2 research outputs found

    MIMO array for short-range, high-resolution automotive sensing

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    Theory and Design of Spatial Active Noise Control Systems

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    The concept of spatial active noise control is to use a number of loudspeakers to generate anti-noise sound waves, which would cancel the undesired acoustic noise over a spatial region. The acoustic noise hazards that exist in a variety of situations provide many potential applications for spatial ANC. However, using existing ANC techniques, it is difficult to achieve satisfying noise reduction for a spatial area, especially using a practical hardware setup. Therefore, this thesis explores various aspects of spatial ANC, and seeks to develop algorithms and techniques to promote the performance and feasibility of spatial ANC in real-life applications. We use the spherical harmonic analysis technique as the basis for our research in this work. This technique provides an accurate representation of the spatial noise field, and enables in-depth analysis of the characteristics of the noise field. Incorporating this technique into the design of spatial ANC systems, we developed a series of algorithms and methods that optimizes the spatial ANC systems, towards both improving noise reduction performance and reducing system complexity. Several contributions of this work are: (i) design of compact planar microphone array structures capable of recording 3D spatial sound fields, so that the noise field can be monitored with minimum physical intrusion to the quiet zone, (ii) derivation of a Direct-to-Reverberant Energy Ratio (DRR) estimation algorithm which can be used for evaluating reverberant characteristics of a noisy environment, (iii) propose a few methods to estimate and optimize spatial noise reduction of an ANC system, including a new metric for measuring spatial noise energy level, and (iv) design of an adaptive spatial ANC algorithm incorporating the spherical harmonic analysis technique. The combination of these contributions enables the design of compact, high performing spatial ANC systems for various applications