1 research outputs found

    NetCLOS - Parallel Programming in Common Lisp

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    . In this paper, we describe an extension of Common Lisp which allows the definition of parallel programs within that functional and object-oriented language. In particular, the extensions are the introducing of active objects, sending synchronous and asynchronous messages between them, automatic and manual distribution of active objects to object spaces, and transparent object managing. With these extensions object-oriented parallel programming on a workstation cluster using different Common Lisp images is possible. These concepts are implemented as an extension of Allegro Common Lisp subsumed by the name NetCLOS. 1 Introduction One of the big problems of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is getting its applications answer in time. Parallel computation is one way to solve this problem. But though there are many parallel implementations of basic AI techniques, there are very few AI applications which use them. This drawback is ascertained due to two reasons: -- Most of these implem..