17 research outputs found

    First Measurements with NeXtRAD, a Polarimetric X/L Band Radar Network

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    NeXtRAD is a fully polarimetric, X/L Band radar network. It is a development of the older NetRAD system and builds on the experience gained with extensive deployments of NetRAD for sea clutter and target measurements. In this paper we will report on the first measurements with NeXtRAD, looking primarily at sea clutter and some targets, as well as early attempts at calibration using corner reflectors, and an assessment of the polarimetric response of the system. We also highlight innovations allowing for efficient data manipulation post measurement campaigns, as well as the plans for the coming years with this system

    Multistatic Radar: System Requirements and Experimental Validation

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    Multistatic radar provides many advantages over conventional monostatic radar, such as enhanced information on target signatures and improvements in detection which are due to the multiple perspectives and differences in the properties of clutter. Furthermore, the fact that receive-only multistatic nodes are passive may be an advantage in military applications. In order to quantify potential performance benefits of these advantages a comprehensive understanding of target and clutter behaviour in multistatic scenarios is necessary. However, such information is currently limited because bistatic and multistatic measurements are difficult to make, their results depend on many variables such as multistatic geometry, frequency, polarization, and many others, and results from previous measurements are likely to be classified for military targets. Multistatic measurements of targets and clutter have been performed over the past few years by the NetRAD system developed at the University College London and the University of Cape Town. A new system, NeXtRAD, is now being developed in order to investigate some of the many aspects of multistatic radar. This paper discusses the results obtained with the previous system and the lessons learnt from its use. These points are then discussed in the context of the new radar, defining key important factors that have to be considered when developing a new multistatic radar system

    Multistatic human micro-Doppler classification of armed/unarmed personnel

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    Classification of different human activities using multistatic micro-Doppler data and features is considered in this paper, focusing on the distinction between unarmed and potentially armed personnel. A database of real radar data with more than 550 recordings from 7 different human subjects has been collected in a series of experiments in the field with a multistatic radar system. Four key features were extracted from the micro-Doppler signature after Short Time Fourier Transform analysis. The resulting feature vectors were then used as individual, pairs, triplets, and all together before inputting to different types of classifiers based on the discriminant analysis method. The performance of different classifiers and different feature combinations is discussed aiming at identifying the most appropriate features for the unarmed vs armed personnel classification, as well as the benefit of combining multistatic data rather than using monostatic data only

    Try Living in the Real World: the importance of experimental radar systems and data collection trials

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    While simulations of increasingly high fidelity are an important tool in radar science, experimentation is still needed as a source of validation for simulation, to explore complex phenomena which cannot be accurately simulated and ultimately in turning theory and simulation into a real world system with real world applications. Experimental systems can range from laboratory based, installations on the ground with limited fields of view all the way up to flying demonstrators which may be prototypes for radar products. In this paper we will discuss the importance of experimentation in the development of radar science and radar products with examples of systems used by a sub-set of the members of the UK EMSIG

    Radar UAV and Bird Signature comparisons with Micro-Doppler

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    This chapter reviews the similarities and differences between micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), also referred to as drones, and bird targets from the signals they present to radar sensors. With the increasing usage of UAV platforms in both military and civilian applications, the demand for the ability to sense drone locations and discriminate them from background clutter and non-drone targets is becoming a vital requirement. A comparable target in size, speed and Radar Cross Section (RCS) is a bird. These are present almost everywhere that radar systems have to operate and have been detected by radar since the early origin of radar engineering. Due to the similarity in radar signature birds can cause common misclassification between them and the priority drone targets which has been identified as a current key challenge in radar sensing. In this chapter radar bird and drone signature research is initially summarised, then a fundamental model that represents the key contributions from drone rotor blades is introduced and compared to real measurements. Laboratory measurements of quadcopter rotor blade signatures with across 4 linear polarisations are then investigated in order to evaluate the trend of Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR) vs. aspect angle. Next bird signatures from two separate radar systems are shown and compared to drone targets also present in the captures which are of comparable size and RCS. The outputs of all research presented are then summarised in the concluding remarks

    Synchronising coherent networked radar using low-cost GPS-disciplined oscillators

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    This text evaluates the feasibility of synchronising coherent, pulsed-Doppler, networked, radars with carrier frequencies of a few gigahertz and moderate bandwidths of tens of megahertz across short baselines of a few kilometres using low-cost quartz GPSDOs based on one-way GPS time transfer. It further assesses the use of line-of-sight (LOS) phase compensation, where the direct sidelobe breakthrough is used as the phase reference, to improve the GPS-disciplined oscillator (GPSDO) synchronised bistatic Doppler performance. Coherent bistatic, multistatic, and networked radars require accurate time, frequency, and phase synchronisation. Global positioning system (GPS) synchronisation is precise, low-cost, passive and covert, and appears well-suited to synchronise networked radar. However, very few published examples exist. An imperfectly synchronised bistatic transmitter-receiver is modelled. Measures and plots are developed enabling the rapid selection of appropriate synchronisation technologies. Three low-cost, open, versatile, and extensible, quartz-based GPSDOs are designed and calibrated at zero-baselines. These GPSDOs are uniquely capable of acquiring phase-lock four times faster than conventional phase-locked loops (PLLs) and a new time synchronisation mechanism enables low-jitter sub-10 ns oneway GPS time synchronisation. In collaboration with University College London, UK, the 2.4 GHz coherent pulsed-Doppler networked radar, called NetRAD, is synchronised using the University of Cape Town developed GPSDOs. This resulted in the first published example of pulsed-Doppler phase synchronisation using GPS. A tri-static experiment is set up in Simon’s Bay, South Africa, with a maximum baseline of 2.3 km. The Roman Rock lighthouse was used as a static target to simultaneously assess the range, frequency, phase, and Doppler performance of the monostatic, bistatic, and LOS phase corrected bistatic returns. The real-world results compare well to that predicted by the earlier developed bistatic model and zero-baseline calibrations. GPS timing limits the radar bandwidth to less than 37.5 MHz when it is required to synchronise to within the range resolution. Low-cost quartz GPSDOs offer adequate frequency synchronisation to ensure a target radial velocity accuracy of better than 1 km/h and frequency drift of less than the Doppler resolution over integration periods of one second or less. LOS phase compensation, when used in combination with low-cost GPSDOs, results in near monostatic pulsed-Doppler performance with a subclutter visibility improvement of about 30 dB

