3,172 research outputs found

    Instrumentation, performance visualization, and debugging tools for multiprocessors

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    The need for computing power has forced a migration from serial computation on a single processor to parallel processing on multiprocessor architectures. However, without effective means to monitor (and visualize) program execution, debugging, and tuning parallel programs becomes intractably difficult as program complexity increases with the number of processors. Research on performance evaluation tools for multiprocessors is being carried out at ARC. Besides investigating new techniques for instrumenting, monitoring, and presenting the state of parallel program execution in a coherent and user-friendly manner, prototypes of software tools are being incorporated into the run-time environments of various hardware testbeds to evaluate their impact on user productivity. Our current tool set, the Ames Instrumentation Systems (AIMS), incorporates features from various software systems developed in academia and industry. The execution of FORTRAN programs on the Intel iPSC/860 can be automatically instrumented and monitored. Performance data collected in this manner can be displayed graphically on workstations supporting X-Windows. We have successfully compared various parallel algorithms for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applications in collaboration with scientists from the Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation Systems Division. By performing these comparisons, we show that performance monitors and debuggers such as AIMS are practical and can illuminate the complex dynamics that occur within parallel programs

    Validation of multiprocessor systems

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    Experiments that can be used to validate fault free performance of multiprocessor systems in aerospace systems integrating flight controls and avionics are discussed. Engineering prototypes for two fault tolerant multiprocessors are tested

    A GPU based real-time software correlation system for the Murchison Widefield Array prototype

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    Modern graphics processing units (GPUs) are inexpensive commodity hardware that offer Tflop/s theoretical computing capacity. GPUs are well suited to many compute-intensive tasks including digital signal processing. We describe the implementation and performance of a GPU-based digital correlator for radio astronomy. The correlator is implemented using the NVIDIA CUDA development environment. We evaluate three design options on two generations of NVIDIA hardware. The different designs utilize the internal registers, shared memory and multiprocessors in different ways. We find that optimal performance is achieved with the design that minimizes global memory reads on recent generations of hardware. The GPU-based correlator outperforms a single-threaded CPU equivalent by a factor of 60 for a 32 antenna array, and runs on commodity PC hardware. The extra compute capability provided by the GPU maximises the correlation capability of a PC while retaining the fast development time associated with using standard hardware, networking and programming languages. In this way, a GPU-based correlation system represents a middle ground in design space between high performance, custom built hardware and pure CPU-based software correlation. The correlator was deployed at the Murchison Widefield Array 32 antenna prototype system where it ran in real-time for extended periods. We briefly describe the data capture, streaming and correlation system for the prototype array.Comment: 11 pages, to appear in PAS

    PowerPack: Energy Profiling and Analysis of High-Performance Systems and Applications

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    Energy efficiency is a major concern in modern high-performance computing system design. In the past few years, there has been mounting evidence that power usage limits system scale and computing density, and thus, ultimately system performance. However, despite the impact of power and energy on the computer systems community, few studies provide insight to where and how power is consumed on high-performance systems and applications. In previous work, we designed a framework called PowerPack that was the first tool to isolate the power consumption of devices including disks, memory, NICs, and processors in a high-performance cluster and correlate these measurements to application functions. In this work, we extend our framework to support systems with multicore, multiprocessor-based nodes, and then provide in-depth analyses of the energy consumption of parallel applications on clusters of these systems. These analyses include the impacts of chip multiprocessing on power and energy efficiency, and its interaction with application executions. In addition, we use PowerPack to study the power dynamics and energy efficiencies of dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) techniques on clusters. Our experiments reveal conclusively how intelligent DVFS scheduling can enhance system energy efficiency while maintaining performance

    Performance Modeling of Parallel Applications on MPSoCs

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    In this paper we present a new technique for automatically measuring the performance of tasks, functions or arbitrary parts of a program on a multiprocessor embedded system. The technique instruments the tasks described by OpenMP, used to represent the task parallelism, while ad hoc pragmas in the source indicate other pieces of code to profile. The annotations and the instrumentation are completely target-independent, so the same code can be measured on different target architectures, on simulators or on prototypes. We validate the approach on a single and on a dual LEON 3 platform synthesized on FPGA, demonstrating a low instrumentation overhead. We show how the information obtained with this technique can be easily exploited in a hardware/software design space exploration tool, by estimating, with good accuracy, the speed-up of a parallel application given the profiling on the single processor prototype

    Design of testbed and emulation tools

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    The research summarized was concerned with the design of testbed and emulation tools suitable to assist in projecting, with reasonable accuracy, the expected performance of highly concurrent computing systems on large, complete applications. Such testbed and emulation tools are intended for the eventual use of those exploring new concurrent system architectures and organizations, either as users or as designers of such systems. While a range of alternatives was considered, a software based set of hierarchical tools was chosen to provide maximum flexibility, to ease in moving to new computers as technology improves and to take advantage of the inherent reliability and availability of commercially available computing systems

    Problems in characterizing barrier performance

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    The barrier is a synchronization construct which is useful in separating a parallel program into parallel sections which are executed in sequence. The completion of a barrier requires cooperation among all executing processes. This requirement not only introduces the wait for the slowest process delay which is inherent in the definition of the synchronization, but also has implications for the efficient implementation and measurement of barrier performance in different systems. Types of barrier implementation and their relationship to different multiprocessor environments are described. Then the problem of measuring the performance of barrier implementations on specific machine architecture is discussed. The fact that the barrier synchronization requires the cooperation of all processes makes the problem of performance measurement similarly global. Making non-intrusive measurements of sufficient accuracy can be tricky on systems offering only rudimentary measurement tools

    An automatic programming tool for heterogeneous

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    Recent advances in network technology and the higher levels of circuit integration due to VLSI have led to widespread interest in the use of multiprocessor systems in solving many practical problems. As the hardware continues to diminish in size and cost, new possibilities are being created for systems that are heterogeneous by design. Parallel multiprocessor architectures are now feasible and provide a valid solution to the throughput rates demands of the increasing sophistication of control and/or instrumentation systems. Increasing the number of processors and the complexity of the problems to be solved makes programming multiprocessor systems more difficult and error-prone. This paper describes some parts already implemented (mainly the scheduler) of a software development tool for heterogeneous multiprocessor system that will perform automatically: code generation, execution time estimation, scheduling and handles the communication primitive insertion
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