1 research outputs found

    Adversarial Balancing-based Representation Learning for Causal Effect Inference with Observational Data

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    Learning causal effects from observational data greatly benefits a variety of domains such as health care, education and sociology. For instance, one could estimate the impact of a new drug to improve the survive rate. In this paper, we conduct causal inference with observational studies based on potential outcome framework (PO) (Rubin, 2005). The central problem for causal effect inference in PO is dealing with the unobserved counterfactuals and treatment selection bias. The state-of-the-art approaches focus on solving these problems by balancing the treatment and control groups (Sun and Nikolaev, 2016). However, during the learning and balancing process, highly predictive information from the original covariate space might be lost. In order to build more robust estimators, we tackle this information loss problem by presenting a method called Adversarial Balancing-based representation learning for Causal Effect Inference (ABCEI), based on the recent advances in representation learning. ABCEI uses adversarial learning to balance the distributions of treatment and control group in the latent representation space, without any assumption on the form of the treatment selection/assignment function. ABCEI preserves useful information for predicting causal effects under the regularization of a mutual information estimator. The experimental results show that ABCEI is robust against treatment selection bias, and matches/outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches. Our experiments show promising results on several datasets, representing different health care domains among others