12 research outputs found

    Multiuser MIMO Wireless Energy Transfer With Coexisting Opportunistic Communication

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    This letter considers spectrum sharing between a primary multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless energy transfer (WET) system and a coexisting secondary point-to-point MIMO wireless information transmission (WIT) system, where WET generates interference to WIT and degrades its throughput performance. We show that due to the interference, the WIT system suffers from a loss of the degrees of freedom (DoF) proportional to the number of energy beams sent by the energy transmitter (ET), which, in general, needs to be larger than one in order to optimize the multiuser WET with user fairness consideration. To minimize the DoF loss in WIT, we further propose a new single-beam energy transmission scheme based on the principle of time sharing, where the ET transmits one of the optimal energy beams at each time. This new scheme achieves the same optimal performance for the WET system, and minimizes the impact of its interference to the WIT system.Comment: submitted for possible publicatio

    Multi-antenna Wireless Powered Communication with Co-channel Energy and Information Transfer

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    This letter studies a multi-antenna wireless powered communication (WPC) system with co-channel energy and information transfer, where a wireless device (WD), powered up by wireless energy transfer (WET) from an energy transmitter (ET), communicates to an information receiver (IR) over the same frequency band. We maximize the achievable data rate from the WD to the IR by jointly optimizing the energy beamforming at the ET and the information beamforming at the WD, subject to their individual transmit power constraints. We obtain the optimal solution to this problem in closed-form, where the optimal energy beamforming at the ET achieves a best energy/interference tradeoff between maximizing the energy transfer efficiency to the WD and minimizing the co-channel interference to the IR. Numerical results show that our proposed optimal co-channel design is superior to other reference schemes.Comment: IEEE Communications Letters. Accepted. 9 pages, 4 figure

    Optimal Energy Beamforming under Per-Antenna Power Constraint

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    Energy beamforming (EB) is a key technique to enhance the efficiency of wireless power transfer (WPT). In this paper, we study the optimal EB under per-antenna power constraint (PAC) which is more practical than the conventional sum-power constraint (SPC). We consider a multi antenna energy transmitter (ET) with PAC that broadcasts wireless energy to multiple randomly placed energy receivers (ER)s within its cell area. We consider sum energy maximization problem with PAC and provide the optimal solution structure for the general case. This optimal structure implies that sending one energy beam is optimal under PAC which means that the rank of transmit covariance matrix is one similar to SPC. We also derive closed-form solutions for two special cases and propose two sub-optimal solutions for general case, which performs very close to optimal beamforming

    Wireless Energy Transfer to a Pair of Energy Receivers using Signal Strength Feedback

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    This paper focuses on wireless energy transfer (WET) to a pair of low complex energy receivers (ER), by only utilizing received signal strength indicator (RSSI) values that are fed back from the ERs to the energy transmitter (ET). Selecting the beamformer that maximizes the total average energy transfer between the ET and the ERs, while satisfying a minimum harvested energy criterion at each ER, is studied. This is a nonconvex constrained optimization problem which is difficult to solve analytically. Also, any analytical solution to the problem should only consists of parameters that the ET knows, or the ET can estimate, as utilizing only RSSI feedback values for channel estimation prohibits estimating some channel parameters. Thus, the paper focuses on obtaining a suboptimal solution analytically. It is proven that if the channels between the ET and the ERs satisfy a certain sufficient condition, this solution is in fact optimal. Simulations show that the optimality gap is negligibly small as well. Insights into a system with more than two ERs are also presented. To this end, it is highlighted that if the number of ERs is large enough, it is possible to always find a pair of ERs satisfying the sufficient condition, and hence, a pairwise scheduling policy that does not violate optimality can be used for the WET.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, To appear in International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), 201

    UAV-Enabled Wireless Power Transfer: Trajectory Design and Energy Region Characterization

