1 research outputs found

    Semantic Classification of Scientific Sentence Pair Using Recurrent Neural Network

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    One development of Natural Language Processing is the semantic classification of sentences and documents. The challenge is finding relationships between words and between documents through a computational model. The development of machine learning makes it possible to try out various possibilities that provide classification capabilities. This paper proposes the semantic classification of sentence pairs using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). Each couple of sentences is turned into vectors using Word2Vec. Experiments carried out using CBOW and Skip-Gram to get the best combination. The results are obtained that word embedding using CBOW produces better than Skip-Gram, although it is still around 5%. However, CBOW slows slightly at the beginning of iteration but is stable towards convergence. Classification of all six classes, namely Equivalent, Similar, Specific, No Alignment, Related, and Opposite. As a result of the unbalanced data set, the retraining was conducted by eliminating a few classes member from the data set, thus providing an accuracy of 73% for non-training data. The results showed that the Adam model gave a faster convergence at the start of training compared to the SGD model, and AdaDelta, which was built, gave 75% better accuracy with an F1-Score of 67%