    Analysis of sea spikes in NetRad clutter

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    In this work our attention is focused on the statistical and spectral analysis of sea clutter spikes recorded by the netted radar system, NetRad, which works in both monostatic and bistatic configurations. Once separated the spikes from the background, we examine their properties, focusing on the spike width and on the interval which separates two consecutive spikes. The spectral properties of the sea spikes are also examined and compared with the background

    Report on the 2018 trials of the multistatic NeXtRAD dual band polarimetric radar

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    NeXtRAD is a polarimetric, L and X Band, multistatic (three nodes), pulse Doppler radar, developed by UCT and UCL, as a follow on to the NetRAD sensor. This paper reports on the trials carried out in 2018, mostly in Simon's Bay, South Africa. The sensors (one active, two passive) are connected by WiFi communications link, with a maximum separation of 40 km. Practically, results are reported with 8 km maximum baselines. The focus is on targets in sea clutter and micro-Doppler. We report on the final integration and test of the system command and control system that allows for scheduling of measurement and recording of bursts of pulses, as well as video of the radar field of view. Some innovations have been made in terms of digital hardware, firmware, and high performance computing technology. The system is synchronised with the UCT GPS Disciplined Oscillators (one per node), but we also report on bistatic measurements with White Rabbit, fibre timing system, as well as the consequences of GPS failure (GPS Denied Environment)

    Time and Frequency Transfer in a Coherent Multistatic Radar using a White Rabbit Network

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    Networks of coherent multistatic radars require accurate and stable time and frequency transfer (TFT) for range and Doppler estimation. TFT techniques based on global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), have been favoured for several reasons, such as enabling node mobility through wireless operation, geospatial referencing, and atomic clock level time and frequency stability. However, such systems are liable to GNSS-denial, where the GNSS carrier is temporarily or permanently removed. A denial-resilient system should consider alternative TFT techniques, such as the White Rabbit (WR) project. WR is an Ethernet based protocol, that is able to synchronise thousands of nodes on a fibre-optic based network with sub-nanosecond accuracy and picoseconds of jitter. This thesis evaluates WR as the TFT network for a coherent multistatic pulse-Doppler radar – NeXtRAD. To test the hypothesis that WR is suitable for TFT in a coherent multistatic radar, the time and frequency performance of a WR network was evaluated under laboratory conditions, comparing the results against a network of multi-channel GPS-disciplined oscillators (GPSDO). A WR-disciplined oscillator (WRDO) is introduced, which has the short-term stability of an ovenised crystal (OCXO), and long-term stability of the WR network. The radar references were measured using a dual mixer time difference technique (DMTD), which allows the phase to be measured with femtosecond level resolution. All references achieved the stringent time and frequency requirements for short-term coherent bistatic operation, however the GPSDOs and WRDOs had the best short-term frequency stability. The GPSDOs had the highest amount of long-term phase drift, with a peak-peak time error of 9.6 ns, whilst the WRDOs were typically stable to within 0.4 ns, but encountered transient phase excursions to 1.5 ns. The TFT networks were then used on the NeXtRAD radar, where a lighthouse, Roman Rock, was used as a static target to evaluate the time and frequency performance of the references on a real system. The results conform well to the laboratory measurements, and therefore, WR can be used for TFT in coherent radar

    3D Localization and Tracking Methods for Multi-Platform Radar Networks

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    Multi-platform radar networks (MPRNs) are an emerging sensing technology due to their ability to provide improved surveillance capabilities over plain monostatic and bistatic systems. The design of advanced detection, localization, and tracking algorithms for efficient fusion of information obtained through multiple receivers has attracted much attention. However, considerable challenges remain. This article provides an overview on recent unconstrained and constrained localization techniques as well as multitarget tracking (MTT) algorithms tailored to MPRNs. In particular, two data-processing methods are illustrated and explored in detail, one aimed at accomplishing localization tasks the other tracking functions. As to the former, assuming a MPRN with one transmitter and multiple receivers, the angular and range constrained estimator (ARCE) algorithm capitalizes on the knowledge of the transmitter antenna beamwidth. As to the latter, the scalable sum-product algorithm (SPA) based MTT technique is presented. Additionally, a solution to combine ARCE and SPA-based MTT is investigated in order to boost the accuracy of the overall surveillance system. Simulated experiments show the benefit of the combined algorithm in comparison with the conventional baseline SPA-based MTT and the stand-alone ARCE localization, in a 3D sensing scenario