29,763 research outputs found

    Named Entity Disambiguation for Noisy Text

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    We address the task of Named Entity Disambiguation (NED) for noisy text. We present WikilinksNED, a large-scale NED dataset of text fragments from the web, which is significantly noisier and more challenging than existing news-based datasets. To capture the limited and noisy local context surrounding each mention, we design a neural model and train it with a novel method for sampling informative negative examples. We also describe a new way of initializing word and entity embeddings that significantly improves performance. Our model significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods on WikilinksNED while achieving comparable performance on a smaller newswire dataset.Comment: Accepted to CoNLL 201

    Differentiable Scheduled Sampling for Credit Assignment

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    We demonstrate that a continuous relaxation of the argmax operation can be used to create a differentiable approximation to greedy decoding for sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models. By incorporating this approximation into the scheduled sampling training procedure (Bengio et al., 2015)--a well-known technique for correcting exposure bias--we introduce a new training objective that is continuous and differentiable everywhere and that can provide informative gradients near points where previous decoding decisions change their value. In addition, by using a related approximation, we demonstrate a similar approach to sampled-based training. Finally, we show that our approach outperforms cross-entropy training and scheduled sampling procedures in two sequence prediction tasks: named entity recognition and machine translation.Comment: Accepted at ACL2017 (http://bit.ly/2oj1muX

    SwellShark: A Generative Model for Biomedical Named Entity Recognition without Labeled Data

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    We present SwellShark, a framework for building biomedical named entity recognition (NER) systems quickly and without hand-labeled data. Our approach views biomedical resources like lexicons as function primitives for autogenerating weak supervision. We then use a generative model to unify and denoise this supervision and construct large-scale, probabilistically labeled datasets for training high-accuracy NER taggers. In three biomedical NER tasks, SwellShark achieves competitive scores with state-of-the-art supervised benchmarks using no hand-labeled training data. In a drug name extraction task using patient medical records, one domain expert using SwellShark achieved within 5.1% of a crowdsourced annotation approach -- which originally utilized 20 teams over the course of several weeks -- in 24 hours

    A Continuous Relaxation of Beam Search for End-to-end Training of Neural Sequence Models

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    Beam search is a desirable choice of test-time decoding algorithm for neural sequence models because it potentially avoids search errors made by simpler greedy methods. However, typical cross entropy training procedures for these models do not directly consider the behaviour of the final decoding method. As a result, for cross-entropy trained models, beam decoding can sometimes yield reduced test performance when compared with greedy decoding. In order to train models that can more effectively make use of beam search, we propose a new training procedure that focuses on the final loss metric (e.g. Hamming loss) evaluated on the output of beam search. While well-defined, this "direct loss" objective is itself discontinuous and thus difficult to optimize. Hence, in our approach, we form a sub-differentiable surrogate objective by introducing a novel continuous approximation of the beam search decoding procedure. In experiments, we show that optimizing this new training objective yields substantially better results on two sequence tasks (Named Entity Recognition and CCG Supertagging) when compared with both cross entropy trained greedy decoding and cross entropy trained beam decoding baselines.Comment: Updated for clarity and notational consistenc

    Adversarial Structured Prediction for Multivariate Measures

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    Many predicted structured objects (e.g., sequences, matchings, trees) are evaluated using the F-score, alignment error rate (AER), or other multivariate performance measures. Since inductively optimizing these measures using training data is typically computationally difficult, empirical risk minimization of surrogate losses is employed, using, e.g., the hinge loss for (structured) support vector machines. These approximations often introduce a mismatch between the learner's objective and the desired application performance, leading to inconsistency. We take a different approach: adversarially approximate training data while optimizing the exact F-score or AER. Structured predictions under this formulation result from solving zero-sum games between a predictor seeking the best performance and an adversary seeking the worst while required to (approximately) match certain structured properties of the training data. We explore this approach for word alignment (AER evaluation) and named entity recognition (F-score evaluation) with linear-chain constraints

    Softmax Q-Distribution Estimation for Structured Prediction: A Theoretical Interpretation for RAML

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    Reward augmented maximum likelihood (RAML), a simple and effective learning framework to directly optimize towards the reward function in structured prediction tasks, has led to a number of impressive empirical successes. RAML incorporates task-specific reward by performing maximum-likelihood updates on candidate outputs sampled according to an exponentiated payoff distribution, which gives higher probabilities to candidates that are close to the reference output. While RAML is notable for its simplicity, efficiency, and its impressive empirical successes, the theoretical properties of RAML, especially the behavior of the exponentiated payoff distribution, has not been examined thoroughly. In this work, we introduce softmax Q-distribution estimation, a novel theoretical interpretation of RAML, which reveals the relation between RAML and Bayesian decision theory. The softmax Q-distribution can be regarded as a smooth approximation of the Bayes decision boundary, and the Bayes decision rule is achieved by decoding with this Q-distribution. We further show that RAML is equivalent to approximately estimating the softmax Q-distribution, with the temperature Ï„\tau controlling approximation error. We perform two experiments, one on synthetic data of multi-class classification and one on real data of image captioning, to demonstrate the relationship between RAML and the proposed softmax Q-distribution estimation method, verifying our theoretical analysis. Additional experiments on three structured prediction tasks with rewards defined on sequential (named entity recognition), tree-based (dependency parsing) and irregular (machine translation) structures show notable improvements over maximum likelihood baselines.Comment: Under Review of ICLR 201

    End-to-End Relation Extraction using LSTMs on Sequences and Tree Structures

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    We present a novel end-to-end neural model to extract entities and relations between them. Our recurrent neural network based model captures both word sequence and dependency tree substructure information by stacking bidirectional tree-structured LSTM-RNNs on bidirectional sequential LSTM-RNNs. This allows our model to jointly represent both entities and relations with shared parameters in a single model. We further encourage detection of entities during training and use of entity information in relation extraction via entity pretraining and scheduled sampling. Our model improves over the state-of-the-art feature-based model on end-to-end relation extraction, achieving 12.1% and 5.7% relative error reductions in F1-score on ACE2005 and ACE2004, respectively. We also show that our LSTM-RNN based model compares favorably to the state-of-the-art CNN based model (in F1-score) on nominal relation classification (SemEval-2010 Task 8). Finally, we present an extensive ablation analysis of several model components.Comment: Accepted for publication at the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2016. 13 pages, 1 figure, 6 table

    Tracking the Diffusion of Named Entities

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    Existing studies of how information diffuses across social networks have thus far concentrated on analysing and recovering the spread of deterministic innovations such as URLs, hashtags, and group membership. However investigating how mentions of real-world entities appear and spread has yet to be explored, largely due to the computationally intractable nature of performing large-scale entity extraction. In this paper we present, to the best of our knowledge, one of the first pieces of work to closely examine the diffusion of named entities on social media, using Reddit as our case study platform. We first investigate how named entities can be accurately recognised and extracted from discussion posts. We then use these extracted entities to study the patterns of entity cascades and how the probability of a user adopting an entity (i.e. mentioning it) is associated with exposures to the entity. We put these pieces together by presenting a parallelised diffusion model that can forecast the probability of entity adoption, finding that the influence of adoption between users can be characterised by their prior interactions -- as opposed to whether the users propagated entity-adoptions beforehand. Our findings have important implications for researchers studying influence and language, and for community analysts who wish to understand entity-level influence dynamics

    Generating Fine-Grained Open Vocabulary Entity Type Descriptions

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    While large-scale knowledge graphs provide vast amounts of structured facts about entities, a short textual description can often be useful to succinctly characterize an entity and its type. Unfortunately, many knowledge graph entities lack such textual descriptions. In this paper, we introduce a dynamic memory-based network that generates a short open vocabulary description of an entity by jointly leveraging induced fact embeddings as well as the dynamic context of the generated sequence of words. We demonstrate the ability of our architecture to discern relevant information for more accurate generation of type description by pitting the system against several strong baselines.Comment: Published in ACL 201

    AMR Parsing as Sequence-to-Graph Transduction

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    We propose an attention-based model that treats AMR parsing as sequence-to-graph transduction. Unlike most AMR parsers that rely on pre-trained aligners, external semantic resources, or data augmentation, our proposed parser is aligner-free, and it can be effectively trained with limited amounts of labeled AMR data. Our experimental results outperform all previously reported SMATCH scores, on both AMR 2.0 (76.3% F1 on LDC2017T10) and AMR 1.0 (70.2% F1 on LDC2014T12).Comment: Accepted at ACL 201
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