947 research outputs found

    An interior-point method for mpecs based on strictly feasible relaxations.

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    An interior-point method for solving mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (MPECs) is proposed. At each iteration of the algorithm, a single primaldual step is computed from each subproblem of a sequence. Each subproblem is defined as a relaxation of the MPEC with a nonempty strictly feasible region. In contrast to previous approaches, the proposed relaxation scheme preserves the nonempty strict feasibility of each subproblem even in the limit. Local and superlinear convergence of the algorithm is proved even with a less restrictive strict complementarity condition than the standard one. Moreover, mechanisms for inducing global convergence in practice are proposed. Numerical results on the MacMPEC test problem set demonstrate the fast-local convergence properties of the algorithm

    Optimality conditions and constraint qualifications for cardinality constrained optimization problems

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    The cardinality constrained optimization problem (CCOP) is an optimization problem where the maximum number of nonzero components of any feasible point is bounded. In this paper, we consider CCOP as a mathematical program with disjunctive subspaces constraints (MPDSC). Since a subspace is a special case of a convex polyhedral set, MPDSC is a special case of the mathematical program with disjunctive constraints (MPDC). Using the special structure of subspaces, we are able to obtain more precise formulas for the tangent and (directional) normal cones for the disjunctive set of subspaces. We then obtain first and second order optimality conditions by using the corresponding results from MPDC. Thanks to the special structure of the subspace, we are able to obtain some results for MPDSC that do not hold in general for MPDC. In particular we show that the relaxed constant positive linear dependence (RCPLD) is a sufficient condition for the metric subregularity/error bound property for MPDSC which is not true for MPDC in general. Finally we show that under all constraint qualifications presented in this paper, certain exact penalization holds for CCOP

    On the Burer-Monteiro method for general semidefinite programs

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    Consider a semidefinite program (SDP) involving an n×nn\times n positive semidefinite matrix XX. The Burer-Monteiro method uses the substitution X=YYTX=Y Y^T to obtain a nonconvex optimization problem in terms of an n×pn\times p matrix YY. Boumal et al. showed that this nonconvex method provably solves equality-constrained SDPs with a generic cost matrix when p≳2mp \gtrsim \sqrt{2m}, where mm is the number of constraints. In this note we extend their result to arbitrary SDPs, possibly involving inequalities or multiple semidefinite constraints. We derive similar guarantees for a fixed cost matrix and generic constraints. We illustrate applications to matrix sensing and integer quadratic minimization.Comment: 10 page
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