8 research outputs found

    On isomorphisms of abelian Cayley objects of certain orders

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    AbstractLet m be a positive integer such that gcd(m,ϕ(m))=1 (ϕ is Euler's phi function) with m=p1⋯pr the prime power decomposition of m. Let n=p1a1⋯prar. We provide a sufficient condition to reduce the Cayley isomorphism problem for Cayley objects of an abelian group of order n to the prime power case. In the case of Cayley k-ary relational structures (which include digraphs) of abelian groups, this sufficient condition reduces the Cayley isomorphism problem of k-ary relational structures of abelian groups to the prime power case for Cayley k-ary relational structures of abelian groups. As corollaries, we solve the Cayley isomorphism problem for Cayley graphs of Zn (for the specific values of n as above) and prove several abelian groups (for specific choices of the ai) of order n are CI-groups with respect to digraphs

    On self-dual affine-invariant codes

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    AbstractAn extended cyclic code of length 2m over GF(2) cannot be self-dual for even m. For odd m, the Reed-Muller code [2m, 2m−1, 2(m+1)2] is affine-invariant and self-dual, and it is the only such code for m = 3 or 5. We describe the set of binary self-dual affine-invariant codes of length 2m for m = 7 and m = 9. For each odd m, m ⩾ 9, we exhibit a self-dual affine-invariant code of length 2m over GF(2) which is not the self-dual Reed-Muller code. In the first part of the paper, we present the class of self-dual affine-invariant codes of length 2m over GF(2r), and the tools we apply later to the binary codes

    Multipliers and generalized multipliers of cyclic objects and cyclic codes

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    AbstractIn (European J. Combin. Theory 8 (1987), 35–43) Pálfy answers the question: Under what conditions on n is it true that two equivalent objects in any class of cyclic combinatorial objects on n elements implies the objects are equivalent, using one of the ϕ(n) multipliers i → ai mod, n, with gcd(a, n) = 1. Pálfy proved that this is true precisely when n = 4 or gcd(n, ϕ(n)) = 1. For any odd prime p, we prove that two equivalent objects in any class of cyclic combinatorial objects on n = p2 elements are equivalent using a permutation from a list of no more then ϕ(n) = p(p − 1) permutations. We introduce permutations called generalized multipliers, and we show that two permutation equivalent cyclic codes of length p2 are equivalent by a generalized multiplier times a multiplier. We also develop properties of generalized multipliers and generalized affine maps when n = pm, show that they map cyclic codes to cyclic codes, and show that certain of these maps are in the automorphism group of a cyclic code