359,350 research outputs found

    Jacques Maritain & Louis Massignon, Correspondance, 1913‑1962, présentée, établie et annotée par François Angelier, Michel Fourcade et René Mougel

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    Jacques Maritain et Louis Massignon sont des auteurs dont la pensée et la vie ont chacune déjà fait l’objet de nombreuses études, et elles continuent d’inspirer bien des recherches et des courants de pensée. Pour autant, la correspondance publiée dans le présent volume – 492 lettres – apporte un très riche témoignage sur la nature de la rencontre entre ces deux esprits, rapprochés par une estime et une amitié qui perdura sans faillir pendant une cinquantaine d’années. Leur échange a commencé ..

    A Vavilovian approach to discovering crop-associated microbes with potential to enhance plant immunity

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    Through active associations with a diverse community of largely non-pathogenic microbes, a plant may be thought of as possessing an “extended genotype,” an interactive cross-organismal genome with potential, exploitable implications for plant immunity. The successful enrichment of plant microbiomes with beneficial species has led to numerous commercial applications, and the hunt for new biocontrol organisms continues. Increasingly flexible and affordable sequencing technologies, supported by increasingly comprehensive taxonomic databases, make the characterization of non-model crop-associated microbiomes a widely accessible research method toward this end; and such studies are becoming more frequent. A summary of this emerging literature reveals, however, the need for a more systematic research lens in the face of what is already a metagenomics data deluge. Considering the processes and consequences of crop evolution and domestication, we assert that the judicious integration of in situ crop wild relatives into phytobiome research efforts presents a singularly powerful tool for separating signal from noise, thereby facilitating a more efficient means of identifying candidate plant-associated microbes with the potential for enhancing the immunity and fitness of crop species

    Short gamma-ray bursts within 200 Mpc

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    We present a systematic search for short-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) in the local Universe based on 14 yr of observations with the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory. We cross-correlate the GRB positions with the GLADE catalogue of nearby galaxies, and find no event at a distance ≲100 Mpc and four plausible candidates in the range 100 Mpc ≲ D ≲ 200 Mpc. Although affected by low statistics, this number is higher than the one expected for chance alignments to random galaxies, and possibly suggests a physical association between these bursts and nearby galaxies. By assuming a local origin, we use these events to constrain the range of properties for X-ray counterparts of neutron star mergers. Optical upper limits place tight constraints on the onset of a blue kilonova, and imply either low masses (⁠≲10−3M⊙⁠) of lanthanide-poor ejecta or unfavorable orientations (θ_(obs) ≳ 30 deg). Finally, we derive that the all-sky rate of detectable short GRBs within 200 Mpc is 1.3^(+1.7)_(−0.8) yr⁻¹ (68 per cent confidence interval), and discuss the implications for the GRB outflow structure. If these candidates are instead of cosmological origin, we set a upper limit of ≲2.0 yr⁻¹ (90 per cent confidence interval) to the rate of nearby events detectable with operating gamma-ray observatories, such as Swift and Fermi

    Early picosecond events in the photo cycle of Bacteriorhodopsin

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    The primary processes of the photochemical cycle of light-adapted bacteriorhodopsin (BR) were studied by various experimental techniques with a time resolution of 5 × 10-13 s. The following results were obtained. (a) After optical excitation the first excited singlet state S1 of bacteriorhodopsin is observed via its fluorescence and absorption properties. The population of the excited singlet state decays with a lifetime τ1 of ~0.7 ps (430 ± 50 fs) (52). (b) With the same time constant the first ground-state intermediate J builds up. Its absorption spectrum is red-shifted relative to the spectrum of BR by ~30 nm. (c) The second photoproduct K, which appears with a time constant of τ2 = 5 ps shows a red-shift of 20 nm, relative to the peak of BR. Its absorption remains constant for the observation time of 300 ps. (d) Upon suspending bacteriorhodopsin in D2O and deuterating the retinal Schiff base at its nitrogen (lysine 216), the same photoproducts J and K are observed. The relaxation time constants τ1 and τ2 remain unchanged upon deuteration within the experimental accuracy of 20%

    Was the Accounting Profession Really That Bad?

