12,307 research outputs found

    Absolute frequency measurements for hyperfine structure determination of the R(26) 62-0 transition at 501.7 nm in molecular iodine

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    The absolute frequencies of the hyperfine components of the R(26) 62-0 transition in molecular iodine at 501.7 nm are measured for the first time with an optical clockwork based on a femtosecond laser frequency comb generator. The set-up is composed of an Ar+ laser locked to a hyperfine component of the R(26) 62-0 transition detected in a continuously pumped low-pressure cell (0.33 Pa). The detected resonances show a linewidth of 45 kHz (half-width at half-maximum). The uncertainty of the frequency measurement is estimated to be 250 Hz

    The mid-infrared spectrum of the transiting exoplanet HD 209458b

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    We report the spectroscopic detection of mid-infrared emission from the transiting exoplanet HD 209458b. Using archive data taken with the Spitzer/IRS instrument, we have determined the spectrum of HD 209458b between 7.46 and 15.25 microns. We have used two independent methods to determine the planet spectrum, one differential in wavelength and one absolute, and find the results are in good agreement. Over much of this spectral range, the planet spectrum is consistent with featureless thermal emission. Between 7.5 and 8.5 microns, we find evidence for an unidentified spectral feature. If this spectral modulation is due to absorption, it implies that the dayside vertical temperature profile of the planetary atmosphere is not entirely isothermal. Using the IRS data, we have determined the broad-band eclipse depth to be 0.00315 +/- 0.000315, implying significant redistribution of heat from the dayside to the nightside. This work required development of improved methods for Spitzer/IRS data calibration that increase the achievable absolute calibration precision and dynamic range for observations of bright point sources.Comment: 35 pages, 12 figures, revised version accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    Frequency modulated laser beam with highly efficient intensity stabilisation

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    We analyse the limitation of the amplitude modulation rejection due to the spatial modulation of the output beam of an acousto-optic modulator used in an active laser beam stabilisation system when a frequency modulation of a few megahertz is applied to this modulator. We show how to overcome this problem, using a single mode optical fibre at the output of the modulator. A residual amplitude modulation of 10-5 is achieved

    Frequency Measurement of an Ar+ Laser Stabilized on Narrow Lines of Molecular Iodine at 501.7 nm

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    A spectrometer for ultra high-resolution spectroscopy of molecular iodine at wave length 501.7 nm, near the dissociation limit is described. Line shapes about 30 kHz wide (HWHM) were obtained using saturation spectroscopy in a pumped cell. The frequency of an Ar+ laser was locked to a hyperfine component of the R(26)62-0 transition and the first absolute frequency measurement of this line is reported

    Correction of the distortion in frequency-modulation spectroscopy

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    A theoretical expression of the detected signal in frequency modulation spectroscopy with a residual amplitude modulation (RAM) is computed. The line shape distortion induced by the RAM is shown to be essentially suppressed for a proper choice of the modulation and detection parameters. The experimental tests are carried out in saturation spectroscopy of I2 at 514.5 nm. Experimental limitations are analysed

    Cavity-enhanced optical frequency comb spectroscopy in the mid-infrared - application to trace detection of H2O2

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    We demonstrate the first cavity-enhanced optical frequency comb spectroscopy in the mid-infrared wavelength region and report the sensitive real-time trace detection of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a large amount of water. The experimental apparatus is based on a mid-infrared optical parametric oscillator synchronously pumped by a high power Yb:fiber laser, a high finesse broadband cavity, and a fast-scanning Fourier transform spectrometer with autobalancing detection. The comb spectrum with a bandwidth of 200 nm centered around 3.75 {\mu}m is simultaneously coupled to the cavity and both degrees of freedom of the comb, i.e., the repetition rate and carrier envelope offset frequency, are locked to the cavity to ensure stable transmission. The autobalancing detection scheme reduces the intensity noise by a factor of 300, and a sensitivity of 5.4 {\times} 10^-9 cm^-1 Hz^-1/2 with a resolution of 800 MHz is achieved (corresponding to 6.9 {\times} 10^-11 cm^-1 Hz^-1/2 per spectral element for 6000 resolved elements). This yields a noise equivalent detection limit for hydrogen peroxide of 8 parts-per-billion (ppb); in the presence of 2.8% of water the detection limit is 130 ppb. Spectra of acetylene, methane and nitrous oxide at atmospheric pressure are also presented, and a line shape model is developed to simulate the experimental data.Comment: submitted to special FLAIR 2011 issue of Appl. Phys.

    The non-vanishing effect of detuning errors in dynamical decoupling based quantum sensing experiments

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    Characteristic dips appear in the coherence traces of a probe qubit when dynamical decoupling (DD) is applied in synchrony with the precession of target nuclear spins, forming the basis for nanoscale nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The frequency of the microwave control pulses is chosen to match the qubit transition but this can be detuned from resonance by experimental errors, hyperfine coupling intrinsic to the qubit, or inhomogeneous broadening. The detuning acts as an additional static field which is generally assumed to be completely removed in Hahn echo and DD experiments. Here we demonstrate that this is not the case in the presence of finite pulse-durations, where a detuning can drastically alter the coherence response of the probe qubit, with important implications for sensing applications. Using the electronic spin associated with a nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond as a test qubit system, we analytically and experimentally study the qubit coherence response under CPMG and XY8 dynamical decoupling control schemes in the presence of finite pulse-durations and static detunings. Most striking is the splitting of the NMR resonance under CPMG, whereas under XY8 the amplitude of the NMR signal is modulated. Our work shows that the detuning error must not be neglected when extracting data from quantum sensor coherence traces
