17,079 research outputs found

    Spontaneous Subtle Expression Detection and Recognition based on Facial Strain

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    Optical strain is an extension of optical flow that is capable of quantifying subtle changes on faces and representing the minute facial motion intensities at the pixel level. This is computationally essential for the relatively new field of spontaneous micro-expression, where subtle expressions can be technically challenging to pinpoint. In this paper, we present a novel method for detecting and recognizing micro-expressions by utilizing facial optical strain magnitudes to construct optical strain features and optical strain weighted features. The two sets of features are then concatenated to form the resultant feature histogram. Experiments were performed on the CASME II and SMIC databases. We demonstrate on both databases, the usefulness of optical strain information and more importantly, that our best approaches are able to outperform the original baseline results for both detection and recognition tasks. A comparison of the proposed method with other existing spatio-temporal feature extraction approaches is also presented.Comment: 21 pages (including references), single column format, accepted to Signal Processing: Image Communication journa

    Are Accuracy and Robustness Correlated?

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    Machine learning models are vulnerable to adversarial examples formed by applying small carefully chosen perturbations to inputs that cause unexpected classification errors. In this paper, we perform experiments on various adversarial example generation approaches with multiple deep convolutional neural networks including Residual Networks, the best performing models on ImageNet Large-Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2015. We compare the adversarial example generation techniques with respect to the quality of the produced images, and measure the robustness of the tested machine learning models to adversarial examples. Finally, we conduct large-scale experiments on cross-model adversarial portability. We find that adversarial examples are mostly transferable across similar network topologies, and we demonstrate that better machine learning models are less vulnerable to adversarial examples.Comment: Accepted for publication at ICMLA 201

    DCTNet : A Simple Learning-free Approach for Face Recognition

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    PCANet was proposed as a lightweight deep learning network that mainly leverages Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to learn multistage filter banks followed by binarization and block-wise histograming. PCANet was shown worked surprisingly well in various image classification tasks. However, PCANet is data-dependence hence inflexible. In this paper, we proposed a data-independence network, dubbed DCTNet for face recognition in which we adopt Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) as filter banks in place of PCA. This is motivated by the fact that 2D DCT basis is indeed a good approximation for high ranked eigenvectors of PCA. Both 2D DCT and PCA resemble a kind of modulated sine-wave patterns, which can be perceived as a bandpass filter bank. DCTNet is free from learning as 2D DCT bases can be computed in advance. Besides that, we also proposed an effective method to regulate the block-wise histogram feature vector of DCTNet for robustness. It is shown to provide surprising performance boost when the probe image is considerably different in appearance from the gallery image. We evaluate the performance of DCTNet extensively on a number of benchmark face databases and being able to achieve on par with or often better accuracy performance than PCANet.Comment: APSIPA ASC 201
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