318 research outputs found

    Multiresolution vector quantization

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    Multiresolution source codes are data compression algorithms yielding embedded source descriptions. The decoder of a multiresolution code can build a source reproduction by decoding the embedded bit stream in part or in whole. All decoding procedures start at the beginning of the binary source description and decode some fraction of that string. Decoding a small portion of the binary string gives a low-resolution reproduction; decoding more yields a higher resolution reproduction; and so on. Multiresolution vector quantizers are block multiresolution source codes. This paper introduces algorithms for designing fixed- and variable-rate multiresolution vector quantizers. Experiments on synthetic data demonstrate performance close to the theoretical performance limit. Experiments on natural images demonstrate performance improvements of up to 8 dB over tree-structured vector quantizers. Some of the lessons learned through multiresolution vector quantizer design lend insight into the design of more sophisticated multiresolution codes

    Quantization as Histogram Segmentation: Optimal Scalar Quantizer Design in Network Systems

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    An algorithm for scalar quantizer design on discrete-alphabet sources is proposed. The proposed algorithm can be used to design fixed-rate and entropy-constrained conventional scalar quantizers, multiresolution scalar quantizers, multiple description scalar quantizers, and Wyner–Ziv scalar quantizers. The algorithm guarantees globally optimal solutions for conventional fixed-rate scalar quantizers and entropy-constrained scalar quantizers. For the other coding scenarios, the algorithm yields the best code among all codes that meet a given convexity constraint. In all cases, the algorithm run-time is polynomial in the size of the source alphabet. The algorithm derivation arises from a demonstration of the connection between scalar quantization, histogram segmentation, and the shortest path problem in a certain directed acyclic graph

    Optimal modeling for complex system design

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    The article begins with a brief introduction to the theory describing optimal data compression systems and their performance. A brief outline is then given of a representative algorithm that employs these lessons for optimal data compression system design. The implications of rate-distortion theory for practical data compression system design is then described, followed by a description of the tensions between theoretical optimality and system practicality and a discussion of common tools used in current algorithms to resolve these tensions. Next, the generalization of rate-distortion principles to the design of optimal collections of models is presented. The discussion focuses initially on data compression systems, but later widens to describe how rate-distortion theory principles generalize to model design for a wide variety of modeling applications. The article ends with a discussion of the performance benefits to be achieved using the multiple-model design algorithms

    Network vector quantization

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    We present an algorithm for designing locally optimal vector quantizers for general networks. We discuss the algorithm's implementation and compare the performance of the resulting "network vector quantizers" to traditional vector quantizers (VQs) and to rate-distortion (R-D) bounds where available. While some special cases of network codes (e.g., multiresolution (MR) and multiple description (MD) codes) have been studied in the literature, we here present a unifying approach that both includes these existing solutions as special cases and provides solutions to previously unsolved examples

    S-TREE: Self-Organizing Trees for Data Clustering and Online Vector Quantization

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    This paper introduces S-TREE (Self-Organizing Tree), a family of models that use unsupervised learning to construct hierarchical representations of data and online tree-structured vector quantizers. The S-TREE1 model, which features a new tree-building algorithm, can be implemented with various cost functions. An alternative implementation, S-TREE2, which uses a new double-path search procedure, is also developed. S-TREE2 implements an online procedure that approximates an optimal (unstructured) clustering solution while imposing a tree-structure constraint. The performance of the S-TREE algorithms is illustrated with data clustering and vector quantization examples, including a Gauss-Markov source benchmark and an image compression application. S-TREE performance on these tasks is compared with the standard tree-structured vector quantizer (TSVQ) and the generalized Lloyd algorithm (GLA). The image reconstruction quality with S-TREE2 approaches that of GLA while taking less than 10% of computer time. S-TREE1 and S-TREE2 also compare favorably with the standard TSVQ in both the time needed to create the codebook and the quality of image reconstruction.Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-10409, N00014-95-0G57

    Generalized multiple description vector quantization

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    Packet-based data communication systems suffer from packet loss under high network traffic conditions. As a result, the receiver is often left with an incomplete description of the requested data. Multiple description source coding addresses the problem of minimizing the expected distortion caused by packet loss. An equivalent problem is that of source coding for data transmission over multiple channels where each channel has some probability of breaking down. Recent work in practical multiple description coding explores the design of multiple description scalar and vector quantizers for the case of two channels or packets. This paper presents a new practical algorithm, based on a ternary tree structure, for the design of both fixed- and variable-rate multiple description vector quantizers for an arbitrary number of channels. Experimental results achieved by codes designed with this algorithm show that they perform well under a wide range of packet loss scenarios

    Robust Causal Transform Coding for LQG Systems with Delay Loss in Communications

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    A networked controlled system (NCS) in which the plant communicates to the controller over a channel with random delay loss is considered. The channel model is motivated by recent development of tree codes for NCS, which effectively translates an erasure channel to one with random delay. A causal transform coding scheme is presented which exploits the plant state memory for efficient communications (compression) and provides robustness to channel delay loss. In this setting, we analyze the performance of linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) closed-loop systems and the design of the optimal controller. The design of the transform code for LQG systems is posed as a channel optimized source coding problem of minimizing a weighted mean squared error over the channel. The solution is characterized in two steps of obtaining the optimized causal encoding and decoding transforms and rate allocation across a set of transform coding quantizers. Numerical and simulation results for Gauss-Markov sources and an LQG system demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed schemes.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, American Control Conference, Boston, USA, 201

    Weighted universal image compression

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    We describe a general coding strategy leading to a family of universal image compression systems designed to give good performance in applications where the statistics of the source to be compressed are not available at design time or vary over time or space. The basic approach considered uses a two-stage structure in which the single source code of traditional image compression systems is replaced with a family of codes designed to cover a large class of possible sources. To illustrate this approach, we consider the optimal design and use of two-stage codes containing collections of vector quantizers (weighted universal vector quantization), bit allocations for JPEG-style coding (weighted universal bit allocation), and transform codes (weighted universal transform coding). Further, we demonstrate the benefits to be gained from the inclusion of perceptual distortion measures and optimal parsing. The strategy yields two-stage codes that significantly outperform their single-stage predecessors. On a sequence of medical images, weighted universal vector quantization outperforms entropy coded vector quantization by over 9 dB. On the same data sequence, weighted universal bit allocation outperforms a JPEG-style code by over 2.5 dB. On a collection of mixed test and image data, weighted universal transform coding outperforms a single, data-optimized transform code (which gives performance almost identical to that of JPEG) by over 6 dB
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