26,005 research outputs found

    Deep Multi-View Learning using Neuron-Wise Correlation-Maximizing Regularizers

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    Many machine learning problems concern with discovering or associating common patterns in data of multiple views or modalities. Multi-view learning is of the methods to achieve such goals. Recent methods propose deep multi-view networks via adaptation of generic Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), which concatenate features of individual views at intermediate network layers (i.e., fusion layers). In this work, we study the problem of multi-view learning in such end-to-end networks. We take a regularization approach via multi-view learning criteria, and propose a novel, effective, and efficient neuron-wise correlation-maximizing regularizer. We implement our proposed regularizers collectively as a correlation-regularized network layer (CorrReg). CorrReg can be applied to either fully-connected or convolutional fusion layers, simply by replacing them with their CorrReg counterparts. By partitioning neurons of a hidden layer in generic DNNs into multiple subsets, we also consider a multi-view feature learning perspective of generic DNNs. Such a perspective enables us to study deep multi-view learning in the context of regularized network training, for which we present control experiments of benchmark image classification to show the efficacy of our proposed CorrReg. To investigate how CorrReg is useful for practical multi-view learning problems, we conduct experiments of RGB-D object/scene recognition and multi-view based 3D object recognition, using networks with fusion layers that concatenate intermediate features of individual modalities or views for subsequent classification. Applying CorrReg to fusion layers of these networks consistently improves classification performance. In particular, we achieve the new state of the art on the benchmark RGB-D object and RGB-D scene datasets. We make the implementation of CorrReg publicly available

    Equivariant Multi-View Networks

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    Several popular approaches to 3D vision tasks process multiple views of the input independently with deep neural networks pre-trained on natural images, achieving view permutation invariance through a single round of pooling over all views. We argue that this operation discards important information and leads to subpar global descriptors. In this paper, we propose a group convolutional approach to multiple view aggregation where convolutions are performed over a discrete subgroup of the rotation group, enabling, thus, joint reasoning over all views in an equivariant (instead of invariant) fashion, up to the very last layer. We further develop this idea to operate on smaller discrete homogeneous spaces of the rotation group, where a polar view representation is used to maintain equivariance with only a fraction of the number of input views. We set the new state of the art in several large scale 3D shape retrieval tasks, and show additional applications to panoramic scene classification.Comment: Camera-ready. Accepted to ICCV'19 as oral presentatio

    Deep Multimodal Feature Analysis for Action Recognition in RGB+D Videos

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    Single modality action recognition on RGB or depth sequences has been extensively explored recently. It is generally accepted that each of these two modalities has different strengths and limitations for the task of action recognition. Therefore, analysis of the RGB+D videos can help us to better study the complementary properties of these two types of modalities and achieve higher levels of performance. In this paper, we propose a new deep autoencoder based shared-specific feature factorization network to separate input multimodal signals into a hierarchy of components. Further, based on the structure of the features, a structured sparsity learning machine is proposed which utilizes mixed norms to apply regularization within components and group selection between them for better classification performance. Our experimental results show the effectiveness of our cross-modality feature analysis framework by achieving state-of-the-art accuracy for action classification on five challenging benchmark datasets

    A Method Based on Convex Cone Model for Image-Set Classification with CNN Features

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    In this paper, we propose a method for image-set classification based on convex cone models, focusing on the effectiveness of convolutional neural network (CNN) features as inputs. CNN features have non-negative values when using the rectified linear unit as an activation function. This naturally leads us to model a set of CNN features by a convex cone and measure the geometric similarity of convex cones for classification. To establish this framework, we sequentially define multiple angles between two convex cones by repeating the alternating least squares method and then define the geometric similarity between the cones using the obtained angles. Moreover, to enhance our method, we introduce a discriminant space, maximizing the between-class variance (gaps) and minimizes the within-class variance of the projected convex cones onto the discriminant space, similar to a Fisher discriminant analysis. Finally, classification is based on the similarity between projected convex cones. The effectiveness of the proposed method was demonstrated experimentally using a private, multi-view hand shape dataset and two public databases.Comment: Accepted at the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN, 201

    A Comprehensive Survey on Cross-modal Retrieval

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    In recent years, cross-modal retrieval has drawn much attention due to the rapid growth of multimodal data. It takes one type of data as the query to retrieve relevant data of another type. For example, a user can use a text to retrieve relevant pictures or videos. Since the query and its retrieved results can be of different modalities, how to measure the content similarity between different modalities of data remains a challenge. Various methods have been proposed to deal with such a problem. In this paper, we first review a number of representative methods for cross-modal retrieval and classify them into two main groups: 1) real-valued representation learning, and 2) binary representation learning. Real-valued representation learning methods aim to learn real-valued common representations for different modalities of data. To speed up the cross-modal retrieval, a number of binary representation learning methods are proposed to map different modalities of data into a common Hamming space. Then, we introduce several multimodal datasets in the community, and show the experimental results on two commonly used multimodal datasets. The comparison reveals the characteristic of different kinds of cross-modal retrieval methods, which is expected to benefit both practical applications and future research. Finally, we discuss open problems and future research directions.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, 9 table

    An Overview of Cross-media Retrieval: Concepts, Methodologies, Benchmarks and Challenges

