31,876 research outputs found

    New Challenges in Critical Infrastructures : A US Perspective

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    L'émergence d'un plus large spectre de vulnérabilités (terrorisme, sabotage, conflits locaux et catastrophes naturelles) et l'interdépendance croissante de l'activité économique rendent particulièrement vulnérables les grands réseaux vitaux des pays industrialisés. Pour y faire face, des actions importantes doivent être menées à une échelle nationale, en particulier par le développement de partenariats étroits entre le secteur public et la sphère privée.Cet article analyse l'initiative présidentielle lancée dès 1996 aux Etats-Unis -premier pays au monde à inscrire ces questions à l'agenda du plus haut niveau décisionnel- ainsi que la structure nationale de partenariats mis en place depuis lors. Une telle démarche pourrait constituer un point de départ pour d'autres pays désireux d'élaborer leur propre analyse de vulnérabilités et leur stratégie d'amélioration.Les événements du 11 septembre 2001, comme les attaques à l'anthrax, ont néanmoins montré que les avancées américaines ne constituaient qu'une première étape d'un processus plus global de préparation nationale; les infrastructures critiques des Etats-Unis demeurent hautement vulnérables. Enfin, plusieurs idées fausses, par trop souvent récurrentes, doivent être dépassées pour traiter beaucoup plus efficacement ces risques à grande échelle sur un plan international.Partenariats public-privé;Risques à grande échelle;Infrastructures critiques;Nouvelles vulnérabilites;Sécurité nationale;Préparation collective

    Handwashing with Soap -- Two Paths to National-Scale Programs Lessons from the Field: Vietnam and Indonesia

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    This paper describes two Southeast Asian programs that are making handwashing a feature of everyday lives on a national scale. The program in Vietnam has concentrated on first gaining an understanding on how people actually behave and then determing how to change that behavior, while the program in Indonesia leverages the reach of the private sector and other partners to scale up handwashing initiatives previously researched and already underway

    Social fund support of microfinance : a review of implementation experience

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    The case studies were developed in order to help Bank task team leaders, and their client country counterparts, design and support effective microfinance components, within social funds. The case studies aim to highlight best practice, as well as challenges for designing, and implementing a microfinance component within a multi-sectoral project. Based on lessons learned from these case studies, a set of guidelines were developed, available from the Social Protection Advisory Service, or the Social Funds website.Banks&Banking Reform,Rural Finance,Private Participation in Infrastructure,Agricultural Research,Microfinance

    The toll of the automobile

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    Animal-vehicle collisions are a common phenomenon worldwide, causing injury or death to millions of animals and hundreds of human passengers each year. Collision numbers can be significant to species conservation, wildlife management, traffic safety, as well as from an economic and political point of view, and should thus be evaluated from these different perspectives. In this thesis, I assess, evaluate, analyse and predict animal-vehicle collisions with respect to their extent, their effect on populations, and their broad and fine scale distribution. A questionnaire with Swedish drivers indicated that nationwide road traffic in 1992 may caused an annual loss in harvest of common game species of 7% to 97% and of 1% to 12% of estimated populations. Road mortality did not appear as an existential threat to most species, although in badgers (Meles meles), traffic probably is the largest single cause of death. A slow population growth rate coupled with a high proportion of adult badger road-kills is responsible for their sensitivity to road mortality. Provided that road mortality is additive, we predicted that losses due to nationwide traffic might already exceed birth rates and limit badger population growth. In roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and moose (Alces alces), road mortality is of minor importance to the population. Broad-scale trends and patterns in collision numbers correlate with harvest and traffic volumes, thus providing a simple means to monitor the toll of road traffic. To predict local collision risks with these species, information on animal abundance and landscape composition, on road traffic parameters, and on the spatial coincidence of roads and landscape elements is needed. However, vehicle speed appeared as one of the most important factors determining collision risks with moose, underlining the influence of human factors on collision risks. Successful counteraction therefore requires an interdisciplinary approach that addresses both the animal and the driver in their shared environment

