1 research outputs found

    Narrowband Signal Detection in OFDM Systems Using Spectral Shaping Techniques

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    Abstract: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) allow data to be transmitted efficiently and reliably by using multiple orthogonal subcarriers. It provides robustness against noise and corruption in the channel. The channel can be either wired or wireless depending on the particular application. Due to the close spacing of subcarriers, OFDM is susceptible to corruption caused by various narrowband signals such as Narrowband Interference (NBI). Spectral shaping shapes the Power Spectral Density (PSD) in order to have certain properties. Spectral shaping might improve the effectiveness of OFDM and make it sustainable in the long run for applications beyond the 4th generation of mobile communications (4G) and Long Term Evolution (LTE). We make use of spectral null codes and load them onto OFDM subcarriers. Introducing narrowband signals in the channel degrades the system’s performance and also eliminates the designed spectral properties. From this observation we infer that some narrowband noise is present in the channel. Previously, carriers hit by NBI or other narrowband noise had to be switched off manually. We found that combining OFDM with spectral shaping allows the presence of Narrowband signals in the channel to be detected and conclusions can be drawn over the channel quality. This did not improve the system in terms of bit error rate performance