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    Multimedia retrieval plays an indispensable role in big data utilization. Past efforts mainly focused on single-media retrieval. However, the requirements of users are highly flexible, such as retrieving the relevant audio clips with one query of image. So challenges stemming from the "media gap", which means that representations of different media types are inconsistent, have attracted increasing attention. Cross-media retrieval is designed for the scenarios where the queries and retrieval results are of different media types. As a relatively new research topic, its concepts, methodologies and benchmarks are still not clear in the literatures. To address these issues, we review more than 100 references, give an overview including the concepts, methodologies, major challenges and open issues, as well as build up the benchmarks including datasets and experimental results. Researchers can directly adopt the benchmarks to promptly evaluate their proposed methods. This will help them to focus on algorithm design, rather than the time-consuming compared methods and results. It is noted that we have constructed a new dataset XMedia, which is the first publicly available dataset with up to five media types (text, image, video, audio and 3D model). We believe this overview will attract more researchers to focus on cross-media retrieval and be helpful to them.Comment: 14 pages, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technolog

    Jointly Deep Multi-View Learning for Clustering Analysis

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    In this paper, we propose a novel Joint framework for Deep Multi-view Clustering (DMJC), where multiple deep embedded features, multi-view fusion mechanism and clustering assignments can be learned simultaneously. Our key idea is that the joint learning strategy can sufficiently exploit clustering-friendly multi-view features and useful multi-view complementary information to improve the clustering performance. How to realize the multi-view fusion in such a joint framework is the primary challenge. To do so, we design two ingenious variants of deep multi-view joint clustering models under the proposed framework, where multi-view fusion is implemented by two different schemes. The first model, called DMJC-S, performs multi-view fusion in an implicit way via a novel multi-view soft assignment distribution. The second model, termed DMJC-T, defines a novel multi-view auxiliary target distribution to conduct the multi-view fusion explicitly. Both DMJC-S and DMJC-T are optimized under a KL divergence like clustering objective. Experiments on six challenging image datasets demonstrate the superiority of both DMJC-S and DMJC-T over single/multi-view baselines and the state-of-the-art multiview clustering methods, which proves the effectiveness of the proposed DMJC framework. To our best knowledge, this is the first work to model the multi-view clustering in a deep joint framework, which will provide a meaningful thinking in unsupervised multi-view learning.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    An Efficient Approach for Geo-Multimedia Cross-Modal Retrieval

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    Due to the rapid development of mobile Internet techniques, cloud computation and popularity of online social networking and location-based services, massive amount of multimedia data with geographical information is generated and uploaded to the Internet. In this paper, we propose a novel type of cross-modal multimedia retrieval called geo-multimedia cross-modal retrieval which aims to search out a set of geo-multimedia objects based on geographical distance proximity and semantic similarity between different modalities. Previous studies for cross-modal retrieval and spatial keyword search cannot address this problem effectively because they do not consider multimedia data with geo-tags and do not focus on this type of query. In order to address this problem efficiently, we present the definition of kkNN geo-multimedia cross-modal query at the first time and introduce relevant conceptions such as cross-modal semantic representation space. To bridge the semantic gap between different modalities, we propose a method named cross-modal semantic matching which contains two important component, i.e., CorrProj and LogsTran, which aims to construct a common semantic representation space for cross-modal semantic similarity measurement. Besides, we designed a framework based on deep learning techniques to implement common semantic representation space construction. In addition, a novel hybrid indexing structure named GMR-Tree combining geo-multimedia data and R-Tree is presented and a efficient kkNN search algorithm called kkGMCMS is designed. Comprehensive experimental evaluation on real and synthetic dataset clearly demonstrates that our solution outperforms the-state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 27 page

    Deep Canonically Correlated LSTMs

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    We examine Deep Canonically Correlated LSTMs as a way to learn nonlinear transformations of variable length sequences and embed them into a correlated, fixed dimensional space. We use LSTMs to transform multi-view time-series data non-linearly while learning temporal relationships within the data. We then perform correlation analysis on the outputs of these neural networks to find a correlated subspace through which we get our final representation via projection. This work follows from previous work done on Deep Canonical Correlation (DCCA), in which deep feed-forward neural networks were used to learn nonlinear transformations of data while maximizing correlation.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted as the undergraduate honors thesis for Neil Mallinar by The Johns Hopkins Universit

    Tracking in Aerial Hyperspectral Videos using Deep Kernelized Correlation Filters

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    Hyperspectral imaging holds enormous potential to improve the state-of-the-art in aerial vehicle tracking with low spatial and temporal resolutions. Recently, adaptive multi-modal hyperspectral sensors have attracted growing interest due to their ability to record extended data quickly from aerial platforms. In this study, we apply popular concepts from traditional object tracking, namely (1) Kernelized Correlation Filters (KCF) and (2) Deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) features to aerial tracking in hyperspectral domain. We propose the Deep Hyperspectral Kernelized Correlation Filter based tracker (DeepHKCF) to efficiently track aerial vehicles using an adaptive multi-modal hyperspectral sensor. We address low temporal resolution by designing a single KCF-in-multiple Regions-of-Interest (ROIs) approach to cover a reasonably large area. To increase the speed of deep convolutional features extraction from multiple ROIs, we design an effective ROI mapping strategy. The proposed tracker also provides flexibility to couple with the more advanced correlation filter trackers. The DeepHKCF tracker performs exceptionally well with deep features set up in a synthetic hyperspectral video generated by the Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Image Generation (DIRSIG) software. Additionally, we generate a large, synthetic, single-channel dataset using DIRSIG to perform vehicle classification in the Wide Area Motion Imagery (WAMI) platform. This way, the high-fidelity of the DIRSIG software is proved and a large scale aerial vehicle classification dataset is released to support studies on vehicle detection and tracking in the WAMI platform
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