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    This paper studies a new unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-enabled wireless power transfer (WPT) system, where a UAV-mounted energy transmitter (ET) broadcasts wireless energy to charge distributed energy receivers (ERs) on the ground. In particular, we consider a basic two-user scenario, and investigate how the UAV can optimally exploit its mobility to maximize the amount of energy transferred to the two ERs during a given charging period. We characterize the achievable energy region of the two ERs, by optimizing the UAV's trajectory subject to a maximum speed constraint. We show that when the distance between the two ERs is smaller than a certain threshold, the boundary of the energy region is achieved when the UAV hovers above a fixed location between them for all time; while when their distance is larger than the threshold, to achieve the boundary of the energy region, the UAV in general needs to hover and fly between two different locations above the line connecting them. Numerical results show that the optimized UAV trajectory can significantly improve the WPT efficiency and fairness of the two ERs, especially when the UAV's maximum speed is large and/or the charging duration is long.Comment: Submitted for possible conference publicatio

    Wireless Information and Power Transfer Design for Energy Cooperation Distributed Antenna Systems

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    Distributed antenna systems (DAS) have been widely implemented in state-of-the-art cellular communication systems to cover dead spots. Recent studies have also indicated that DAS have advantages in wireless energy transfer (WET). In this paper, we study simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) for a multiple-input single-output (MISO) DAS in the downlink which consists of arbitrarily distributed remote antenna units (RAUs). In order to save the energy cost, we adopt energy cooperation of energy harvesting (EH) and two-way energy flows to let the RAUs trade their harvested energy through the smart grid network. Under individual EH constraints, per-RAU power constraints and various smart grid considerations, we investigate a power management strategy that determines how to utilize the stochastically spatially distributed harvested energy at the RAUs and how to trade the energy with the smart grid simultaneously to supply maximum wireless information transfer (WIT) with a minimum WET constraint for a receiver adopting power splitting (PS). Our analysis shows that the optimal design can be achieved in two steps. The first step is to maximize a new objective that can simultaneously maximize both WET and WIT, considering both the smart grid profitable and smart grid neutral cases. For the grid-profitable case, we derive the optimal full power strategy and provide a closed-form result to see under what condition this strategy is used. On the other hand, for the grid-neutral case, we illustrate that the optimal power policy has a double-threshold structure and present an optimal allocation strategy. The second step is then to solve the whole problem by obtaining the splitting power ratio based on the minimum WET constraint. Simulation results are provided to evaluate the performance under various settings and characterize the double-threshold structure.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Cognitive Wireless Power Transfer in the Presence of Reactive Primary Communication User

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    This paper studies a cognitive or secondary multi-antenna wireless power transfer (WPT) system over a multi-carrier channel, which shares the same spectrum with a primary wireless information transfer (WIT) system that employs adaptive water-filling power allocation. By controlling the transmit energy beamforming over sub-carriers (SCs), the secondary energy transmitter (S-ET) can directly charge the secondary energy receiver (S-ER), even purposely interfere with the primary WIT system, such that the primary information transmitter (P-IT) can reactively adjust its power allocation (based on water-filling) to facilitate the S-ER's energy harvesting. We investigate how the secondary WPT system can exploit the primary WIT system's reactive power allocation, for improving the wireless energy harvesting performance. In particular, our objective is to maximize the total energy received at the S-ER from both the S-ET and the P-IT, by optimizing the S-ET's energy beamforming over SCs, subject to its maximum transmit power constraint, and the maximum interference power constraint imposed at the primary information receiver (P-IR) to protect the primary WIT. Although the formulated problem is non-convex and difficult to be optimally solved in general, we propose an efficient algorithm to obtain a high-quality solution by employing the Lagrange dual method together with a one-dimensional search. We also present two benchmark energy beamforming designs based on the zero-forcing (ZF) and maximum-ratio-transmission (MRT) principles, respectively, as well as the conventional design without considering the primary WIT system's reaction. Numerical results show that our proposed design leads to significantly improved energy harvesting performance at the S-ER, as compared to these benchmark schemes

    Joint Transmit and Reflective Beamforming Design for IRS-Assisted Multiuser MISO SWIPT Systems

