1 research outputs found

    Multiresolution models and algorithms of movement planning and their application for multiresolution battlefield simulation

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    W pracy zaprezentowano przegl膮d modeli i metod poszukiwania dr贸g w wielorozdzielczych sieciach oraz ich analiz臋 pod k膮tem efektywno艣ciowym (dok艂adno艣ci i czasu oblicze艅). Jedna z opisywanych metod opiera si臋 na "agregowaniu" geograficznym s膮siednich wierzcho艂k贸w (kwadrat贸w terenu) w grafie, kt贸ry reprezentuje teren w postaci tzw. kraty i planowaniu tras w "zagregowanej" sieci z wykorzystaniem specyficznej transformacji. Druga z metod wykorzystywana jest do planowania wielorozdzielczych tras w sieci drogowej. Opisano zastosowanie prezentowanych metod w wielorozdzielczej symulacji pola walki.In the paper a review of models and methods for finding paths in multiresolution networks and their effectiveness analysis have been presented. One of the methods is based on merging the geographically adjacent nodes (squares) and the planning path to a "merged" graph. The merging is done by using geographically adjacent squares of primary graph (thus, we obtain nodes of a "merged" graph) and calculating costs in the "merged" graph as longest (or shortest) of the shortest paths between some subsets of nodes belonging to "merged" nodes. Second method is applied for planning multiresolution paths in roads network. Application of presented methods in multiresolution battlefield movement planning and simulation is discussed