with secret message is feeded into a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) for semantic completion. The adversarial game not only reconstruct the corrupted image , but also generate a stego image which contains the logic rationality of image content. The experimental results verify the feasibility of the proposed method

    Steganalysis via a Convolutional Neural Network using Large Convolution Filters for Embedding Process with Same Stego Key

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    For the past few years, in the race between image steganography and steganalysis, deep learning has emerged as a very promising alternative to steganalyzer approaches based on rich image models combined with ensemble classifiers. A key knowledge of image steganalyzer, which combines relevant image features and innovative classification procedures, can be deduced by a deep learning approach called Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). These kind of deep learning networks is so well-suited for classification tasks based on the detection of variations in 2D shapes that it is the state-of-the-art in many image recognition problems. In this article, we design a CNN-based steganalyzer for images obtained by applying steganography with a unique embedding key. This one is quite different from the previous study of {\em Qian et al.} and its successor, namely {\em Pibre et al.} The proposed architecture embeds less convolutions, with much larger filters in the final convolutional layer, and is more general: it is able to deal with larger images and lower payloads. For the "same embedding key" scenario, our proposal outperforms all other steganalyzers, in particular the existing CNN-based ones, and defeats many state-of-the-art image steganography schemes

    Offline Arabic Handwriting Recognition Using Artificial Neural Network

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    The ambition of a character recognition system is to transform a text document typed on paper into a digital format that can be manipulated by word processor software Unlike other languages, Arabic has unique features, while other language doesn't have, from this language these are seven or eight language such as ordo, jewie and Persian writing, Arabic has twenty eight letters, each of which can be linked in three different ways or separated depending on the case. The difficulty of the Arabic handwriting recognition is that, the accuracy of the character recognition which affects on the accuracy of the word recognition, in additional there is also two or three from for each character, the suggested solution by using artificial neural network can solve the problem and overcome the difficulty of Arabic handwriting recognition.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, see http://sites.google.com/site/jcseuk/volume-1-issue-1-may-201