41,048 research outputs found

    Robust Visual Tracking via Convolutional Networks

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    Deep networks have been successfully applied to visual tracking by learning a generic representation offline from numerous training images. However the offline training is time-consuming and the learned generic representation may be less discriminative for tracking specific objects. In this paper we present that, even without offline training with a large amount of auxiliary data, simple two-layer convolutional networks can be powerful enough to develop a robust representation for visual tracking. In the first frame, we employ the k-means algorithm to extract a set of normalized patches from the target region as fixed filters, which integrate a series of adaptive contextual filters surrounding the target to define a set of feature maps in the subsequent frames. These maps measure similarities between each filter and the useful local intensity patterns across the target, thereby encoding its local structural information. Furthermore, all the maps form together a global representation, which is built on mid-level features, thereby remaining close to image-level information, and hence the inner geometric layout of the target is also well preserved. A simple soft shrinkage method with an adaptive threshold is employed to de-noise the global representation, resulting in a robust sparse representation. The representation is updated via a simple and effective online strategy, allowing it to robustly adapt to target appearance variations. Our convolution networks have surprisingly lightweight structure, yet perform favorably against several state-of-the-art methods on the CVPR2013 tracking benchmark dataset with 50 challenging videos

    Enforcing Template Representability and Temporal Consistency for Adaptive Sparse Tracking

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    Sparse representation has been widely studied in visual tracking, which has shown promising tracking performance. Despite a lot of progress, the visual tracking problem is still a challenging task due to appearance variations over time. In this paper, we propose a novel sparse tracking algorithm that well addresses temporal appearance changes, by enforcing template representability and temporal consistency (TRAC). By modeling temporal consistency, our algorithm addresses the issue of drifting away from a tracking target. By exploring the templates' long-term-short-term representability, the proposed method adaptively updates the dictionary using the most descriptive templates, which significantly improves the robustness to target appearance changes. We compare our TRAC algorithm against the state-of-the-art approaches on 12 challenging benchmark image sequences. Both qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate that our algorithm significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art trackers.Comment: 8 pages. It has been accepted for publication in 25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-16

    Robust Visual Tracking Using Dynamic Classifier Selection with Sparse Representation of Label Noise

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    Recently a category of tracking methods based on "tracking-by-detection" is widely used in visual tracking problem. Most of these methods update the classifier online using the samples generated by the tracker to handle the appearance changes. However, the self-updating scheme makes these methods suffer from drifting problem because of the incorrect labels of weak classifiers in training samples. In this paper, we split the class labels into true labels and noise labels and model them by sparse representation. A novel dynamic classifier selection method, robust to noisy training data, is proposed. Moreover, we apply the proposed classifier selection algorithm to visual tracking by integrating a part based online boosting framework. We have evaluated our proposed method on 12 challenging sequences involving severe occlusions, significant illumination changes and large pose variations. Both the qualitative and quantitative evaluations demonstrate that our approach tracks objects accurately and robustly and outperforms state-of-the-art trackers.Comment: accepted at ACCV2012, Ora

    Robust Structured Group Local Sparse Tracker Using Deep Features

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    Sparse representation has recently been successfully applied in visual tracking. It utilizes a set of templates to represent target candidates and find the best one with the minimum reconstruction error as the tracking result. In this paper, we propose a robust deep features-based structured group local sparse tracker (DF-SGLST), which exploits the deep features of local patches inside target candidates and represents them by a set of templates in the particle filter framework. Unlike the conventional local sparse trackers, the proposed optimization model in DF-SGLST employs a group-sparsity regularization term to seamlessly adopt local and spatial information of the target candidates and attain the spatial layout structure among them. To solve the optimization model, we propose an efficient and fast numerical algorithm that consists of two subproblems with the closed-form solutions. Different evaluations in terms of success and precision on the benchmarks of challenging image sequences (e.g., OTB50 and OTB100) demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed tracker against several state-of-the-art trackers.Comment: This submission is similar version of Structured Group Local Sparse Tracker arXiv:1902.0618

    Hierarchical Spatial-aware Siamese Network for Thermal Infrared Object Tracking

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    Most thermal infrared (TIR) tracking methods are discriminative, treating the tracking problem as a classification task. However, the objective of the classifier (label prediction) is not coupled to the objective of the tracker (location estimation). The classification task focuses on the between-class difference of the arbitrary objects, while the tracking task mainly deals with the within-class difference of the same objects. In this paper, we cast the TIR tracking problem as a similarity verification task, which is coupled well to the objective of the tracking task. We propose a TIR tracker via a Hierarchical Spatial-aware Siamese Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), named HSSNet. To obtain both spatial and semantic features of the TIR object, we design a Siamese CNN that coalesces the multiple hierarchical convolutional layers. Then, we propose a spatial-aware network to enhance the discriminative ability of the coalesced hierarchical feature. Subsequently, we train this network end to end on a large visible video detection dataset to learn the similarity between paired objects before we transfer the network into the TIR domain. Next, this pre-trained Siamese network is used to evaluate the similarity between the target template and target candidates. Finally, we locate the candidate that is most similar to the tracked target. Extensive experimental results on the benchmarks VOT-TIR 2015 and VOT-TIR 2016 show that our proposed method achieves favourable performance compared to the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    CARRADA Dataset: Camera and Automotive Radar with Range-Angle-Doppler Annotations

