13 research outputs found

    BSDAR: Beam Search Decoding with Attention Reward in Neural Keyphrase Generation

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    This study mainly investigates two decoding problems in neural keyphrase generation: sequence length bias and beam diversity. We introduce an extension of beam search inference based on word-level and n-gram level attention score to adjust and constrain Seq2Seq prediction at test time. Results show that our proposed solution can overcome the algorithm bias to shorter and nearly identical sequences, resulting in a significant improvement of the decoding performance on generating keyphrases that are present and absent in source text

    VisualGPTScore: Visio-Linguistic Reasoning with Multimodal Generative Pre-Training Scores

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    Vision-language models (VLMs) discriminatively pre-trained with contrastive image-text matching losses such as P(matchtext,image)P(\text{match}|\text{text}, \text{image}) have been criticized for lacking compositional understanding. This means they might output similar scores even if the original caption is rearranged into a different semantic statement. To address this, we propose to use the V{\bf V}isual G{\bf G}enerative P{\bf P}re-T{\bf T}raining Score (VisualGPTScore{\bf VisualGPTScore}) of P(textimage)P(\text{text}|\text{image}), a multimodal generative\textit{multimodal generative} score that captures the likelihood of a text caption conditioned on an image using an image-conditioned language model. Contrary to the belief that VLMs are mere bag-of-words models, our off-the-shelf VisualGPTScore demonstrates top-tier performance on recently proposed image-text retrieval benchmarks like ARO and Crepe that assess compositional reasoning. Furthermore, we factorize VisualGPTScore into a product of the marginal\textit{marginal} P(text) and the Pointwise Mutual Information\textit{Pointwise Mutual Information} (PMI). This helps to (a) diagnose datasets with strong language bias, and (b) debias results on other benchmarks like Winoground using an information-theoretic framework. VisualGPTScore provides valuable insights and serves as a strong baseline for future evaluation of visio-linguistic compositionality.Comment: Website: https://linzhiqiu.github.io/papers/visual_gpt_score/ Code: https://github.com/linzhiqiu/visual_gpt_score