7,299 research outputs found

    Low rank matrix recovery from rank one measurements

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    We study the recovery of Hermitian low rank matrices XCn×nX \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times n} from undersampled measurements via nuclear norm minimization. We consider the particular scenario where the measurements are Frobenius inner products with random rank-one matrices of the form ajaja_j a_j^* for some measurement vectors a1,...,ama_1,...,a_m, i.e., the measurements are given by yj=tr(Xajaj)y_j = \mathrm{tr}(X a_j a_j^*). The case where the matrix X=xxX=x x^* to be recovered is of rank one reduces to the problem of phaseless estimation (from measurements, yj=x,aj2y_j = |\langle x,a_j\rangle|^2 via the PhaseLift approach, which has been introduced recently. We derive bounds for the number mm of measurements that guarantee successful uniform recovery of Hermitian rank rr matrices, either for the vectors aja_j, j=1,...,mj=1,...,m, being chosen independently at random according to a standard Gaussian distribution, or aja_j being sampled independently from an (approximate) complex projective tt-design with t=4t=4. In the Gaussian case, we require mCrnm \geq C r n measurements, while in the case of 44-designs we need mCrnlog(n)m \geq Cr n \log(n). Our results are uniform in the sense that one random choice of the measurement vectors aja_j guarantees recovery of all rank rr-matrices simultaneously with high probability. Moreover, we prove robustness of recovery under perturbation of the measurements by noise. The result for approximate 44-designs generalizes and improves a recent bound on phase retrieval due to Gross, Kueng and Krahmer. In addition, it has applications in quantum state tomography. Our proofs employ the so-called bowling scheme which is based on recent ideas by Mendelson and Koltchinskii.Comment: 24 page

    Pseudorandom States, Non-Cloning Theorems and Quantum Money

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    We propose the concept of pseudorandom states and study their constructions, properties, and applications. Under the assumption that quantum-secure one-way functions exist, we present concrete and efficient constructions of pseudorandom states. The non-cloning theorem plays a central role in our study---it motivates the proper definition and characterizes one of the important properties of pseudorandom quantum states. Namely, there is no efficient quantum algorithm that can create more copies of the state from a given number of pseudorandom states. As the main application, we prove that any family of pseudorandom states naturally gives rise to a private-key quantum money scheme.Comment: 20 page

    Multiqubit Clifford groups are unitary 3-designs

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    Unitary tt-designs are a ubiquitous tool in many research areas, including randomized benchmarking, quantum process tomography, and scrambling. Despite the intensive efforts of many researchers, little is known about unitary tt-designs with t3t\geq3 in the literature. We show that the multiqubit Clifford group in any even prime-power dimension is not only a unitary 2-design, but also a 3-design. Moreover, it is a minimal 3-design except for dimension~4. As an immediate consequence, any orbit of pure states of the multiqubit Clifford group forms a complex projective 3-design; in particular, the set of stabilizer states forms a 3-design. In addition, our study is helpful to studying higher moments of the Clifford group, which are useful in many research areas ranging from quantum information science to signal processing. Furthermore, we reveal a surprising connection between unitary 3-designs and the physics of discrete phase spaces and thereby offer a simple explanation of why no discrete Wigner function is covariant with respect to the multiqubit Clifford group, which is of intrinsic interest to studying quantum computation.Comment: 7 pages, published in Phys. Rev.

    Efficient approximate unitary t-designs from partially invertible universal sets and their application to quantum speedup

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    At its core a tt-design is a method for sampling from a set of unitaries in a way which mimics sampling randomly from the Haar measure on the unitary group, with applications across quantum information processing and physics. We construct new families of quantum circuits on nn-qubits giving rise to ε\varepsilon-approximate unitary tt-designs efficiently in O(n3t12)O(n^3t^{12}) depth. These quantum circuits are based on a relaxation of technical requirements in previous constructions. In particular, the construction of circuits which give efficient approximate tt-designs by Brandao, Harrow, and Horodecki (F.G.S.L Brandao, A.W Harrow, and M. Horodecki, Commun. Math. Phys. (2016).) required choosing gates from ensembles which contained inverses for all elements, and that the entries of the unitaries are algebraic. We reduce these requirements, to sets that contain elements without inverses in the set, and non-algebraic entries, which we dub partially invertible universal sets. We then adapt this circuit construction to the framework of measurement based quantum computation(MBQC) and give new explicit examples of nn-qubit graph states with fixed assignments of measurements (graph gadgets) giving rise to unitary tt-designs based on partially invertible universal sets, in a natural way. We further show that these graph gadgets demonstrate a quantum speedup, up to standard complexity theoretic conjectures. We provide numerical and analytical evidence that almost any assignment of fixed measurement angles on an nn-qubit cluster state give efficient tt-designs and demonstrate a quantum speedup.Comment: 25 pages,7 figures. Comments are welcome. Some typos corrected in newest version. new References added.Proofs unchanged. Results unchange

    Phase Retrieval Using Unitary 2-Designs

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    We consider a variant of the phase retrieval problem, where vectors are replaced by unitary matrices, i.e., the unknown signal is a unitary matrix U, and the measurements consist of squared inner products |Tr(C*U)|^2 with unitary matrices C that are chosen by the observer. This problem has applications to quantum process tomography, when the unknown process is a unitary operation. We show that PhaseLift, a convex programming algorithm for phase retrieval, can be adapted to this matrix setting, using measurements that are sampled from unitary 4- and 2-designs. In the case of unitary 4-design measurements, we show that PhaseLift can reconstruct all unitary matrices, using a near-optimal number of measurements. This extends previous work on PhaseLift using spherical 4-designs. In the case of unitary 2-design measurements, we show that PhaseLift still works pretty well on average: it recovers almost all signals, up to a constant additive error, using a near-optimal number of measurements. These 2-design measurements are convenient for quantum process tomography, as they can be implemented via randomized benchmarking techniques. This is the first positive result on PhaseLift using 2-designs.Comment: 21 pages; v3: minor revisions, to appear at SampTA 2017; v2: rewritten to focus on phase retrieval, with new title, improved error bounds, and numerics; v1: original version, titled "Quantum Compressed Sensing Using 2-Designs

    A Numerical Approach for Designing Unitary Space Time Codes with Large Diversity

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    A numerical approach to design unitary constellation for any dimension and any transmission rate under non-coherent Rayleigh flat fading channel.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figure