7 research outputs found

    Estimating Infection Sources in Networks Using Partial Timestamps

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    We study the problem of identifying infection sources in a network based on the network topology, and a subset of infection timestamps. In the case of a single infection source in a tree network, we derive the maximum likelihood estimator of the source and the unknown diffusion parameters. We then introduce a new heuristic involving an optimization over a parametrized family of Gromov matrices to develop a single source estimation algorithm for general graphs. Compared with the breadth-first search tree heuristic commonly adopted in the literature, simulations demonstrate that our approach achieves better estimation accuracy than several other benchmark algorithms, even though these require more information like the diffusion parameters. We next develop a multiple sources estimation algorithm for general graphs, which first partitions the graph into source candidate clusters, and then applies our single source estimation algorithm to each cluster. We show that if the graph is a tree, then each source candidate cluster contains at least one source. Simulations using synthetic and real networks, and experiments using real-world data suggest that our proposed algorithms are able to estimate the true infection source(s) to within a small number of hops with a small portion of the infection timestamps being observed.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Securit

    On the robustness of the metric dimension of grid graphs to adding a single edge

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    The metric dimension (MD) of a graph is a combinatorial notion capturing the minimum number of landmark nodes needed to distinguish every pair of nodes in the graph based on graph distance. We study how much the MD can increase if we add a single edge to the graph. The extra edge can either be selected adversarially, in which case we are interested in the largest possible value that the MD can take, or uniformly at random, in which case we are interested in the distribution of the MD. The adversarial setting has already been studied by [Eroh et. al., 2015] for general graphs, who found an example where the MD doubles on adding a single edge. By constructing a different example, we show that this increase can be as large as exponential. However, we believe that such a large increase can occur only in specially constructed graphs, and that in most interesting graph families, the MD at most doubles on adding a single edge. We prove this for dd-dimensional grid graphs, by showing that 2d2d appropriately chosen corners and the endpoints of the extra edge can distinguish every pair of nodes, no matter where the edge is added. For the special case of d=2d=2, we show that it suffices to choose the four corners as landmarks. Finally, when the extra edge is sampled uniformly at random, we conjecture that the MD of 2-dimensional grids converges in probability to 3+Ber(8/27)3+\mathrm{Ber}(8/27), and we give an almost complete proof

    Network observability and localization of the source of diffusion based on a subset of nodes

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