4 research outputs found

    Utjecaj LTE sustava zasnovanog na kognitivnoj radio tehnologiji na DVB-T2 sustav zasnovan na metodi diverzifikacije

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    In recent years, the development of advanced wireless communication systems has been rapidly progressing. In Europe, the 2nd Generation Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-T2) and Long-Term Evolution (LTE) are the most promising techniques to provide multimedia services efficiently (in flexible quality and with high spectrum efficiency). The purpose of this work is to explore possible influences of the LTE {uplink services}, using cognitive radio (CR) technology, on the area which is covered by DVB-T2 services. In the case of DVB-T2, both single-input single-output (SISO) and multiple-input single-output (MISO) transmission techniques are considered. The defined coexistence scenarios are measured with an appropriate measurement testbed. The performance of the received TV signal is evaluated on its physical layer (PHY) level. The obtained results allow better understand the influence of LTE system on DVB-T2 which is using diversity technique in the same RF channel (co-channel coexistence). One of the main results is that there are the same requirements on the Forward Error Correction (FEC) decoding process in the DVB-T2 receiver, when power imbalances between TV transmitters (an both SISO and MISO modes) are considered at the interfering LTE signal. This finding was also proved by analysis of variance (ANOVA).U posljednje vrijeme se znatno ubrzao razvoj naprednih bežičnih komunikacijskih sustava. U Europi metode prijenosa signala zasnovane na DVB-T2 (eng. 2nd Generation Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting) i LTE (eng. Long-Term Evolution) metodama najviše obećavaju u području učinkovitog pružanja multimedijalnih usluga (s prilagodivom kvalitetom i s visokom učinkovitosti spektra). U ovom radu je razmotrena mogućnost korištenja LTE signala uzlazne veze, uz korištenje kognitivne radio tehnologije, u području pokrivenom DVB-T2 signalom. Razmotrene su metode prijenosa DVB-T2 signala s jednim ulazom i jednim izlazom (eng. Single-Input Single-Output, SISO) te više ulaza i jednim izlazom (eng. Multiple-Input Single-Output, MISO). Definirani su scenariji koegzistencije i isti su izmjereni korištenjem prikladnog mjernog ispitnog stola. Kvaliteta primljenog TV signala je evaluirana na fizičkom sloju. Prikupljeni rezultati omogućuju bolje razumijevanje utjecaja LTE sustava na DVB-T2 koji koristi metodu diverzifikacije u istom radio-frekvencijskom kanalu (koegzistencija susjednog kanala). Jedan od glavnih rezultata je postojanje istih zahtjeva na proces dekodiranja s ispravljanjem pogrešaka u prijemniku (eng. Forward Error Correction) DVB-T2 prijemnika kada se neravnoteža snaga između TV predajnika (MISO i SISO režimi rada) uzima u obzir na interferirajućem LTE signalu. Navedeni rezultat potvrđen je analizom varijance

    Special Issue on “Intelligent Infrastructure”

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    Need for broadband infrastructure in a 2020 perspective

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    Need for Broadband Infrastructure in a 2020 Perspective

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