6 research outputs found

    Joint Communication and Motion Energy Minimization in UGV Backscatter Communication

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    While backscatter communication emerges as a promising solution to reduce power consumption at IoT devices, the transmission range of backscatter communication is short. To this end, this work integrates unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) into the backscatter system. With such a scheme, the UGV could facilitate the communication by approaching various IoT devices. However, moving also costs energy consumption and a fundamental question is: what is the right balance between spending energy on moving versus on communication? To answer this question, this paper proposes a joint graph mobility and backscatter communication model. With the proposed model, the total energy minimization at UGV is formulated as a mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problem. Furthermore, an efficient algorithm that achieves a local optimal solution is derived, and it leads to automatic trade-off between spending energy on moving versus on communication. Numerical results are provided to validate the performance of the proposed algorithm.Comment: Proc. IEEE ICC'19, Shanghai, China, May 2019, 6 page

    Charging Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Charger and Infrastructure Pivot Cluster Heads

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    Wireless rechargeable sensor networks (WRSNs) consisting of sensor nodes with batteries have been at the forefront of sensing and communication technologies in the last few years. Sensor networks with different missions are being massively rolled out, particularly in the internet-of-things commercial market. To ensure sustainable operation of WRSNs, charging in a timely fashion is very important, since lack of energy of even a single sensor node could result in serious outcomes. With the large number of WRSNs existing and to be existed, energy-efficient charging schemes are becoming indispensable to workplaces that demand a proper level of operating cost. Selection of charging scheme depends on network parameters such as the distribution pattern of sensor nodes, the mobility of the charger, and the availability of the directional antenna. Among current charging techniques, radio frequency (RF) remote charging with a small transmit antenna is gaining interest when non-contact type charging is required for sensor nodes. RF charging is particularly useful when sensor nodes are distributed in the service area. To obtain higher charging efficiency with RF charging, optimal path planning for mobile chargers, and the beamforming technique, implemented by making use of a directional antenna, can be considered. In this article, we present a review of RF charging for WRSNs from the perspectives of charging by mobile charger, harvesting using sensor nodes, and energy trading between sensor nodes. The concept of a pivot cluster head is introduced and a novel RF charging scheme in two stages, consisting of charging pivot cluster heads by a mobile charger with a directional antenna and charging member sensor nodes by pivot cluster heads with directional antennae, is presented.Comment: to be submitted to an SCI journa

    UAV-Enabled Wireless Power Transfer: Trajectory Design and Energy Region Characterization

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    This paper studies a new unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-enabled wireless power transfer (WPT) system, where a UAV-mounted energy transmitter (ET) broadcasts wireless energy to charge distributed energy receivers (ERs) on the ground. In particular, we consider a basic two-user scenario, and investigate how the UAV can optimally exploit its mobility to maximize the amount of energy transferred to the two ERs during a given charging period. We characterize the achievable energy region of the two ERs, by optimizing the UAV's trajectory subject to a maximum speed constraint. We show that when the distance between the two ERs is smaller than a certain threshold, the boundary of the energy region is achieved when the UAV hovers above a fixed location between them for all time; while when their distance is larger than the threshold, to achieve the boundary of the energy region, the UAV in general needs to hover and fly between two different locations above the line connecting them. Numerical results show that the optimized UAV trajectory can significantly improve the WPT efficiency and fairness of the two ERs, especially when the UAV's maximum speed is large and/or the charging duration is long.Comment: Submitted for possible conference publicatio

    Throughput Maximization for UAV-Enabled Wireless Powered Communication Networks

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    This paper studies an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-enabled wireless powered communication network (WPCN), in which a UAV is dispatched as a mobile access point (AP) to serve a set of ground users periodically. The UAV employs the radio frequency (RF) wireless power transfer (WPT) to charge the users in the downlink, and the users use the harvested RF energy to send independent information to the UAV in the uplink. Unlike the conventional WPCN with fixed APs, the UAV-enabled WPCN can exploit the mobility of the UAV via trajectory design, jointly with the wireless resource allocation optimization, to maximize the system throughput. In particular, we aim to maximize the uplink common (minimum) throughput among all ground users over a finite UAV's flight period, subject to its maximum speed constraint and the users' energy neutrality constraints. The resulted problem is non-convex and thus difficult to be solved optimally. To tackle this challenge, we first consider an ideal case without the UAV's maximum speed constraint, and obtain the optimal solution to the relaxed problem. The optimal solution shows that the UAV should successively hover above a finite number of ground locations for downlink WPT, as well as above each of the ground users for uplink communication. Next, we consider the general problem with the UAV's maximum speed constraint. Based on the above multi-location-hovering solution, we first propose an efficient successive hover-and-fly trajectory design, jointly with the downlink and uplink wireless resource allocation, and then propose a locally optimal solution by applying the techniques of alternating optimization and successive convex programming (SCP). Numerical results show that the proposed UAV-enabled WPCN achieves significant throughput gains over the conventional WPCN with fixed-location AP.Comment: To appear in the IEEE IoT Journa

    UAV-Enabled Wireless Power Transfer: Trajectory Design and Energy Optimization

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    This paper studies a new unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-enabled wireless power transfer (WPT) system, where a UAV-mounted mobile energy transmitter (ET) is dispatched to deliver wireless energy to a set of on-ground energy receivers (ERs). We investigate how the UAV should optimally exploit its mobility via trajectory design to maximize the energy transferred to all ERs during a finite period. First, we consider the maximization of the sum energy received by all ERs by optimizing the UAV's trajectory subject to its maximum speed constraint. We obtain its optimal solution, which shows that the UAV should hover at one single fixed location during the whole period. However, the sum-energy maximization incurs a "near-far" fairness issue. To overcome this issue, we consider a different problem to maximize the minimum received energy among all ERs. We first consider an ideal case by ignoring the UAV's maximum speed constraint, and show that the relaxed problem can be optimally solved via the Lagrange dual method. Then, for the general case with the UAV's maximum speed constraint considered, we propose a new successive hover-and-fly trajectory motivated by the optimal trajectory in the ideal case, and obtain efficient trajectory designs by applying the successive convex programing (SCP).Comment: Submitted for possible journal publicatio

    Backscatter Data Collection with Unmanned Ground Vehicle: Mobility Management and Power Allocation

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    Collecting data from massive Internet of Things (IoT) devices is a challenging task, since communication circuits are power-demanding while energy supply at IoT devices is limited. To overcome this challenge, backscatter communication emerges as a promising solution as it eliminates radio frequency components in IoT devices. Unfortunately, the transmission range of backscatter communication is short. To facilitate backscatter communication, this work proposes to integrate unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) with backscatter data collection. With such a scheme, the UGV could improve the communication quality by approaching various IoT devices. However, moving also costs energy consumption and a fundamental question is: what is the right balance between spending energy on moving versus on communication? To answer this question, this paper studies energy minimization under a joint graph mobility and backscatter communication model. With the joint model, the mobility management and power allocation problem unfortunately involves nonlinear coupling between discrete variables brought by mobility and continuous variables brought by communication. Despite the optimization challenges, an algorithm that theoretically achieves the minimum energy consumption is derived, and it leads to automatic trade-off between spending energy on moving versus on communication in the UGV backscatter system. Simulation results show that if the noise power is small (e.g., -100 dBm), the UGV should collect the data with small movements. However, if the noise power is increased to a larger value (e.g., -60 dBm), the UGV should spend more motion energy to get closer to IoT users.Comment: Journal paper with 15 page