14 research outputs found

    Householder-Absolute Neural Layers For High Variability and Deep Trainability

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    We propose a new architecture for artificial neural networks called Householder-absolute neural layers, or Han-layers for short, that use Householder reflectors as weight matrices and the absolute-value function for activation. Han-layers, functioning as fully connected layers, are motivated by recent results on neural-network variability and are designed to increase activation ratio and reduce the chance of Collapse to Constants. Neural networks constructed chiefly from Han-layers are called HanNets. By construction, HanNets enjoy a theoretical guarantee that vanishing or exploding gradient never occurs. We conduct several proof-of-concept experiments. Some surprising results obtained on styled test problems suggest that, under certain conditions, HanNets exhibit an unusual ability to produce nearly perfect solutions unattainable by fully connected networks. Experiments on regression datasets show that HanNets can significantly reduce the number of model parameters while maintaining or improving the level of generalization accuracy. In addition, by adding a few Han-layers into the pre-classification FC-layer of a convolutional neural network, we are able to quickly improve a state-of-the-art result on CIFAR10 dataset. These proof-of-concept results are sufficient to necessitate further studies on HanNets to understand their capacities and limits, and to exploit their potentials in real-world applications

    Sparse Interaction Additive Networks via Feature Interaction Detection and Sparse Selection

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    There is currently a large gap in performance between the statistically rigorous methods like linear regression or additive splines and the powerful deep methods using neural networks. Previous works attempting to close this gap have failed to fully investigate the exponentially growing number of feature combinations which deep networks consider automatically during training. In this work, we develop a tractable selection algorithm to efficiently identify the necessary feature combinations by leveraging techniques in feature interaction detection. Our proposed Sparse Interaction Additive Networks (SIAN) construct a bridge from these simple and interpretable models to fully connected neural networks. SIAN achieves competitive performance against state-of-the-art methods across multiple large-scale tabular datasets and consistently finds an optimal tradeoff between the modeling capacity of neural networks and the generalizability of simpler methods