    Cities and Drones: What Cities Need to Know about Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

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    NLC's municipal guide, Cities and Drones, is designed to serve as a primer on drones for local officials, providing insight into the recently released federal rules relating to drone operation, as well as offering suggestions for how local governments can craft their own drone ordinances to encourage innovation while also protecting their cities.Drones have the potential to revolutionize many industries and city services, particularly as their technology advances. There are many applications for drones within the public sector at the local and state level. Drones can be used for law enforcement and firefighting, as rural ambulances, and for inspections, environmental monitoring, and disaster management. Any commercial arena that involves outdoor photography or visual inspection will likely be experimenting with drones in the near future, as will retailers who want to speed up package delivery.However, drones also present challenges. There are some safety issues, for instance, when operators fly their drones over people or near planes. City residents often have privacy concerns when any small device hovering nearby could potentially be taking photos or video. The FAA's final rule on drones left some opportunity for city governments to legislate on this issue. Rather than ban them outright, city officials should consider how this new technology might serve residents or enhance city services

    Trade-Off Time: How Four States Continue to Deliver

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    Highlights performance measures used in Indiana, Maryland, Utah, and Virginia to ensure results-driven budgeting by defining goals, assessing priorities and trade-offs, targeting cuts with precision, and creating a culture of results-focused budgeting

    Crisis management: operational logistics and asset visibility technologies

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    MBA Professional ReportThe purpose of this MBA Project was to identify and explore logistical frameworks that leverage technology to overcome problems associated with coordinated logistics operations during crisis management. Over the past ten years, there have been significant advances in RFID, satellite and other related asset visibility technologies. These advances are mature enough to significantly increase the probability of achieving a useful common operational picture during emergency response activities. Recent crisis response operations that would have benefited from improved asset visibility include the Indian Ocean tsunami, the Pakistani earthquake, Hurricane Katrina and those related to the Global War on Terror. In each of these cases, multi-agency involvement, both foreign and domestic, compounded the complexity of asset tracking and communication protocols. The establishment of a logisticstracking framework that provides adequate asset visibility, while maintaining operational security, will greatly increase the effectiveness of future crisis response operations. The proposed logistics framework serves as a viable solution for common logistical problems encountered by the U.S. and other industrialized nations while conducting crisis response operations. The framework identifies concepts, technologies and protocols that can be used to improve crisis operations on a global scale.http://archive.org/details/crisismanagement1094510122Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    The AfDB Group in North Africa 2011

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    The Power of Primary Schools to Change and Sustain Handwashing with Soap among Children: The Cases of Vietnam and Peru

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    World Bank Water and Sanitation Program's Global Scaling up Handwashing Project, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is an effort to expand handwashing among women and children by using innovative promotional approaches. This working paper provides case studies of the project in Vietnam and Peru. Both used entertainment education and teacher capacity building, but as a result of differences in government and education contexts, as well as child-focused research that revealed important cultural differences, programs varied substantially among the two locations. In both cases, the primary school setting was found to be an effective site for improving handwashing

    Subnational credit ratings : a comparative review

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    This paper surveys methodological issues in subnational credit ratings and highlights key challenges for developing countries. Subnational borrowing from capital markets has been on the rise owing to fiscal decentralization and demand for infrastructure investments. A prerequisite for accessing capital markets, subnational credit ratings have also emerged as a part of broader reform for fiscal sustainability. They facilitate a more transparent budgetary and financial management system. The global financial crisis makes subnational credit ratings more relevant, as they contribute to fiscal risk evaluations and fiscal adjustment. In addition to subnationals’ own credit strength, the creditworthiness of the sovereign and the intergovernmental fiscal system are among the most critical rating criteria. Implicit and contingent liabilities are integral to the rating process. Indirect debt instruments including off-balance-sheet financing create fiscal risks. The ongoing financial crisis has reinforced the rating focus on the management of liquidity, debt structure, and off-balance-sheet liabilities.Debt Markets,Banks&Banking Reform,,Bankruptcy and Resolution of Financial Distress,Access to Finance