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    To gain insight into the extent of malpractice in the State of California prior to the Passage of Sarbanes-Oxley, we examined the nature and magnitude of complains filed with the California Board of Accountancy (CBA) against both licensed and unlicensed accountants during the fiscal years 2000, 2001, and 2002. The CBA currently licenses and regulates over 73,000 licenses, with 1,431 complaints filed during the period reviewed. Disciplinary actions were taken against 283 different licensees for the three fiscal years reviewed. SEC issues were involved in 19 cases, theft or embezzlement 46 cases, public accounting malpractice 146 cases, improper retention of client records 11 cases, cheating on the CPA examination 9 cases, and miscellaneous other 52 cases. Over half of the complaints involved public accounting issues. Audit related complaints accounted for 48%, tax related complaints 36%, and compilations or reviews accounted for 16% of the complaints. These statistics were in line with the experience of the AICPA Professional Liability program. Within the above sections, the paper contains specifics with regards to the most common problems identified as a result of this work. While a number of interesting facts were discovered, one item of particularly interest was the significant number of claims that involved non-profit organizations. CBA administrators do not believe there is any greater tendency for non profit reporting versus for profit reporting, thus appearing to indicate this is just an area that has a greater possibility of accounting malpractice

    Increasing nature connection in children:A mini review of interventions

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    Alexia Barrable - ORCID: 0000-0002-5352-8330 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5352-8330Half of the world’s population live in the urban environment. Lifestyle changes in the 20th century have led to spending more time indoors and less in nature. Due to safety concerns, longer hours in formal education, as well as lack of suitable outdoor environments, children in particular have been found to spend very little time outdoors. We have an opportunity, both timely and unique to have our children (re)connect with nature. Nature connection is a subjective state and trait that encompasses affective, cognitive, and experiential aspects in addition to being positively associated with wellbeing, and strong predictor of pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors. This mini-review brings together recent studies that report on interventions to increase nature connection in children. Fourteen studies were identified through electronic searches of Web of Science, Scopus, PsychInfo, ERIC, and Google Scholar. The review aims to offer an overview of the interventions identified, provide a snapshot of the current state of the literature, briefly present themes and trends in the studies identified in relation to nature connection in young people, and propose potential guidelines for future work.https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.0049211pubpu

    Book Reviews

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    Atlas de Radiologie Clinique de La Presse Medicale. (5erie la 100 1953-58.) 1,764 figures. Paris: Masson et Cie. 1958.The Year Book of Dermatology and Syphilology-l 957-58. Edited by Rudolf L. Baer, M.D. and Victor H. Witten, M.D. Pp. 492. 64 figures. 8.00. Chicago: Year Book Publishers, Inc. 1958.The Year Book ofUrology-1957-58. Edited by William Wallace Scott, M.D., Ph.D. Pp. 359. 79 figures. 87.50. Chicago: Year Book Publishers, Inc. 1958.The lllterference Microscope in Biological Research. By Arthur J. Hale, M.B., Ch.B., Ph.D. Pp. xi+1I4. 95 figures. 205. net + Is. 4d. postage abroad. Edinburgh and London: E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. 1958.Laborarory Medicine-Hematology. By John B. Miale, M.D. pp. 735. 192 illustrations. 9 plates, including 5 in colour. South African price: £5 17s. Od. St. Louis: The C. V. Mosby Company. 1958.Brirish Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London. Lecrures on the Scientific Basis ofMedicine. Volume VI. 1956-57. pp. ix+393. Illustrations. 45s. net. London: University of London, The Athlone Press. 1958.Neomycill. Its nature and practical application. Edited by Selman A. Waksman. Pp. x+412. 41 figures. 4Os. London: Bailliere, TindaII and Cox Ltd. 1958.Histopathologie der Twnoren der Kiefer und der MUlldlzohle. Von Pro£. Dr. E. Langer. vii+167 Seiten. 212 Abbildungen. DM 49.50. Stuttgart: George Thieme erlag. 195