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    High quality perception is essential for autonomous driving (AD) systems. To reach the accuracy and robustness that are required by such systems, several types of sensors must be combined. Currently, mostly cameras and laser scanners (lidar) are deployed to build a representation of the world around the vehicle. While radar sensors have been used for a long time in the automotive industry, they are still under-used for AD despite their appealing characteristics (notably, their ability to measure the relative speed of obstacles and to operate even in adverse weather conditions). To a large extent, this situation is due to the relative lack of automotive datasets with real radar signals that are both raw and annotated. In this work, we introduce CARRADA, a dataset of synchronized camera and radar recordings with range-angle-Doppler annotations. We also present a semi-automatic annotation approach, which was used to annotate the dataset, and a radar semantic segmentation baseline, which we evaluate on several metrics. Both our code and dataset are available online.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figues. Accepted at ICPR 2020. Erratum: results in Table III have been updated since the ICPR proceedings, models are selected using the PP metric instead of the previously used PR metri

    A Collaborative Computer Aided Diagnosis (C-CAD) System with Eye-Tracking, Sparse Attentional Model, and Deep Learning

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    There are at least two categories of errors in radiology screening that can lead to suboptimal diagnostic decisions and interventions:(i)human fallibility and (ii)complexity of visual search. Computer aided diagnostic (CAD) tools are developed to help radiologists to compensate for some of these errors. However, despite their significant improvements over conventional screening strategies, most CAD systems do not go beyond their use as second opinion tools due to producing a high number of false positives, which human interpreters need to correct. In parallel with efforts in computerized analysis of radiology scans, several researchers have examined behaviors of radiologists while screening medical images to better understand how and why they miss tumors, how they interact with the information in an image, and how they search for unknown pathology in the images. Eye-tracking tools have been instrumental in exploring answers to these fundamental questions. In this paper, we aim to develop a paradigm shift CAD system, called collaborative CAD (C-CAD), that unifies both of the above mentioned research lines: CAD and eye-tracking. We design an eye-tracking interface providing radiologists with a real radiology reading room experience. Then, we propose a novel algorithm that unifies eye-tracking data and a CAD system. Specifically, we present a new graph based clustering and sparsification algorithm to transform eye-tracking data (gaze) into a signal model to interpret gaze patterns quantitatively and qualitatively. The proposed C-CAD collaborates with radiologists via eye-tracking technology and helps them to improve diagnostic decisions. The C-CAD learns radiologists' search efficiency by processing their gaze patterns. To do this, the C-CAD uses a deep learning algorithm in a newly designed multi-task learning platform to segment and diagnose cancers simultaneously.Comment: Submitted to Medical Image Analysis Journal (MedIA

    cvpaper.challenge in 2015 - A review of CVPR2015 and DeepSurvey

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    The "cvpaper.challenge" is a group composed of members from AIST, Tokyo Denki Univ. (TDU), and Univ. of Tsukuba that aims to systematically summarize papers on computer vision, pattern recognition, and related fields. For this particular review, we focused on reading the ALL 602 conference papers presented at the CVPR2015, the premier annual computer vision event held in June 2015, in order to grasp the trends in the field. Further, we are proposing "DeepSurvey" as a mechanism embodying the entire process from the reading through all the papers, the generation of ideas, and to the writing of paper.Comment: Survey Pape

    Unsupervised Object-Level Video Summarization with Online Motion Auto-Encoder

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    Unsupervised video summarization plays an important role on digesting, browsing, and searching the ever-growing videos every day, and the underlying fine-grained semantic and motion information (i.e., objects of interest and their key motions) in online videos has been barely touched. In this paper, we investigate a pioneer research direction towards the fine-grained unsupervised object-level video summarization. It can be distinguished from existing pipelines in two aspects: extracting key motions of participated objects, and learning to summarize in an unsupervised and online manner. To achieve this goal, we propose a novel online motion Auto-Encoder (online motion-AE) framework that functions on the super-segmented object motion clips. Comprehensive experiments on a newly-collected surveillance dataset and public datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed method

    Unsupervised Person Re-identification by Deep Learning Tracklet Association

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    Mostexistingpersonre-identification(re-id)methods relyon supervised model learning on per-camera-pair manually labelled pairwise training data. This leads to poor scalability in practical re-id deployment due to the lack of exhaustive identity labelling of image positive and negative pairs for every camera pair. In this work, we address this problem by proposing an unsupervised re-id deep learning approach capable of incrementally discovering and exploiting the underlying re-id discriminative information from automatically generated person tracklet data from videos in an end-to-end model optimisation. We formulate a Tracklet Association Unsupervised Deep Learning (TAUDL) framework characterised by jointly learning per-camera (within-camera) tracklet association (labelling) and cross-camera tracklet correlation by maximising the discovery of most likely tracklet relationships across camera views. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed TAUDL model over the state-of-the-art unsupervised and domain adaptation re- id methods using six person re-id benchmarking datasets.Comment: ECCV 2018 Ora
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