5 research outputs found

    Practical Unconditionally Secure Two-channel Message Authentication

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    We investigate unconditional security for message authentication protocols that are designed using two-channel cryptography. We look at both noninteractive message authentication protocols (NIMAPs) and interactive message authentication protocols (IMAPs). We provide a new proof of nonexistence of nontrivial unconditionally secure NIMAPs. This proof consists of a combinatorial counting argument and is much shorter than the previous proof by Wang et al., which was based on probability distribution arguments. Further, we propose a generalization of an unconditionally secure 3-round IMAP due to Naor, Segev and Smith. With a careful choice of parameters, our scheme improves that of Naor et al. Our scheme is very close to optimal for most parameter situations of practical interest.

    Tight Bounds for Unconditional Authentication Protocols in the Manual Channel and Shared Key Models

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    We address the message authentication problem in two seemingly different communication models. In the first model, the sender and receiver are connected by an insecure channel and by a low-bandwidth auxiliary channel, that enables the sender to ``manually\u27\u27 authenticate one short message to the receiver (for example, by typing a short string or comparing two short strings). We consider this model in a setting where no computational assumptions are made, and prove that for any 0<ϵ<10 < \epsilon < 1 there exists a logn\log^* n-round protocol for authenticating nn-bit messages, in which only 2log(1/ϵ)+O(1)2 \log(1 / \epsilon) + O(1) bits are manually authenticated, and any adversary (even computationally unbounded) has probability of at most ϵ\epsilon to cheat the receiver into accepting a fraudulent message. Moreover, we develop a proof technique showing that our protocol is essentially optimal by providing a lower bound of 2log(1/ϵ)O(1)2 \log(1 / \epsilon) - O(1) on the required length of the manually authenticated string. The second model we consider is the traditional message authentication model. In this model the sender and the receiver share a short secret key; however, they are connected only by an insecure channel. We apply the proof technique above to obtain a lower bound of 2log(1/ϵ)22 \log(1 / \epsilon) - 2 on the required Shannon entropy of the shared key. This settles an open question posed by Gemmell and Naor (CRYPTO \u2793). Finally, we prove that one-way functions are {\em necessary} (and sufficient) for the existence of protocols breaking the above lower bounds in the computational setting

    Secure Association for the Internet of Things

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    Existing standards (ZigBee and Bluetooth Low Energy) for networked low-power wireless devices do not support secure association (or pairing) of new devices into a network: their association process is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. This paper addresses three essential aspects in attaining secure association for such devices. First, we define a user-interface primitive, oblivious comparison, that allows users to approve authentic associations and abort compromised ones. This distills and generalizes several existing approve/abort mechanisms, and moreover we experimentally show that OC can be implemented using very little hardware: one LED and one switch. Second, we provide a new Message Recognition Protocol (MRP) that allows devices associated using oblivious comparison to exchange authenticated messages without the use of public-key cryptography (which exceeds the capabilities of many IoT devices). This protocol improves upon previously proposed MRPs in several respects. Third, we propose a robust definition of security for MRPs that is based on universal composability, and show that our MRP satisfies this definition

    Message Authentication and Recognition Protocols Using Two-Channel Cryptography

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    We propose a formal model for non-interactive message authentication protocols (NIMAPs) using two channels and analyze all the attacks that can occur in this model. Further, we introduce the notion of hybrid-collision resistant (HCR) hash functions. This leads to a new proposal for a NIMAP based on HCR hash functions. This protocol is as efficient as the best previous NIMAP while having a very simple structure and not requiring any long strings to be authenticated ahead of time. We investigate interactive message authentication protocols (IMAPs) and propose a new IMAP, based on the existence of interactive-collision resistant (ICR) hash functions, a new notion of hash function security. The efficient and easy-to-use structure of our IMAP makes it very practical in real world ad hoc network scenarios. We also look at message recognition protocols (MRPs) and prove that there is a one-to-one correspondence between non-interactive MRPs and digital signature schemes with message recovery. Further, we look at an existing recognition protocol and point out its inability to recover in case of a specific adversarial disruption. We improve this protocol by suggesting a variant which is equipped with a resynchronization process. Moreover, another variant of the protocol is proposed which self-recovers in case of an intrusion. Finally, we propose a new design for message recognition in ad hoc networks which does not make use of hash chains. This new design uses random passwords that are being refreshed in each session, as opposed to precomputed elements of a hash chain