154 research outputs found

    NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB Image

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    This paper reviews the second challenge on spectral reconstruction from RGB images, i.e., the recovery of whole-scene hyperspectral (HS) information from a 3-channel RGB image. As in the previous challenge, two tracks were provided: (i) a "Clean" track where HS images are estimated from noise-free RGBs, the RGB images are themselves calculated numerically using the ground-truth HS images and supplied spectral sensitivity functions (ii) a "Real World" track, simulating capture by an uncalibrated and unknown camera, where the HS images are recovered from noisy JPEG-compressed RGB images. A new, larger-than-ever, natural hyperspectral image data set is presented, containing a total of 510 HS images. The Clean and Real World tracks had 103 and 78 registered participants respectively, with 14 teams competing in the final testing phase. A description of the proposed methods, alongside their challenge scores and an extensive evaluation of top performing methods is also provided. They gauge the state-of-the-art in spectral reconstruction from an RGB image

    Hierarchical Regression Network for Spectral Reconstruction from RGB Images

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    Capturing visual image with a hyperspectral camera has been successfully applied to many areas due to its narrow-band imaging technology. Hyperspectral reconstruction from RGB images denotes a reverse process of hyperspectral imaging by discovering an inverse response function. Current works mainly map RGB images directly to corresponding spectrum but do not consider context information explicitly. Moreover, the use of encoder-decoder pair in current algorithms leads to loss of information. To address these problems, we propose a 4-level Hierarchical Regression Network (HRNet) with PixelShuffle layer as inter-level interaction. Furthermore, we adopt a residual dense block to remove artifacts of real world RGB images and a residual global block to build attention mechanism for enlarging perceptive field. We evaluate proposed HRNet with other architectures and techniques by participating in NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from RGB Images. The HRNet is the winning method of track 2 - real world images and ranks 3rd on track 1 - clean images. Please visit the project web page https://github.com/zhaoyuzhi/Hierarchical-Regression-Network-for-Spectral-Reconstruction-from-RGB-Images to try our codes and pre-trained models.Comment: 1st Place in CVPRW 2020 NTIRE Spectral Reconstruction Challeng

    Towards Spectral Estimation from a Single RGB Image in the Wild

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    In contrast to the current literature, we address the problem of estimating the spectrum from a single common trichromatic RGB image obtained under unconstrained settings (e.g. unknown camera parameters, unknown scene radiance, unknown scene contents). For this we use a reference spectrum as provided by a hyperspectral image camera, and propose efficient deep learning solutions for sensitivity function estimation and spectral reconstruction from a single RGB image. We further expand the concept of spectral reconstruction such that to work for RGB images taken in the wild and propose a solution based on a convolutional network conditioned on the estimated sensitivity function. Besides the proposed solutions, we study also generic and sensitivity specialized models and discuss their limitations. We achieve state-of-the-art competitive results on the standard example-based spectral reconstruction benchmarks: ICVL, CAVE, NUS and NTIRE. Moreover, our experiments show that, for the first time, accurate spectral estimation from a single RGB image in the wild is within our reach

    AdaptiveWeighted Attention Network with Camera Spectral Sensitivity Prior for Spectral Reconstruction from RGB Images

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    Recent promising effort for spectral reconstruction (SR) focuses on learning a complicated mapping through using a deeper and wider convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Nevertheless, most CNN-based SR algorithms neglect to explore the camera spectral sensitivity (CSS) prior and interdependencies among intermediate features, thus limiting the representation ability of the network and performance of SR. To conquer these issues, we propose a novel adaptive weighted attention network (AWAN) for SR, whose backbone is stacked with multiple dual residual attention blocks (DRAB) decorating with long and short skip connections to form the dual residual learning. Concretely, we investigate an adaptive weighted channel attention (AWCA) module to reallocate channel-wise feature responses via integrating correlations between channels. Furthermore, a patch-level second-order non-local (PSNL) module is developed to capture long-range spatial contextual information by second-order non-local operations for more powerful feature representations. Based on the fact that the recovered RGB images can be projected by the reconstructed hyperspectral image (HSI) and the given CSS function, we incorporate the discrepancies of the RGB images and HSIs as a finer constraint for more accurate reconstruction. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed AWAN network in terms of quantitative comparison and perceptual quality over other state-of-the-art SR methods. In the NTIRE 2020 Spectral Reconstruction Challenge, our entries obtain the 1st ranking on the Clean track and the 3rd place on the Real World track. Codes are available at https://github.com/Deep-imagelab/AWAN.Comment: The 1st ranking on the Clean track and the 3rd place only 1.59106e-4 more than the 1st on the Real World track of the NTIRE 2020 Spectral Reconstruction Challeng

    NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Image Demoireing: Methods and Results

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    This paper reviews the Challenge on Image Demoireing that was part of the New Trends in Image Restoration and Enhancement (NTIRE) workshop, held in conjunction with CVPR 2020. Demoireing is a difficult task of removing moire patterns from an image to reveal an underlying clean image. The challenge was divided into two tracks. Track 1 targeted the single image demoireing problem, which seeks to remove moire patterns from a single image. Track 2 focused on the burst demoireing problem, where a set of degraded moire images of the same scene were provided as input, with the goal of producing a single demoired image as output. The methods were ranked in terms of their fidelity, measured using the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) between the ground truth clean images and the restored images produced by the participants' methods. The tracks had 142 and 99 registered participants, respectively, with a total of 14 and 6 submissions in the final testing stage. The entries span the current state-of-the-art in image and burst image demoireing problems

    NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Methods and Results

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    This paper reviews the NTIRE 2020 challenge on real image denoising with focus on the newly introduced dataset, the proposed methods and their results. The challenge is a new version of the previous NTIRE 2019 challenge on real image denoising that was based on the SIDD benchmark. This challenge is based on a newly collected validation and testing image datasets, and hence, named SIDD+. This challenge has two tracks for quantitatively evaluating image denoising performance in (1) the Bayer-pattern rawRGB and (2) the standard RGB (sRGB) color spaces. Each track ~250 registered participants. A total of 22 teams, proposing 24 methods, competed in the final phase of the challenge. The proposed methods by the participating teams represent the current state-of-the-art performance in image denoising targeting real noisy images. The newly collected SIDD+ datasets are publicly available at: https://bit.ly/siddplus_data

    MST++: Multi-stage Spectral-wise Transformer for Efficient Spectral Reconstruction

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    Existing leading methods for spectral reconstruction (SR) focus on designing deeper or wider convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to learn the end-to-end mapping from the RGB image to its hyperspectral image (HSI). These CNN-based methods achieve impressive restoration performance while showing limitations in capturing the long-range dependencies and self-similarity prior. To cope with this problem, we propose a novel Transformer-based method, Multi-stage Spectral-wise Transformer (MST++), for efficient spectral reconstruction. In particular, we employ Spectral-wise Multi-head Self-attention (S-MSA) that is based on the HSI spatially sparse while spectrally self-similar nature to compose the basic unit, Spectral-wise Attention Block (SAB). Then SABs build up Single-stage Spectral-wise Transformer (SST) that exploits a U-shaped structure to extract multi-resolution contextual information. Finally, our MST++, cascaded by several SSTs, progressively improves the reconstruction quality from coarse to fine. Comprehensive experiments show that our MST++ significantly outperforms other state-of-the-art methods. In the NTIRE 2022 Spectral Reconstruction Challenge, our approach won the First place. Code and pre-trained models are publicly available at https://github.com/caiyuanhao1998/MST-plus-plus.Comment: Winner of NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from RGB; The First Transformer-based Method for Spectral Reconstructio

    Light Weight Residual Dense Attention Net for Spectral Reconstruction from RGB Images

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    Hyperspectral Imaging is the acquisition of spectral and spatial information of a particular scene. Capturing such information from a specialized hyperspectral camera remains costly. Reconstructing such information from the RGB image achieves a better solution in both classification and object recognition tasks. This work proposes a novel light weight network with very less number of parameters about 233,059 parameters based on Residual dense model with attention mechanism to obtain this solution. This network uses Coordination Convolutional Block to get the spatial information. The weights from this block are shared by two independent feature extraction mechanisms, one by dense feature extraction and the other by the multiscale hierarchical feature extraction. Finally, the features from both the feature extraction mechanisms are globally fused to produce the 31 spectral bands. The network is trained with NTIRE 2020 challenge dataset and thus achieved 0.0457 MRAE metric value with less computational complexity.Comment: 6pages,4 figure

    MXR-U-Nets for Real Time Hyperspectral Reconstruction

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    In recent times, CNNs have made significant contributions to applications in image generation, super-resolution and style transfer. In this paper, we build upon the work of Howard and Gugger, He et al. and Misra, D. and propose a CNN architecture that accurately reconstructs hyperspectral images from their RGB counterparts. We also propose a much shallower version of our best model with a 10% relative memory footprint and 3x faster inference, thus enabling real-time video applications while still experiencing only about a 0.5% decrease in performance

    NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Image and Video Deblurring

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    Motion blur is one of the most common degradation artifacts in dynamic scene photography. This paper reviews the NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Image and Video Deblurring. In this challenge, we present the evaluation results from 3 competition tracks as well as the proposed solutions. Track 1 aims to develop single-image deblurring methods focusing on restoration quality. On Track 2, the image deblurring methods are executed on a mobile platform to find the balance of the running speed and the restoration accuracy. Track 3 targets developing video deblurring methods that exploit the temporal relation between input frames. In each competition, there were 163, 135, and 102 registered participants and in the final testing phase, 9, 4, and 7 teams competed. The winning methods demonstrate the state-ofthe-art performance on image and video deblurring tasks.Comment: To be published in CVPR 2020 Workshop (New Trends in Image Restoration and Enhancement