14 research outputs found

    On the length of chains of proper subgroups covering a topological group

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    We prove that if an ultrafilter L is not coherent to a Q-point, then each analytic non-sigma-bounded topological group G admits an increasing chain <G_a : a of its proper subgroups such that: (i) U_{a in b(L)} G_a=G; and (ii)(ii) For every sigma-bounded subgroup H of G there exists a such that H is a subset of G_a. In case of the group Sym(w) of all permutations of w with the topology inherited from w^w this improves upon earlier results of S. Thomas

    Selective covering properties of product spaces

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    We study the preservation of selective covering properties, including classic ones introduced by Menger, Hurewicz, Rothberger, Gerlits and Nagy, and others, under products with some major families of concentrated sets of reals. Our methods include the projection method introduced by the authors in an earlier work, as well as several new methods. Some special consequences of our main results are (definitions provided in the paper): \be \item Every product of a concentrated space with a Hurewicz \sone(\Ga,\Op) space satisfies \sone(\Ga,\Op). On the other hand, assuming \CH{}, for each Sierpi\'nski set SS there is a Luzin set LL such that L\x S can be mapped onto the real line by a Borel function. \item Assuming Semifilter Trichotomy, every concentrated space is productively Menger and productively Rothberger. \item Every scale set is productively Hurewicz, productively Menger, productively Scheepers, and productively Gerlits--Nagy. \item Assuming \fd=\aleph_1, every productively Lindel\"of space is productively Hurewicz, productively Menger, and productively Scheepers. \ee A notorious open problem asks whether the additivity of Rothberger's property may be strictly greater than \add(\cN), the additivity of the ideal of Lebesgue-null sets of reals. We obtain a positive answer, modulo the consistency of Semifilter Trichotomy with \add(\cN)<\cov(\cM). Our results improve upon and unify a number of results, established earlier by many authors.Comment: Submitted for publicatio

    On Milliken-Taylor ultrafilters

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    Abstract. We show that there may be a Milliken-Taylor ultrafilter with infinitely many near coherence classes of ultrafilters in its projection to ω, answering a question by López-Abad. We show that k-coloured Milliken-Taylor ultrafilters have at least k + 1 near coherence classes of ultrafilters in its projection to ω. We show that the Mathias forcing with a Milliken-Taylor ultrafilter destroys all Milliken-Taylor ultrafilters from the ground model. Milliken-Taylor ultrafilters and their projections We answer a question of López-Abad whether there can be more than two near coherence classes of ultrafilters in the core of a Milliken-Taylor ultrafilter. Then we show that in Milliken Taylor ultrafilter with k colours there are k + 1 near coherence classes in its projection to ω, generalising a result of Blass In the rest of this introductory section we review part of the relevant background. Our nomenclature follows [10] an

    Lebesgue measure zero modulo ideals on the natural numbers

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    We propose a reformulation of the ideal N\mathcal{N} of Lebesgue measure zero sets of reals modulo an ideal JJ on ω\omega, which we denote by NJ\mathcal{N}_J. In the same way, we reformulate the ideal E\mathcal{E} generated by FσF_\sigma measure zero sets of reals modulo JJ, which we denote by NJ∗\mathcal{N}^*_J. We show that these are σ\sigma-ideals and that NJ=N\mathcal{N}_J=\mathcal{N} iff JJ has the Baire property, which in turn is equivalent to NJ∗=E\mathcal{N}^*_J=\mathcal{E}. Moreover, we prove that NJ\mathcal{N}_J does not contain co-meager sets and NJ∗\mathcal{N}^*_J contains non-meager sets when JJ does not have the Baire property. We also prove a deep connection between these ideals modulo JJ and the notion of nearly coherence of filters (or ideals). We also study the cardinal characteristics associated with NJ\mathcal{N}_J and NJ∗\mathcal{N}^*_J. We show their position with respect to Cicho\'n's diagram and prove that no further inequalities can be proved in relation with other very classical cardinal characteristics of the continuum, leaving just very few open questions. To achieve this, we discovered a new characterization of add(N)\mathrm{add}(\mathcal{N}) and cof(N)\mathrm{cof}(\mathcal{N}). We also show that, in Cohen model, we can obtain many different values to the cardinal characteristics associated with our new ideals.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figure