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    This paper studies an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS)-assisted multiuser multiple-input single-output (MISO) simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) system. In this system, a multi-antenna access point (AP) uses transmit beamforming to send both information and energy signals to a set of receivers each for information decoding (ID) or energy harvesting (EH), and a dedicatedly deployed IRS properly controls its reflecting phase shifts to form passive reflection beams for facilitating both ID and EH at receivers. Under this setup, we jointly optimize the (active) information and energy transmit beamforming at the AP together with the (passive) reflective beamforming at the IRS, to maximize the minimum power received at all EH receivers, subject to individual signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) constraints at ID receivers, and the maximum transmit power constraint at the AP. Although the formulated SINR-constrained min-energy maximization problem is highly non-convex, we present an efficient algorithm to obtain a high-quality solution by using the techniques of alternating optimization and semi-definite relaxation (SDR). Numerical results show that the proposed IRS-assisted SWIPT system with both information and energy signals achieves significant performance gains over benchmark schemes without IRS deployed and/or without dedicated energy signals used

    Cognitive Wireless Powered Network: Spectrum Sharing Models and Throughput Maximization

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    The recent advance in radio-frequency (RF) wireless energy transfer (WET) has motivated the study of wireless powered communication network (WPCN), in which distributed wireless devices are powered via dedicated WET by the hybrid access-point (H-AP) in the downlink (DL) for uplink (UL) wireless information transmission (WIT). In this paper, by exploiting the cognitive radio (CR) technique, we study a new type of CR enabled secondary WPCN, called cognitive WPCN, under spectrum sharing with the primary wireless communication system. In particular, we consider a cognitive WPCN, consisting of one single H-AP with constant power supply and distributed users, shares the same spectrum for its DL WET and UL WIT with an existing primary communication link, where the WPCN's WET/WIT and the primary link's WIT may interfere with each other. Under this new setup, we propose two coexisting models for spectrum sharing of the two systems, namely underlay and overlay based cognitive WPCNs, depending on different types of knowledge on the primary user transmission available at the cognitive WPCN. For each model, we maximize the sum-throughput of the cognitive WPCN by optimizing its transmission under different constraints applied to protect the primary user transmission. Analysis and simulation results are provided to compare the sum-throughput of the cognitive WPCN versus the achievable rate of the primary user in two coexisting models. It is shown that the overlay based cognitive WPCN outperforms the underlay based counterpart, thanks to its fully cooperative WET/WIT design with the primary WIT, while it also requires higher complexity for implementation.Comment: This is the longer version of a paper to appear in IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networkin

    A General Design Framework for MIMO Wireless Energy Transfer with Limited Feedback

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    Multi-antenna or multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technique can significantly improve the efficiency of radio frequency (RF) signal enabled wireless energy transfer (WET). To fully exploit the energy beamforming gain at the energy transmitter (ET), the knowledge of channel state information (CSI) is essential, which, however, is difficult to be obtained in practice due to the hardware limitation of the energy receiver (ER). To overcome this difficulty, under a point-to-point MIMO WET setup, this paper proposes a general design framework for a new type of channel learning method based on the ER's energy measurement and feedback. Specifically, the ER measures and encodes the harvested energy levels over different training intervals into bits, and sends them to the ET via a feedback link of limited rate. Based on the energy-level feedback, the ET adjusts transmit beamforming in subsequent training intervals and obtains refined estimates of the MIMO channel by leveraging the technique of analytic center cutting plane method (ACCPM) in convex optimization. Under this general design framework, we further propose two specific feedback schemes termed energy quantization and energy comparison, where the feedback bits at each interval are generated at the ER by quantizing the measured energy level at the current interval and comparing it with those in the previous intervals, respectively. Numerical results are provided to compare the performance of the two feedback schemes. It is shown that energy quantization performs better when the number of feedback bits per interval is large, while energy comparison is more effective with small number of feedback bits.Comment: This is a longer version of a paper to appear in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin