12 research outputs found

    An Efficient Tester-Learner for Halfspaces

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    We give the first efficient algorithm for learning halfspaces in the testable learning model recently defined by Rubinfeld and Vasilyan (2023). In this model, a learner certifies that the accuracy of its output hypothesis is near optimal whenever the training set passes an associated test, and training sets drawn from some target distribution -- e.g., the Gaussian -- must pass the test. This model is more challenging than distribution-specific agnostic or Massart noise models where the learner is allowed to fail arbitrarily if the distributional assumption does not hold. We consider the setting where the target distribution is Gaussian (or more generally any strongly log-concave distribution) in dd dimensions and the noise model is either Massart or adversarial (agnostic). For Massart noise, our tester-learner runs in polynomial time and outputs a hypothesis with (information-theoretically optimal) error opt+ϵ\mathsf{opt} + \epsilon for any strongly log-concave target distribution. For adversarial noise, our tester-learner obtains error O(opt)+ϵO(\mathsf{opt}) + \epsilon in polynomial time when the target distribution is Gaussian; for strongly log-concave distributions, we obtain O~(opt)+ϵ\tilde{O}(\mathsf{opt}) + \epsilon in quasipolynomial time. Prior work on testable learning ignores the labels in the training set and checks that the empirical moments of the covariates are close to the moments of the base distribution. Here we develop new tests of independent interest that make critical use of the labels and combine them with the moment-matching approach of Gollakota et al. (2023). This enables us to simulate a variant of the algorithm of Diakonikolas et al. (2020) for learning noisy halfspaces using nonconvex SGD but in the testable learning setting.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, Version v2: strengthened the agnostic guarante

    A Moment-Matching Approach to Testable Learning and a New Characterization of Rademacher Complexity

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    A remarkable recent paper by Rubinfeld and Vasilyan (2022) initiated the study of \emph{testable learning}, where the goal is to replace hard-to-verify distributional assumptions (such as Gaussianity) with efficiently testable ones and to require that the learner succeed whenever the unknown distribution passes the corresponding test. In this model, they gave an efficient algorithm for learning halfspaces under testable assumptions that are provably satisfied by Gaussians. In this paper we give a powerful new approach for developing algorithms for testable learning using tools from moment matching and metric distances in probability. We obtain efficient testable learners for any concept class that admits low-degree \emph{sandwiching polynomials}, capturing most important examples for which we have ordinary agnostic learners. We recover the results of Rubinfeld and Vasilyan as a corollary of our techniques while achieving improved, near-optimal sample complexity bounds for a broad range of concept classes and distributions. Surprisingly, we show that the information-theoretic sample complexity of testable learning is tightly characterized by the Rademacher complexity of the concept class, one of the most well-studied measures in statistical learning theory. In particular, uniform convergence is necessary and sufficient for testable learning. This leads to a fundamental separation from (ordinary) distribution-specific agnostic learning, where uniform convergence is sufficient but not necessary.Comment: 34 page

    Efficient Active Learning Halfspaces with Tsybakov Noise: A Non-convex Optimization Approach

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    We study the problem of computationally and label efficient PAC active learning dd-dimensional halfspaces with Tsybakov Noise~\citep{tsybakov2004optimal} under structured unlabeled data distributions. Inspired by~\cite{diakonikolas2020learning}, we prove that any approximate first-order stationary point of a smooth nonconvex loss function yields a halfspace with a low excess error guarantee. In light of the above structural result, we design a nonconvex optimization-based algorithm with a label complexity of O~(d(1ϵ)86α3α1)\tilde{O}(d (\frac{1}{\epsilon})^{\frac{8-6\alpha}{3\alpha-1}})\footnote{In the main body of this work, we use O~(),Θ~()\tilde{O}(\cdot), \tilde{\Theta}(\cdot) to hide factors of the form \polylog(d, \frac{1}{\epsilon}, \frac{1}{\delta})}, under the assumption that the Tsybakov noise parameter α(13,1]\alpha \in (\frac13, 1], which narrows down the gap between the label complexities of the previously known efficient passive or active algorithms~\citep{diakonikolas2020polynomial,zhang2021improved} and the information-theoretic lower bound in this setting.Comment: 29 page