3,677 research outputs found

    Optimal linear estimation under unknown nonlinear transform

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    Linear regression studies the problem of estimating a model parameter β∗∈Rp\beta^* \in \mathbb{R}^p, from nn observations {(yi,xi)}i=1n\{(y_i,\mathbf{x}_i)\}_{i=1}^n from linear model yi=⟨xi,β∗⟩+ϵiy_i = \langle \mathbf{x}_i,\beta^* \rangle + \epsilon_i. We consider a significant generalization in which the relationship between ⟨xi,β∗⟩\langle \mathbf{x}_i,\beta^* \rangle and yiy_i is noisy, quantized to a single bit, potentially nonlinear, noninvertible, as well as unknown. This model is known as the single-index model in statistics, and, among other things, it represents a significant generalization of one-bit compressed sensing. We propose a novel spectral-based estimation procedure and show that we can recover β∗\beta^* in settings (i.e., classes of link function ff) where previous algorithms fail. In general, our algorithm requires only very mild restrictions on the (unknown) functional relationship between yiy_i and ⟨xi,β∗⟩\langle \mathbf{x}_i,\beta^* \rangle. We also consider the high dimensional setting where β∗\beta^* is sparse ,and introduce a two-stage nonconvex framework that addresses estimation challenges in high dimensional regimes where p≫np \gg n. For a broad class of link functions between ⟨xi,β∗⟩\langle \mathbf{x}_i,\beta^* \rangle and yiy_i, we establish minimax lower bounds that demonstrate the optimality of our estimators in both the classical and high dimensional regimes.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    Model Assisted Variable Clustering: Minimax-optimal Recovery and Algorithms

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    Model-based clustering defines population level clusters relative to a model that embeds notions of similarity. Algorithms tailored to such models yield estimated clusters with a clear statistical interpretation. We take this view here and introduce the class of G-block covariance models as a background model for variable clustering. In such models, two variables in a cluster are deemed similar if they have similar associations will all other variables. This can arise, for instance, when groups of variables are noise corrupted versions of the same latent factor. We quantify the difficulty of clustering data generated from a G-block covariance model in terms of cluster proximity, measured with respect to two related, but different, cluster separation metrics. We derive minimax cluster separation thresholds, which are the metric values below which no algorithm can recover the model-defined clusters exactly, and show that they are different for the two metrics. We therefore develop two algorithms, COD and PECOK, tailored to G-block covariance models, and study their minimax-optimality with respect to each metric. Of independent interest is the fact that the analysis of the PECOK algorithm, which is based on a corrected convex relaxation of the popular K-means algorithm, provides the first statistical analysis of such algorithms for variable clustering. Additionally, we contrast our methods with another popular clustering method, spectral clustering, specialized to variable clustering, and show that ensuring exact cluster recovery via this method requires clusters to have a higher separation, relative to the minimax threshold. Extensive simulation studies, as well as our data analyses, confirm the applicability of our approach.Comment: Maintext: 38 pages; supplementary information: 37 page
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